我忽而想起約兩年多前, 有一位網友re我, 寫了一句說話:「你以為你係佢邊個?」
我). 但我根本無明示喑示過我係佢邊個.
他那句看似開笑玩, 但他卻可不會對其他人說這類話........這類話到今時今日被稱為「抽水」. 另外他也說過: 'It seems that you show that you know a lot about....., but is it really true?'
(Whitekitty's note:At that time I was just sharing on the forum what I knew, and I never said I was the one who knew best, and I never rejected contribution of ideas from other members. Hence it was not my intention to consciously
show that I knew a lot. As for 'is it really true?', we know that things can change with time. When a thing or condition changed, so that what he found out was different from what I had said beforehand, did this guy have to say 'Is this really true (that Whitekitty knew a lot....)? After all, I told him that thing in a PM, but he wrote that comment/question (to contradict what I had told him) on the forum publicly, again to
embarrass me.
. Again, he would not speak in that way to other members.
後來他對我的態度已變,少了這類話.但人的胸襟氣度不會變, 只是「抽」的對象變.
一種氣度是: '你以為是...........咩?'
另一種: '其實是...不過...無所謂...反正....
(其實人的說話好多時是語帶雙關, 不同接受者可以有不同interpretations, 因為訊息的傳遞者亦可能一語寄兩意予兩人.)
屈兄, 我本來說今晚鋪些情感語句請你分析,
本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2007-3-23 23:46 編輯 ]