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Firearms: 手槍篇

9mm FX ammunition for colour marking, force on force training purpose.

[ 本帖最後由 SIG 於 2006-11-22 02:54 AM 編輯 ]
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窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


Heckler & Koch USP40, 口徑 .40S&W
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Heckler & Koch USP45 Expert, 口徑 .45ACP

[ 本帖最後由 SIG 於 2006-11-22 03:00 AM 編輯 ]
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Heckler & Koch USP45, 口徑 .45ACP
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Heckler & Koch USP45 Compact, 口徑 .45ACP
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窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


CID 換 槍 熱 選 瑞 士 曲 尺

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冇錯,十幾日前已經收到通知該次招標結果由德國 JP Sauer & Sohn 公司贏得呢張CID新佩槍合約,但型號就唔係 P239 而係 P250DCc 先至岩!

個位記者哥哥淨係查到警方決定採購 SIG Sauer,又問到乜o野 model 咪想當然求其搵支 P239 話係囉!而家 d 所謂 PRESS,唉......好心啦!

另一方面,其實警方定案採用o既 P250DCc,支槍有某幾樣o野係唔乎合政府招標規格,而居然都能夠入選,其他槍械代理已經就呢件事作出投訴,好有可能最後又要重新招標都唔定!

睇睇 SIG Sauer P250DCc

[ 本帖最後由 SIG 於 2006-11-24 12:35 AM 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 採購
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窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


For brother aloharicnsa, see the two different guide rod for Glock pistol.

The one on top is the Hartts Recoil Reducer (for Glock17/22), it is filled with mercury and ball bearings inside. The lower one is the Tungsten guide rod (for Glock34/35), weight is double as the Hartts!
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Lighting Strike Titanium striker, it broke after several thousands rounds......
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Glock 17, 9X19mm
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Smith & Wesson M6904, 口徑 9X19mm
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Smith & Wesson M6904, 口徑 9X19mm
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Smith & Wesson M6904, 口徑 9X19mm
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Smith & Wesson M6904, 口徑 9X19mm
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窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


原帖由 Obi-Shady 於 2006-11-24 01:31 AM 發表

照片中所見,P250DCc好似冇撞針,係咪如Glock同樣係Single Action?另外後面個小制係咪Safety?P250DCc個Handgrip好似好肥大咁,Fit唔Fit亞洲人嫁?
The tender requirement is a "striker fire pistol", SIG P239 is definitely NO WAY!

BTW, according to Glock’s design, it is a double action pistol cause the trigger and connector completely reset and disengage after every shot.

The little button serve as slide stop/slide release purpose, SIG Sauer pistol also don’t have any external manual safety.

Grip size is close to a Glock 19, and the P250DCc is able to change with different size grip.

See the specification:-

Specifications P250 DCc
Caliber: 9 mm Para
Length, overall: 183 mm, 7.2”
Height, overall: 131 mm, 5.16”
Width, overall: 34 mm, 1.34”
Sight base: 147 mm, 5.79”
Barrel length: 98 mm, 3.86”
Length of twist: 250 mm, 9.84”
No. of grooves: 6
Weight incl. magazine: 700 g, 24.69 oz
Trigger pull weight DAO:
3,9 kp +/- 0,3 kp
8,6 lbs. +/- 0,7 lbs.
Mag. capacity: 15 rounds
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窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


警方 早 前 揀 選 了 多 款 槍 械 , 包 括 電 影 特 務 占 士 邦 使 用 的 德 國 華 爾 瑟 ( Walther ) P99 、 P99C ; 美 國 史 密 夫 威 遜 ( Smith & Wesson ) 及 瑞 士 Sig-Sauer 的 九 毫 米 口徑 曲 尺 手 槍 , 供 軍 械 專 家 及 一 百 名 刑 事 偵 緝 人 員 測 試 , 比 較 其 穩 定 性 、 安 全 性 及 損耗 度 等 。
根 據 槍 械 公 司 網 頁 資 料 , Sig-Sauer 的 P239 標 榜 易 於 攜 帶 及 收 藏 ,尤 其 適 合 探 員 休 班 時 佩 帶 , 網 上 顯 示 的 售 價 為 每 支 約 5,700 多 港 元 。 本 港 警 方 今 次換 槍 , 估 計 需 款 2,000 多 萬 港 元 。 警 隊 CID 換 槍 計 劃 幾 經 波 折 。 由 於 現 時 使 用 的 曲特 ( Colt ) 點 三 八 短 桿 左 輪 停 產 , 維 修 零 件 也 無 法 補 充 , 警 務 處 2001 年 醞 釀 換 槍。
HKD $6K for the 239 - which is around USD $750 - not cheap at all (specially if you are going to replace all of them, the price should be better.

On the other hand, I guess anything is better than a .38 revolver la (6 rounds and low power)...




thx for sharing


原帖由 aloharicnsa 於 2006-11-25 01:24 PM 發表
HKD $6K for the 239 - which is around USD $750 - not cheap at all (specially if you are going to replace all of them, the price should be better.

On the other hand, I guess anything is better than a .38 revolver la (6 rounds and low power)...
Brother aloharicnsa,

Please forget about that BS news, the winner of the pistol tender is SIG Sauer P250DCc, NOT P239 as mentioned in the Apple Daily!

The price is US$1,527,162.00 for supplying a total of 3,900 pistols plus 7,800 magazines.
Please DO NOT ask me for the individual break down!

Somehow, some features of this pistol doesn’t match the mandatory tender requirement, and some other competitors (like H&K, Glock) are starting to make a complain to the HK Government. That could be a possibility they drop the tender and re-issue a new tender again…….. We’ll see.
窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


Brother aloharicnsa, I found some pictures of the revolver that you are looking for, the Smith & Wesson M10 heavy barrel version.

Note, the HK Police has changed the wooden grip to rubber one in 2001, the grip is manufactured in Mainland, and the quality is NO WAY to compare to any famous grip maker like Houge, Pachmayr, not even Uncle Mike.......
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Smith & Wesson M10 heavy barrel, 口徑 .38 Special
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Smith & Wesson M10 heavy barrel, 口徑 .38 Special
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窮到冇錢買EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x


原帖由 SIG 於 2006-11-30 12:46 PM 發表

The price is US$1,527,162.00 for supplying a total of 3,900 pistols plus 7,800 magazines.
Please DO NOT ask me for the individual break down!

Somehow, some features of this pistol doesn’t match the mandatory tender requirement, and some other competitors (like H&K, Glock) are starting to make a complain to the HK Government. That could be a possibility they drop the tender and re-issue a new tender again…….. We’ll see.  

Base on the numbers, the cost is around USD $400 each - which is not a bad deal for Sig at all. So, HK cop can only have 2 magazines? That's not enough la... assuming they are all high cap (or regular cap) at 15/17 rounds (not sure?) - you still end up with 30 rounds or so... but hey - it is much, much, much better than the 38 SP wheel gun la...

If I have a choice - I would go for the 1911 full size - talk about stopping power of the 45 (compare to 9 mm) - make me feel like a MAN - ok ok... I am not Dirty Harry here in SF with his 44 Mag... now that's a classic!!


原帖由 SIG 於 2006-11-23 04:33 PM 發表


冇錯,十幾日前已經收到通知該次招標結果由德國 JP Sauer & Sohn 公司贏得呢張CID新佩槍合約,但型號就唔係 ...
乜警隊唔係已經定案用 Glock 19 咩?




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