±À¤¶:| ¬õ°s | ¥Õ°s | Wine | ªá©± | °à°s | ­»Âb | ©@°Ø | Disco |


Wine lovers! pls come in!!

Hi everyone, do you guys know if the "wine appreciation" course at open university is any good?  If not, where can I take a decent course?  And, just wondering, how many of you have taken such courses and how did you find them??  

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Jackel ©ó 2007-1-26 10:08 AM ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Wine
¦³®M¤é¼@¥s"BIG MONEY", (­ì§@: ªi®ö¤WªºÅ]³N®v), ùØ­±­ÓªÑ¾Â¦Ñ«e½ú¦P¥Lªº®{§ÌÁ¿­¹ÄK¿N(たいやき, ³½«¬¨§¨F»æ), ­ø¦n³s³½§À, ³½ÀY³£°á¦í­¹®I, ¦]¬°DÀ`«Y¤¤¶¡¦P®I¦n®e©ö®C¦º,·N«ä§Y«Y¸Ü, Long ¤S¦n Short¤S¦n³£o§^¦n°á¦íÁȭӤɮö/¶^®ö¨ìÁȺɡK
§Ú³£¦n¦P·N, ¦ý¤H¤H³£·|³g


Thank you Parklane and Kenzo~!!!!!!
I think I will start from reading the book from Robert Parker you recommanded and, by the way is the WEST course offered in Hong Kong?  I am still reading the site but found nothing on where they offer the coursre so far...
¦³®M¤é¼@¥s"BIG MONEY", (­ì§@: ªi®ö¤WªºÅ]³N®v), ùØ­±­ÓªÑ¾Â¦Ñ«e½ú¦P¥Lªº®{§ÌÁ¿­¹ÄK¿N(たいやき, ³½«¬¨§¨F»æ), ­ø¦n³s³½§À, ³½ÀY³£°á¦í­¹®I, ¦]¬°DÀ`«Y¤¤¶¡¦P®I¦n®e©ö®C¦º,·N«ä§Y«Y¸Ü, Long ¤S¦n Short¤S¦n³£o§^¦n°á¦íÁȭӤɮö/¶^®ö¨ìÁȺɡK
§Ú³£¦n¦P·N, ¦ý¤H¤H³£·|³g




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