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[檔案] 多倫多人

小弟張於八月去多倫多旅遊探親, 是第一次到加拿大, 會住在downtown酒店, 有一兩天會自已一個人,
作為遊客, 各位有冇好介紹 ? 安全嗎?

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 旅遊


I am new to this, can someone send me the list?

[email protected]



原帖由 mrichboss 於 2008-7-9 22:42 發表
小弟張於八月去多倫多旅遊探親, 是第一次到加拿大, 會住在downtown酒店, 有一兩天會自已一個人,
作為遊客, 各位有冇好介紹 ? 安全嗎?
呢度有關娼妓既法律大致上同香港既差唔多.(即係話, 一對一既賣淫活動係完全合法) 安全既程度都唔會相差好遠.

至於有D乜野好介紹囉喎, 要睇你本人鐘意乜野膚色既女喇. 多倫多冇乜野叻, 一味多元文化, 連呢一行都唔例外.

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 旅遊


謝謝你的回答. 可能你會覺得奇怪, 我現在的心態還是喜歡東亞女仔(日本,韓國台灣, 香港).
容易搵到這些地方做 part-time 的留學生嗎?

相關搜索目錄: 留學


原帖由 onlung79 於 2008-7-3 07:04 發表
茶齡: she said 20, don't know but pretty young
茶孔: ok緊

wanna try the new girl, but seems like working or out, ok then, the keeper took a little gir ...
順帶一提,KEEPER話佢地改左茶号啦, $!^%@$(@!*

[ 本帖最後由 kendin 於 2008-7-10 12:42 編輯 ]

  • rtsang88 體力 +50 精品文章 2008-7-11 00:38
  • rtsang88 威望 +50 精品文章 2008-7-11 00:38


原帖由 mrichboss 於 2008-7-10 10:42 發表
小弟張於八月去多倫多旅遊探親, 是第一次到加拿大, 會住在downtown酒店, 有一兩天會自已一個人,
作為遊客, 各位有冇好介紹 ? 安全嗎?
加拿大妓女Out Call完全合法,你系酒店打电话叫女上房完全无问题。除非同妓女反晒面,而妓女又诬告你强奸,甘先会有麻烦。

但另一方面,In Call唔合法,属于经营妓院的违法行为,妓女或房东或租客有可能被检控。即:香港的一楼一系加拿大为不合法行为

对顾客而言,去妓女长期工作的House, apartment玩,如果差佬当时放蛇拉人,你被断正,则触犯“身处卖淫场所”的条例,同样有事(可能系罚款+上道德教育堂),不要被上面某位人士所误导。


而Out Call最大的风险系:敲门的女仔极可能同你系网站体到的图片完全唔同,而你又唔想再等下一个。。。。。。

可以参阅呢本小册子 http://www.cleo.on.ca/english/pub/onpub/PDF/criminal/prostitution.pdf

It is illegal to own or operate a common bawdy-house. It is also illegal to live there or even be found there if you know that it is a place where sex is being sold. If you know a place is a common bawdy-house, it is illegal to take anyone there.

[ 本帖最後由 seaeye 於 2008-7-10 14:00 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 旅遊


wow, just read through those thread... i didn't think toronto is so dangerous! with all the busts + robberies... and people get shot... crazy! give me a 2nd thought about eating outside...


Thanks for your information


原帖由 seaeye 於 2008-7-10 01:45 發表


正如我所講, 安省呢一方面既法律同香港既基本上係一樣, 因為大家都係以英國既法律為基礎: http://www.ziteng.org.hk/info/law_c.html
晌香港如果你幫襯馬檻或者大陸落黎既企鵝(冇合法居留身份)而俾差人放蛇捉到既話, 你一樣會有事. 同安省係一樣架.



I am going to try Jenny out tonite.. when's the best time (lesser busy) does any of you think?



原帖由 kendin 於 2008-7-9 23:28 發表

小弟上左去搵DODO,不過佢做緊野,但小弟急不及待.之後個KEEPER介紹左個新女仔俾我囉,個名好似叫咩CICI,睇落去好似好細個咁,學生妹咁,樣都OK唔錯啦,就去馬,佢身材都幾爆下,我唸佢都有成36D~中意大波既兄弟們,佢係一 ...
Is the room hot?

Last time I went,  間房冇冷氣, 攪得咁上下兩個人已出汗, 冇晒引.

Dodo 係幾靚, 又後生.  my cup of tea.


Any new post?

I would like to know if there is more updated new post near Scarborough. thanks


Normally, Single garage is pretty safe,but it is NOT legal at all.   Police will only take action if the neighbour complians.  When ppl complains about the place and If the cop can proof that the garage invloves some Illegal activities REGULARLY, then the police will take action.  MOREOVER, if u are caught in the garage when the cop is there, then u will be trouble.  BUT of course, it takes a lot of investigation in order to get enough evidence to prove the place is a ILLEGAL ( i forget the TERM for the garage..somebody?).
So, in conclusion, single garage is safer cos' it catches LESS attention from neighbour cos' of LESS traffic....BUT again, it is not 100% safe....other inputs??


原帖由 joedumas 於 2008-7-10 04:49 PM 發表
Normally, Single garage is pretty safe,but it is NOT legal at all.   Police will only take action if the neighbour complians.  When ppl complains about the place and If the cop can proof that the gara ...

Happy to see you Bro JOE....
Any new adventure lately.....

[ 本帖最後由 Bill4r 於 2008-7-10 23:22 編輯 ]
十年一覺楊州夢, 贏得青樓薄倖名


Yes..i'm back!!! planning to come back from retirement.. haa...just pm bro Rtsang for Tom's info..and planning to visit the very popular kitchen. ha haa...


I went to StoneHill jenny last night finally.. Agree with 大蛇 brother that her massage skill are good and despite of her look and her body, 40 bulks a hour is a very good deal regardless out fire or no!!   LOL


lunch time

I first tried to ask to see Erica from Bayview/Finch as reported by other C-Hing, but caller seem rude?  He said to call Erica directly?????
I decided to call another. (the report below)

Resturant report

茶名: dodo
年份: 二 十
茶樣: 9/10
茶杯: ??
茶高: around 5'5
服務: 7/10 basic service
回沖率: 20% (she will not be around)
电话: $!^%@$(@!* [Edit: Use the number everyone users]
This is a very cutie plate.  Yes very talkative, I like, tells me stories of different clients
She is leaving soon, so you may not see her again in this biz (she said may not do this because some clients treat them bad, does not feel safe.)
This is one of my fastest meal.  Because I was quick, she naturally was very wet, couldn't hold.....ahh........
meal cost: 120 + 20 tip.
Mama told be there is a new dish coming this Tuesday from HK, ~25, very good looking, just to let you C-Hing know.

[ 本帖最後由 FastFood 於 2008-7-12 04:57 編輯 ]



原帖由 FastFood 於 2008-7-12 02:40 發表
I first tried to ask to see Erica from Bayview/Finch as reported by other C-Hing, but caller seem rude?  He said to call Erica directly?????
I decided to call another. (the report below)

Resturant ...
As you name imply.......(Fast food)  

Anyway, Below is my report of DoDo at the other thread.  (Fresh off the press, about 2 hours ago)

Since Do Do was highly recommended by couple of brothers, I finally have a chance to visit her today.

茶名: DoDo
茶型: 33 B (soft & good proportion)
茶樣: 8/10 pretty & cute (nice teeth and looks like
茶齡: 19 or 20
茶孔: 好緊

Good GFE.  The skill is not professional when compared to Noel at kitchen.  If brother wants something fresh, she is not a bad choice.

As other brothers mention, she is a bit too talkative, but definitely feel like "next door neighbour girl"  I believe she will be leaving Toronto shortly.

The other thing thing is, the place is not as good as kitchen and no A/C.  Lucliky, it is not that hot today



原帖由 action2006 於 2008-7-12 03:12 發表

As you name imply.......(Fast food)  
Didn't expect a quick lunch


Hey brothers!
Just tried a kia at bayview/finch , the keeper is nice. 4 kia there and I got on Erica. When I got there she was working >.> so I waited 30mins… then I finally see her, MAN! Its soo worth waiting!  
Attractive face, very nice body, and her service is A++   have gf feel because she talks about anything =P    massage is ok… but she does good BJ for like 5 mins!   Shes ok tight and she said “it hurts but good pain” =DD  haha I guess I’ll go slower next time.
Only bad is her boob are hard rock -__-“ but nice tits..   shes like 23-25 yrs old to me.   
Damage is 140/40mins but I took 50mins =DD   ($ WELL spend! )
Will go back 4 sure


原帖由 FastFood 於 2008-7-12 02:40 發表
I first tried to ask to see Erica from Bayview/Finch as reported by other C-Hing, but caller seem rude?  He said to call Erica directly?????
I decided to call another. (the report below)

Resturant ...
You gave out the wrong phone number here, bro.  Please correct it.  This is not the number for DoDO.


原帖由 T.HO 於 2008-7-12 04:23 發表

You gave out the wrong phone number here, bro.  Please correct it.  This is not the number for DoDO.
That should be the right number.
I called that number first.  Later she have gave me another number with my client# written on it.
That number is: $!^%@$(@!*
Is that the one you use?
I already update the number.

[ 本帖最後由 FastFood 於 2008-7-12 04:57 編輯 ]


原帖由 action2006 於 2008-7-12 03:12 發表 As you name imply.......(Fast food)   Anyway, Below is my report of DoDo at the other thread.  (Fresh off the press, about 2 hours ago)Since Do Do was highly recommended by coupl ...
邱淑貞    ?

I like 邱淑貞... 斗豆, 我來了!!


Copied and pasted my report from the other thread:

Just tried Kerry today.  I expected a more cute/Taipei-Feel girl, but anyhow she's still pretty tasty.   Comparing to the TW girls I saw in Taipei's Disco, she's around 7/10.  Also, I think she's older...more like 24-26.

Anyhow, her BJ skill is memorable   I think she wanted me to cum (I go for CBJ now). The main course was alright.  She seemed to be willing to please but not very proactive in serving...oh well...  Another more memorable moment was doggie style...she has the most attracting butt and made me so excited.  The last time I had a comparable view/feel was Jessie (Mississauga), but Jessie was very restricted and no GFE.  

Overall, 8/10.  I think she has attracted a good number of bros to visit her (like me ) and she may be not be willing to work that much.  After the session, she gave me a massage and seemed to want to kill time rather than grab the money from the next guy.  This is just my experience...I had similar experience from previous occasions with other girls.

Btw, price is $140.  Extra $20 is not a big deal for me - since she's TW and I really want TW

But if her service is better, than it's definitely worth $140.  Better service like K-Style...K-girls will dry your body after shower.  I like that.

相關搜索目錄: Disco


Albee Review (incall)Hey guys , just joined joedoa board a short while and this is my first review.  After reading a few reviews and saw many pics, I wonder if info there is too good to be true as I've been  B&S by a few agencies.  The only way to know is to try it out, but its TRUE & AWESOME!  My experience is consistent to the other member's review.

I exchanged a few msn with Joe and is easy to set up a time for today afternoon.  The hotel is nice and easy to find with lots of free parking.  Albee is a bit behind because of traffic but is worth to wait.  When I opened the door, 'WOW' coming out of my mind,  Albee is cute as a button and looks exactly like those Japanese AV girls.  Just after a brief greetings, she melted me with her DFK..... I don't go into graphic details, here is the summary:

Face 9/10 (very cute innocent Japanese girl look)
Body 9/10 (very toned, smooth skin, very clean, but if you like big tits is not for you)
Attitude 10/10 (one of the very few good girls who like what they do)
Service 9/10 (one of the best DFK, safe GFE but ymmv)
Donation 300+60 hotel fee

IMHO she is a rare non-pro gem and I don't think she'll be around too long, see her before she's gon

IMHO, she is a very pretty GFE girl, definitely a gem and a rare find

[ 本帖最後由 雞蟲 於 2008-7-12 22:33 編輯 ]




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