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First drop....ah....BO-LICK-WOO.
This place reminds me of a funny story......a little but off topic if you guys dont mind.
I once knew a guy(not very well,friend of a friend.) who was a kind of 'Holy' man,you know,going to church every Sunday,his mouth was full of Holy things like Jesus...etc.,even playing Marjong was a big sin to him.He didnt really like us because we're 'full of sin' in his point of view.I recall going to Bo-Lick-Woo one evening and saw a guy looked really,really like him from far,I wasnt too sure but it was him 99%.I forgot about this incident in a few hour later as it wasnt a big deal to me.One day,the biggest thing happened.....I was walking pass a place called 'Italy Sauna',he was WALKING OUT the front door!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'KK,I was here for VEGI ONLY.'he said.
I'd never forget the look of his face,at that moment.
I wondered what kind of service this sauna provided at that time.
Thanks for listening.

PS That guy never 'surfaced' afterwards.




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