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問題: 關於做Audit 的入職同埋薪金水平???

The expected salary should be based on the size and brand of the audit firm, rather than  on district.
Anyway,$7K to $8K is reasonable for the fresh graduate.
Please be patience


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-8-13 22:19 發表

Can be higher for larger firms.
Of course. Big 4 can offer more than HK$10K. But you are not graduated from U, Big 4 usually do not consider your application.


原帖由 andyyeung73 於 2008-8-14 00:03 發表
re  public59 : 其實呢我都明要睇間firm的size, 不過講真如果港島開價$7000真係未到月尾已經死得lor~ 試過有間firm開$5000 俾小弟我, 當時我寅係想xyz 佢lor~ 小 弟畢左業成兩個月有多啦~ 真係好鬼心急搵份工. 唉~ 真 ...
I have a friend (qualified accountant) who were laid off by MNC who worked for more than 10 years, he needed to take one and half years to seek for another job. But in the meantime, he kept moving by self-study and got an another professional of CIA. So same advice - please be patience.

BTW, why do you limit yourself only to the audit firm? You can look for other accounting job in commercial or manufacturing field first.

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 andyyeung73 於 2008-8-21 00:33 發表
傳聞話做開accou||nting 就唔多會有機會入返做audit
不是沒有機會, 只要肯接受較accounting低的工資.
In general, audit firm always offer relative low salary for the new comer. it is true that If you work at accounting field for a while, you may not be willing to look for a audit job because of the salary issue.

Peninsula 兄, what is your advice?

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 科拿仔 於 2008-9-15 03:19 發表
應該這樣說,  未有Big 4 的經驗, 很難進入大企業, 所以在MNC的財務高位, in general 都是有Big 4 audit 工作經驗


原帖由 cfamba1 於 2008-9-17 23:34 發表

Its not merely a matter of salary, but you have to start from the most junior grade in the firm.  So, even you worked in the accounting field for few years, you still have to be in the same grade  ...
So it is a matter of monetary reward and dignity
monetary reward - accept low salary
dignity - accept to work junior job

相關搜索目錄: Accounting




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