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[原創] Golf GT Sport DSG

Golf GT Sport DSG

Does anyone has friend who has Golf GT sport?
It seems the 1.4L twin chargers technology is quite new and not really tested for realiability over years.
I suppose the second hand value is not as good as the big brother Golf GTI 2.0T.
Before the launch of the mark VI Golf, the VW dealer is giving big discount on the current stock Golf.
Do you think it is better to buy GTI at 249,000 or the GT 229,000?
Any Golf enthrusiast can give advice?
how about the maintenance costs ???

相關搜索目錄: Golf


原帖由 chantoto 於 2009-2-25 21:35 發表
Does anyone has friend who has Golf GT sport?
It seems the 1.4L twin chargers technology is quite new and not really tested for realiability over years.
I suppose the second hand value is not as g ...
Go ahead to buy a Golf 2.0L GTi Pirelli version,
1.4L version is Supercharge mix with Turbo version and the Engine will not as powerful as 2.0L GTi version
for long term maintenance I guess the 2.0L version will be cheaper

相關搜索目錄: Golf


Thanks Big Bro Jeff, your advice is very true.
I believe the discount in the licence fee for a 1.4L is very much offset by the complexity and costs of maintenance.




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