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Please / Kindly / Please kindly

Please / Kindly / Please kindly

I heard that the word "kindly" is not quite polite/positive but I see it everywhere.  So I just want to ask to confirm.

For example, are the following sentences not so polite?
1) Please kindly submit your application ...
2) Kindly submit your application ...

In short, should we avoid using "kindly" if we want to be polite? ( A "please" alone is enough )


原帖由 princess_f 於 2007-10-31 00:10 發表
For my writing habbit, I like using both words for formal occasions. They both are considered as polite too!
I heard that although it might look more polite to use the word "kindly", it has hidden meaning (話裡有骨) actually.

I tried to find detailed discussion about this on the web but it is difficult to find the discussion.


原帖由 princess_f 於 2007-10-31 22:47 發表

Well, it really depends on how your sentence is like, and what it really is talking about. Therefore, kindly is still considered as polite too! As long as you are writting something with manner ...
I agree.  Some discussions say that it depends on the context.

However, I usually use "please" without the "kindly" for safe.




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