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[檔案] 新旺


新旺 - I usd to go to sing K and massage before, But the first time for 馬檻, I try number 83 because I have see the photos in man169 and was interested in the big breasts. The report were summarised as follows :

Breasts : Big, 挺(Comparatively with her age), dark brown lipples
Age : I think over 35, some "fish tail 紋" in her eyes
Body : A little bit 粗腰, I think 25,26 la , Pat Pat was comparatively small but still 挺
Service : I dont know whether it is standard or not, but I have try ice / water, poison dragon drill and make love. I ejaculate for 2 times with 1 time is "口爆", she looks enjoying with that .
Fee : HK$370
Others : The keeper (A woman) was nice, but the room is very small.
Conclusion : hk$370 can try such quantity and services , it must be good la

By the way, the reason I post this report is to exchange information, can brothers recommend other number to me and then I can try them next time.

Also, I think #83 must be a great pretty girl when she was 20 years old. (Serious, Brothers pls dont 串 me on this point )




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