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Seems that u are very satified with the service.
It makes me believe that it is a part of the trip that  cannot be missed when I go to Shanghai time.


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原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-11-10 17:24 發表

i chat with anan quite often and she told me these. a new bg called 靜靜 is now the hottest one. i'll find it out personally when i go there around mid of the month.
dear C-hing

thanks for your recommendations again.  I will fly to Shanghai tonight and definitely will call AnAn for 靜靜.  Anyother good bg you tried and recommend?


回復 #124 killingmesoftly 的帖子

Thank you for your sharing! However, it turns out 小张 is not working with AnAn anymore. Can you PM me her contact if you have? Thanks!


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原帖由 killingmesoftly 於 2007-11-20 22:22 發表

Unfortunately, I don't have her no any more.  She wrote it down and I trashed it when I checked out of the hotel.  I deleted all call records before I left Shanghai.  I never thought I would  ...
this chick was too proud of herself and tried to do business directly with customers, anan's boss fired and blacklisted her. pity~

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2007-11-22 03:49 編輯 ]


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相關搜索目錄: 手機


北京小小 update:

1)之前有兄弟提到 www.36566.com 呢個網,已經冇做北京伴遊了...

2)Doer 兄留下的北京 contact ,我前排試過,只有遊先生的那個還有運作...

3)有些酒店內有上房 Massage service,但囡囡質素實在非常一般,而且偏貴,全套要最少 $700-$800

4)三里屯及後海區有雞頭,一般 $500 一Q再另收的士車費;但要千萬留意,不要跟他們到所謂的”平價酒吧”,他們一般會先說什麼啤酒 $20支呀,小費 $100坐枱呀等等,但進到去便會被人搶的,十分危險!小弟膽粗粗又戇居居做左一次魚腩,唔見左 $700...各位師兄,一定要留意!

5)正規沐足或按摩場,可以發現好野;但多數都係老正,要溝的;我就同一個 QQ 到而家,幾好 feel...



相關搜索目錄: 酒店 啤酒


原帖由 amen123 於 2007-11-24 02:37 發表
北京小小 update:

1)之前有兄弟提到 www.36566.com 呢個網,已經冇做北京伴遊了...

2)Doer 兄留下的北京 contact ,我前排試過,只有遊先生的那個還有運作...

3)有些酒店內有上房 Massage  ...

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


我剛離開北京  去了上海  現在杭州  發覺職業囡囡多了許多  供多於求  但服務質量反而下降  唉~~~~


what is the content of the accompany?


原帖由 killingmesoftly 於 2007-11-19 14:51 發表

I've been trying to find an excuse to go to Shanghai by myself for a year, ever since I read brother Doer's post on escort.  When I saw the above pic of 小張, I could immediately come up with o ...
could brother pm her phone no. to me?  Thanks


原帖由 amen123 於 2007-11-24 02:37 發表
北京小小 update:

1)之前有兄弟提到 www.36566.com 呢個網,已經冇做北京伴遊了...

2)Doer 兄留下的北京 contact ,我前排試過,只有遊先生的那個還有運作...

3)有些酒店內有上房 Massage  ...
Yeah, I tried Meggies as well last month and the girls there only want you buy them drinks. They don't go out with customers.

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


is it really good info


新手,初来报道.香港討論區,Thank you !


good, thx for sharing!

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thanks for u r info


Is any brother knows any channel in Nanjing, I'm going for a trip soon, need adv from C-Hing. Please help


thanks for sharing....


原帖由 law3298 於 2007-12-19 01:41 發表
Is any brother knows any channel in Nanjing, I'm going for a trip soon, need adv from C-Hing. Please help
not much (2 years not yet been there, I lived in 河西區 for a while before)... for safety and guess you are quite new to Nanjing.... goto the disco in Hilton basement to have a look.... you may get some update night life info from there..

It's the top disco and KTV in town.. but it will be nice to spend one drink to get more info for your next move...

相關搜索目錄: Disco


回復 #147 RacoRaco 的帖子

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Service in South is better than service in North


原帖由 RacoRaco 於 2007-12-20 00:59 發表

not much (2 years not yet been there, I lived in 河西區 for a while before)... for safety and guess you are quite new to Nanjing.... goto the disco in Hilton basement to have a look.... you may ...
I've been in NanJing last year and people keep telling me this is not a good place for fun business, that's way I keep trying to have more info from brothers. In fact, I was there 2 years ago and stayed in Ding Shan Shangrala, one of the best hotel there.But now they changed to other name) I tried the NC there and price was extremely high, two of us spent RMB 2000 for 3 hours exludes the tip. Tips for 2 girls was 300 each, and girls not necessary will go out with you.
That night I almost got drunk and my girl say YES and came to my room separately. (She came after I returned my room, I haven't experienced this for long time) She was a nice girl and I was attracted by her when she sing the song Titannic, english was so good.
We got wild inside my room and had a lot of fun time, BUT BUT BUT becuased of the alcohol, no matter how hard I tried, I can't come. So after another 15 mins, we both so tired and I finally gave it up and let her go as she insisted to leave, SO time to pay her, BUT BUT BUT she asked for $1,500, what a ripincluding the $300 I gave her before, it was $1800. So brother, don't try to play there enless your money has nowhere to spend.

The lastest info I got from other brother is the new place called 1912, many many bars there, if any C-Hing has info, please share with thanks.

相關搜索目錄: Disco


原帖由 law3298 於 2007-12-21 01:56 發表

I've been in NanJing last year and people keep telling me this is not a good place for fun business, that's way I keep trying to have more info from brothers. In fact, I was there 2 years ago a ...
The best KTV in Nanjing should be the one on the basement of Jin Ling Hotel (金陵飯店). It’s easy to take girls out, but of course you have to tell mami before picking. The market rate is not cheap there, 1500 per Q and 2000 overnight. Don't need to pay the 300 sitting tips additionally.

[ 本帖最後由 busybuddy 於 2007-12-21 12:52 編輯 ]




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