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ONLY 15: A report from Hainan

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-5 12:45 PM 發表

Talking about movie, i dunt think it is a "lolita" because the gal seems not as yet crazy about Mark, not a love affairs actually; for the same reason. it is not 風月俏佳人 too. The h ...
How do you like the name "GONE WITH THE WIND - MONEY & TIME"   


This is the best report I have even seen. OK, I should not say this is a report. But I don't know how to descript it. Anyway, I believe it is "one will to beat and the other is willing to be beaten". Both got what they want. There is no free lunch. But with such experience, which is a commercial trade can't offer, it worths to spend some $$$. How much? I believe it is different from any one of us.

Enjoy Life Man


原帖由 sammmhkk 於 2007-1-5 07:25 AM 發表
This is the best report I have even seen. OK, I should not say this is a report. But I don't know how to descript it. Anyway, I believe it is "one will to beat and the other is willing to be b ...
On second thought, I dare to say that we should protect all our juveniles, be they in Hong Kong or on the mainland, at all cost.

Forgive me if I might have offended those people who like juvenile sex, but juveniles are our future and I think we should never and ever indulge in this kind of conduct of exploiting sweet and innocent but economically challenged poor girl of 15 years of age as a sex toy, notwithstanding that she has been defiled by her parents, aunts, uncles, or otherwise.

Let's give our juveniles a chance - without the market then there shall be no exploited juvenile sex workers.  Be noble on this issue, Brethen - try to find some others who are mature enough to make their own informed judgment, willing and attractive - after all there should be plenty of them!


原帖由 koolaar 於 2007-1-5 04:24 PM 發表

On second thought, I dare to say that we should protect all our juveniles, be they in Hong Kong or on the mainland, at all cost.

Forgive me if I might have offended those people who like juv ...
First, self declare, I'm not a juveniles lover. On contrary I more prefer mature.
I agreed with C Hing that "juveniles should be protected" but only in certain circumstances. China is 9,600,000 square kilometers, there is not possible to implement such so call "shold be" in a underdeveloping country, atlease in the near future. Staying alive is the minimum standard for most of the poor mountain/village area.
I have traveling quite a lot in mainland China including most of the poorest part. Even in the richest province like "Guandong", there are still a lot of farmers, who living in northern part can't satisfiy their basic requirement-food and accomodation.
Back to the girl from Hubei, I believe she is lucky enough, who met a good guy like brother Mark. Atlease she will be good treaten, stay in comfortable accomodation and have good food and good care in the commng two months. And, of course, got paid afterward. If she try hard maybe somedays will be a great belly dancer hopefully. There is too much other tregedy such as my ex-lunch box got raped by 14 or 15 years old in 新疆 by a neighbour and followed other guy runaway from home then got married but other bad luck.......


mark1234, you are disgusting.  you're the lowest life form on earth.  Knowing she's under-aged and you still pursue to fuck her and 包 her for 2 months.  I hope you get arrested and put in jail.  You don't have an ounce of human decency.  I fucked many young girls but nobody under-aged.  Isn't 18 young enough for you?  Oh, wait, that will be too mature for you to exploit.  Exploit while she's young and easily manipulated.  We're all fuckers.  But have some decency and leave these underaged chicks alone.  A lot of brothers probably think I'm an idiot and I might be banned from this board.  But all this cheering on is encouraging you.  It's wrong, man.  Very wrong.  There are plenty of fish out there.  I hope you change course.  Don't do it any longer.

[ 本帖最後由 bm1234 於 2007-1-6 04:03 AM 編輯 ]


原帖由 inksing 於 2007-1-5 05:59 PM 發表

First, self declare, I'm not a juveniles lover. On contrary I more prefer mature.
I agreed with C Hing that "juveniles should be protected" but only in certain circumstances. China is  ...
救國版本來不宜也不打算談論這些問題, 但既然有人講, 也不妨說說.

我想始終有一個底線既, 當全人類都以為十五歲的女孩心智與肉體發育未完善, 不該受到性摧殘時, 你以貧窮為理由, 覺得可理解.

反正貧窮家庭的孩子早當家,  十五歲可以, 那十二歲又如何, 不如降到十歲, 八歲啦,

唉, 人呀人!

我唔係版主, 無權亂講野, 講錯分分鐘俾人ban


I prefer mature and skillful lady. But it is only my choice. A lot of my friends' top priority is young
Can control that. It is free world in terms of preference


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I don't agree though.
it's legal as long as you don't fuck gals under 14.
besides, Bro Mark is not cheating the gal. he is giving her a better time and let her making more money under a more comfortable circumstance. don't forget, that gal and her family all know about this.
what's wrong about that?

Mark, way to go!


仍然係個句, 汝安則因為之.

我唔係版主, 無權亂講野, 講錯分分鐘俾人ban


It is illegal!!

[quote]原帖由 bbhut 於 2007-1-6 08:26 PM 發表
I don't agree though.
it's legal as long as you don't fuck gals under 14.


It is childish to believe that it is legal to have sex with a girl under 14!!!

No country would allow that.

If you read the original text in the web site of the Chinese Legal Authority with care, you will find out that it only pointed out that having sex with a girl at or under 14 should not be guilty of raping the girl as long as the male is not aware that the girl's young age.

Not guilty of rape does not mean that the person is not guilty of assulting an underaged female!

In the most serious case, raping can result in life sentence in the jail! Assualting an underaged girl is less serious but can send a person to jail for several years!



原帖由 observer11 於 2007-1-6 10:01 PM 發表
原帖由 bbhut 於 2007-1-6 08:26 PM 發表
I don't agree though.
it's legal as long as you don't fuck gals under 14.


It is childish to believe that it is legal to have sex with a girl ...
The sentence should be:

It is childish to believe that it is legal to have sex with a girl under 16.


原帖由 bbhut 於 2007-1-6 08:26 PM 發表
I don't agree though.
it's legal as long as you don't fuck gals under 14.
besides, Bro Mark is not cheating the gal. he is giving her a better time and let her making more money under a more comf ...
Let's put it this way, even if Bro Mark don't do it, some one will do it too! Don't you all agree? And she might be fallen under worst life or treatments from other 'customers' (until she is 16 and 'legal' to sell sex? as some bro said? )

Life is short, enjoy as you can, as long as you are not cheating or force the girls.

I support Bro Mark.


回復 #78 koolaar 的帖子

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Laws cannot prevent you having your own view, regardless of whether it is right or not.

Laws are not there for solving problems. They are there to prevent crimes and control the consequence. If your solution for solving a problem involves breaking a law, you can certainly go ahead if you do not mind the consquence.

Laws are there to break. One can rob and murder to solve his poverty problem or the poverty problem of his friend. Who can prevent him? Nobody can.

Moral is not a mere slogan. Moral guides a human being what he should or should not do in a civilized world, distinguishing him from an animal. Morally correct cannot make us rich or sexually happy. It helps us to sleep well, though.

May I ask if you have children?


mark1234, I knew you're gonna bring up calling on hookers is illegal too and everybody on this board is breaking the law and we don't have the right to criticize you.  But most of us know the punishment is vastly different for buying sex from a non-underaged hooker and an underaged girl?  So do you want to be fined a few thousand dollars or be put away for 10+ years?  There're different degrees of seriousness for crimes which you conveniently and consciously ignore.  Besides, they can nail you many years later for having had sex with a minor.  You think you get away now and you are free and clear?  It will haunt you till you die, sick old man.  You and many members push your bottom line too far.  This girl might not do it now but when she gets older and knows the law better, she can report you (or blackmail you) for having had sex with her when she's still a juvenille.  Wash your ass and be ready for prison.  Why take the risk?  I hope you don't sleep well and you worry sick when you are fucking her.  It's for your own good too, not that I care about you.  So her schoolmate or boy friend fucks her and it's ok to fuck her too?  You can't be more stupid.  Tell that to the judge.  Recently a 17 year old boy got put away for having sex with her 15 year old girl friend.  You think it's not serious to fuck a minor?  You think their boyfriends won't get in trouble.  Think again.  I can't tell you enough, this shit is serious.  You're not helping her.  Who do you think you are?  God's gift to this girl?  Help her make money my ass.  How about just give her money if you want to help.  Don't make up reasons to say it's OK.

If you still pursue this, it's your own business.  I hope you get caught or the girl reports you.  But do us a favor.  Don't post your hideous act on this board anymore.  This board is not for child molester.  If this board got shut down, it's because of you and people supporting you.

[ 本帖最後由 bm1234 於 2007-1-7 04:27 AM 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Make up



With a brunch of high moral and legality of screwing a minor comments swamping this link, I think they all should go take a hike. We come to this forum to chat and collect info about the pooning business in China and don't tell me whoever writing all those negative comment about Mark's moral standard are so saint and don't fool around. Mark is not pushing the idea of molestling a minor. He just telling his adventure and sharing his feeling of his girl. that's all. Save those morality comments to yourself. we are NOT here to judge other's moral standard. Mark realized what he had done and accepted the consquence of his action. We should respect that and please don't pass along what you think of Mark personally.
I fully understand what Mark went through, as I have an similar exprience of sinking with a 18 yr old babe. i can recall cuddling with her in bed and smell her hair and body. Kissing her tender lips and touching her baby smooth skin from top to bottom. I don't need someone tell me what wrong I have done to this lady. She sells her body for money willingly and I did not force her to do something that she would n't do to others. If she did not go to bed with me and  she would do it with other customers for sure. I would say 99 to 100% person paricipating in the forum went to CP, Ca etc to poon. We are not going there to save the girls. So save the speech of high moral to the church and spare us for the bullish.


doubleOO, morality means shit you and mark1234.  Forget morality.  Let me give it straight to you dumbass one more time.  It's ILLEAGAL to have sex with a minor and they whip your ass bad if you're caught.  You're so dumb comparing your experience with an 18 yr old to mark1234's experience with a 15 yr old, I can't expect you to understand even this simple legal issue here.  Forget legality and morality.  There are endless people like you and mark1234 thinking fucking a minor is OK anyway.  How about this?  Plane and simple.  DON'T FUCK THIS BOARD UP.  Bragging, sharing, presenting (or whatever you want to call it) sexual experience with a minor will only lead to the authorities clamp down on the board.  Or maybe that won't matter to you either.

[ 本帖最後由 bm1234 於 2007-1-7 07:56 AM 編輯 ]


Hey, BM1234 ,I am not here to insultl other member a "Dumbass" something like that, so keep it to yourself.
FYI, i think you should not even reading this link because it may connect you with the authority because  you are discussing with us. If this topic of this link is so scary to you, then may be you should take a hike and stop talking to us.:bird:


1. I really hate to see people who at a self assumed moral high ground pointing a finger at others, and worse, with an insulting or condescending tone, let alone name calling.
2. Do not confuse legal and moral issues. Legally, all prostitions, in whatever form it disguises, are wrong in China. All will lead to penalties. It's only a matter of degree of seriousness. We weigh risks and bear consequences on our own.
3. Morally, according to western christian morality, whoever had thought of adultery has sinned and will go to hell. Of course, then the question is who can and will pick up the first stone. Or, if you believe morality is not a transcendental notion, but a paradigm shift resulting from power conflict and struggle, then what is the big fuss now ?

BTW, personally I like this thread, causing some reflection and soul searching.


i wish i were you by the time. thx for sharing.


This forum is not for preaching. People with this inclination should go somewhere else.

Bro Mark - I hope you are not letting others spoil this thread.


原帖由 mark1234 於 2007-1-7 02:27 AM 發表
I think I should give a name to the girl now.  
LULU came to Shenzhen on the morning before yesterday
(with her aunt and baby).  I took them from the station
and left them at my home while I ...
Thank you for your update report

Forget others comments and I believe most of people here are expecting your coming posts of any further developments



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