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[檔案] 反對xocat forum售賣可能影響會員的道具

反對xocat forum售賣可能影響會員的道具


1. 「變色卡」可以變換主題的顏色,並保存24小時
→而且買左呢種道具的會員, 唔止可以改變自己所發的thread, 仲可以搞埋人地條thread??!
→就算剩係自己改自己條thread, 一陣間搞到個版五顏六色, 好似賭波版咁, 有需要的threads先會highlight, 如果咁落去法世界大亂喇?

2. IP卡 可以查看帖子作者的IP
→最離譜係呢個! IP係每個網友的私隱, 以後版主只係因為職責有需要先可以查閱會員的ip, 而家三狗唔識七無喇喇俾人知道自己ip? 有無搞錯??!

3. 隱身卡  可以將自己的帖子匿名
→呢個亦係唔掂! 可以將自己的post匿名? 點解要匿名先? 我只係諗到最可能用呢種道具係講野不負責的人! 點解大版主xocatII要助長呢種不良風氣?

仲有其他亦各有問題, 不過今日唔得閒, 打唔晒, 遲d再講過!



相關搜索目錄: 賭波
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原帖由 xocatII 於 2008-7-6 23:17 發表
1. 「變色卡」可以變換主題的顏色,並保存24小時
→而且買左呢種道具的會員, 唔止可以改變自己所發的thread, 仲可以搞埋人地條thread??!
→就算剩係自己改自己條thread, 一陣間搞到個版五顏六色, 好似賭波版咁, 有需要的threads先會highlight, 如果咁落去法世界大亂喇?
colourful problem won't happen.  First, I have the price of 600, that means that they have to use a lot of money to do this.  Also, it only happens for 24 hours.  After that, it will be restored.  It is just for fun.  If 世界大亂 did happen, we can fix it.  Just let it be for a period of time.
It is so easy to find an example to controvert what you have said.
Just like the one I mention above, in Soccer Gambling Board, COLOURS of every thread give an crucial signal to all members who would like to participate in those games. If someone use these kinds of "Special Tools" to highlight other threads which are no longer useful or not up-to-dated, It probably causes serious confusion to members!
These threads will only be used for about 1-2 days. According to the record, we REALLY REALLY realize how busy you are and how PROMPT your responses are!!   
In other boards, highlighted threads usually consist of very important information that members must know.

Therefore, This function and the right should be owned by Moderators merely and must be carefully used!
and this "Tools"(right) should.... must not be sold to members who are not moderators!!
原帖由 xocatII 於 2008-7-6 23:17 發表
3. 隱身卡  可以將自己的帖子匿名
→呢個亦係唔掂! 可以將自己的post匿名? 點解要匿名先? 我只係諗到最可能用呢種道具係講野不負責的人! 點解大版主xocatII要助長呢種不良風氣?

It is also for fun only.  Also, moderators can view who post the anonymous post.  So, problem won't occur, I will also increase its price to prevent 濫用.  No worry too much.  If shit happens, we can fix it easily.
If you can predict what sort of problems will be derived/produced, why you still insist this is "fun" but not a "potential hazard"??

Besides, you said:
原帖由 xocatII 於 2008-7-6 23:17 發表
2. IP卡 可以查看帖子作者的IP
→最離譜係呢個! IP係每個網友的私隱, 以後版主只係因為職責有需要先可以查閱會員的ip, 而家三狗唔識七無喇喇俾人知道自己ip? 有無搞錯??!

I have disabled this.
HA, you can disable this, why can't you disable the above "tools" ??
The most curious and preposterous thing is, the answer you have given in Case 1 and 3, can be transplanted to CASE 2!!

2. IP卡 可以查看帖子作者的IP
→最離譜係呢個! IP係每個網友的私隱, 以後版主只係因為職責有需要先可以查閱會員的ip, 而家三狗唔識七無喇喇俾人知道自己ip? 有無搞錯??!

It is also for fun only.  ...... I will also increase its price to prevent 濫用.  No worry too much.  If shit happens, we can fix it easily.

I, sincerely hope you should think twice if you still think these kinds of "FUN" will benefit all and won't trouble youself and us!!!!

相關搜索目錄: 賭波


原帖由 ktwu2005 於 2008-7-7 00:48 發表

唔係同你唱反調, 我想問下你知唔知除我, 仲有無其他會員用變色咭,
你覺得依家好多人用, 好混亂咩?
我唔知道如果d 題目變到五顏六色真係有咩問題?
不如你說說, 是否會令你覺得有咩問題?
而家係咪要等到真係有事先至後知後覺出來"fix the problems"??!


原帖由 anakin 於 2008-7-8 23:22 發表

關係到會員私隱,一個負責任有良心的論壇,應該予以尊重同保障,並不是用來just for fun!
論壇本身有 ...


原帖由 ktwu2005 於 2008-7-8 23:47 發表
IP卡:已 del.
提升卡:我知道如果用道具推一些 outdate 的題目的有記錄, 當然可以禁言.
置頂卡:其實, 我覺得有許多版主都不是天天上線, 要他們處理這置頂的廣告的確是問題, 我自己都見過有不少這些夜更洗版的會員.  所以我覺得有心洗版 / 廣告的人, 跟本不關置頂的問題.

ps: 其實, 我本人只想保留變色咭, 和希望 xocat 大版主調低其價格及訂下使用的守
則, 限定每版的使用守則, 有些版不可以使用置頂咭 / 提升卡 / 顏色卡或完全禁止....( 請其他管理員 / 版主也提出回應) 不要一句 "請 disable 在自己某版用卡的功能)
我唔係版主, 不過我都要回一回你.

你口口聲聲講我地的理據點點點唔充份, 你認為上面的一班超級版主/版主真係屎忽痕專登同你& xocatII搞對抗嗎?
我又只係想問下你, 你點解咁執意要保留呢d乜卡先?
討論區的原意, 就係俾所有人公平的環境去發言.
而現行(亦係所有大小forum所行的system)就係, 有人氣、有回覆的就會繼續留在第一版, 無人關心、人們唔想再睇的就自然會下沉.
而顏色, 你自己睇下, highlight過的threads, 無論係呢度定係出面, 一定係版主/管理員認為係重要先會highlight俾人睇.
你要呢d置頂、顏色卡請問有咩用? 居心何在?
如果你中意/你自己條thread真係有人喜歡繼續討論, 使乜出埋呢d橫手去提升番自己條thread?
如果你條thread入面真係有咁重要的資訊, 版主自然會給予處理;否則搞到個版五顏六色, 呃其他會員入去睇完一輪發現原來係無乜用/佢地唔想/唔需要知的野, 搞到個個無癮唔通好好玩?

你又話, 各版版主可以對濫用/誤會呢d卡的人予以處分, 既然可以預見呢d卡可能會製造咁的麻煩, 而又唔見得對forum的會員有乜野「fun」, 點解唔cancel左呢樣野佢, 反而係等到出左事先再來補救?

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