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´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ ericwong4362 ©ó 2007-9-29 16:30 µoªí

brother netken, that say you become rich in recent year, is that right ? any good and near way to be a richman like yours ? Can you tell me ? I want too....
There was no good way for me.

In the past, I used to borrow money to play, and didn't go to work at all.

Now I work 11-14hrs a day and play only when time is available.

It is not about how rich you get, it is about how much $ you can save if you spend most of your time working hard. And then when time is available, you can afford paying a few hundred extra for comfort & enjoyment.

In the past, I have encountered so many brothers saying they only go to airport that cost under $188. Provided that you too are going to Fu Yung, so Brother ericwong4362, you are also considered to be quite rich already in their eyes !


­ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2007-9-30 00:52 µoªí

    ªü¼ÐÃÒ¹ê glucerna ¥S¹w´ú¥¿½T¡A¤µ¤é¥æ³q«K±¶¡A¹LÃö³qºZ¡A¬Y¤j³õ¤º¡A¦³©Ð¦³¦ì¦³®v¤÷µ¥«È¤H¡Aªü¼Ð§¹¥þ­ø¨Ï®ö¶O®É¶¡¥hµ¥¡I

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**  ¤é ¤é §¤ ¦¬ ¤­ ¤æ     Ãi »P °ö á\ Äv §é ¸y  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


­ì©«¥Ñ netken2003 ©ó 2007-10-1 00:31 µoªí

There was no good way for me.

In the past, I used to borrow money to play, and didn't go to work at all.

Now I work 11-14hrs a day and play only when time is available.

It is not abo ...
acturly, spence 2000 bud for fucking a girl, I will...( may be one time for a month), however, just for massage ? too expensive for me...!
I will spence for that if i can earn more than 30 k per month.....but too far..


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ ericwong4362 ©ó 2007-9-30 18:23 µoªí

acturly, spence 2000 bud for fucking a girl, I will...( may be one time for a month), however, just for massage ? too expensive for me...!
I will spence for that if i can earn more than 30 k per ...
Well, that really comes down to everyone's different views on the value of different activities.

For myself, I wouldn't mind checking out at least once, the massage package of six hundred something, (with tips, under 800), only if there are left over $ at the end of the month.

In HK, that kind of money is only good for sitting 2 hrs in HK NC, doing absolutely nothing (HK Gals has no service of any kind usually).  Spending that $ in a spa instead, to me, is already an upgrade of the value.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ netken2003 ©ó 2007-9-30 20:48 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA


­ì©«¥Ñ giovanni ©ó 2007-9-30 19:59 µoªí



ÁÙ¦³¡A³o¤p¶O¨s³º©Ò¿×¦ó¨Æ¡H·d¨ì¨º»ò¦Ñ©^¡I¤p¶O±q ...



­ì©«¥Ñ ericwong4362 ©ó 2007-9-30 18:23 µoªí

acturly, spence 2000 bud for fucking a girl, I will...( may be one time for a month), however, just for massage ? too expensive for me...!
I will spence for that if i can earn more than 30 k per ...


¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: AV¤kÀu


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ netken2003 ©ó 2007-10-1 04:45 µoªí

Well, that really comes down to everyone's different views on the value of different activities.

For myself, I wouldn't mind checking out at least once, the massage package of six hundred s ...
Brother, so, I perfer Macau more than HK when i want to go sn or nc ! However, I need to work in SZ, at lease 4 days stay at SZ. You know that it is a much boring live in SZ, So, spence money and play ....that's why I can't aford there ! any cheaper way to promote yo me ?


­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2007-10-1 13:46 µoªí


¨ä¹ê¡Aª±¤k¤S¦n¡A­¹¤S¦n¡A¦í¤S¦n¡A¦³¯à¤Oªº¸Ü¡A«}¹ï¦Û¤v¦ndÅo¡A¦ý­ø¥Nªí­¹12°A¤@²°¿Nþ¶º´N¤@©w­ø¶}¤ß¡A°µ¤H¯à°÷¦Û¨¬³Ìºò­n¡A¦pªG­ø«Y¤j§â¤H ...
acturly, my salary can be sufficient for my normal living, however, brother's post let me a little bit hard feeling (unreasonable price for my butget !)




­ì©«¥Ñ lion9 ©ó 2007-10-1 18:09 µoªí
brother , are you cheating for post point ?




good report !!!!!!!!!


thanks for sharing






©O¶¡³õªº½T­ø¿ù~~~~­»´ä¤H­ø·|áǪG¤Ö¤Ö­nd cheap³¥


­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2007-9-27 22:44 µoªí

Dear Bro Doer,

How do you compare the BG for Spa verus for those Royal massage package?


¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA


­ì©«¥Ñ fatboyboy ©ó 2007-10-9 00:59 µoªí

Dear Bro Doer,

How do you compare the BG for Spa verus for those Royal massage package?

Sorry I have never tried the massage package, the first time I tried this spa I selected the spa package as it is famous of this.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA


­ì©«¥Ñ q00oman ©ó 2007-10-8 16:20 µoªí
©O¶¡³õªº½T­ø¿ù~~~~­»´ä¤H­ø·|áǪG¤Ö¤Ö­nd cheap³¥



¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¤ôÀø


Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i want to go


­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2007-10-9 11:11 µoªí



   Doer ¥S¦r¦r¯]¿Y   ¡A¦¹¤¤¦³¯u·N¡A±Ð¤p§Ì¤ß»â¯«·|¡AÁÂÁ¡I    

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¤ôÀø

**  ¤é ¤é §¤ ¦¬ ¤­ ¤æ     Ãi »P °ö á\ Äv §é ¸y  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2007-10-9 11:11 µoªí


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¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¤ôÀø




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