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A New Beginning~~

If you are healthy and at the hour of your death (or deaths surrounding you), you will not have a chance to think about the philosophy stuffs but only act to survive. After many year of the "incident", I could not recall what was done to make myself survive. I believe that I am one of the lucky guys there. And everyday thereafter is bonus of my life. I swear I will not put myself in any danger situation again, choose the right career or just sitting at home.
I'll be back!


Hawky's Bay D 酒成日得獎架 2006 好似拿了 mercedes benz 舉辦o既 第三名. 我咁o岩買左兩支 reserve o既.
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法國邊年雨少而又有熱浪, 果年o既葡萄就可以做出美酒, 紅酒至少要放四年至好飲. 如果有埋個正o既 cork,  cellaring上一百年都得架.

紐西蘭上一次乾旱係1997, 果年d酒特別正.

相關搜索目錄: 紅酒
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如果要甜d o既紅酒可以試下 fall harvest, autumn harvest. 但係呢d酒要超過三年至好飲.

[ 本帖最後由 keibeast 於 2007-5-12 03:18 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 紅酒
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今日去朋友屋企賞酒, 開左幾支西班牙sauvignon, 同澳洲紐西蘭 o既一比, 就優劣立分. 冇一支spain o既合格. 拿來煮牛排都唔得.
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今日要去hamilton new zealand o既 酒廠, 睇下影d mug 同買 d mug返黎. 當然係酒啦.
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個朋友o岩o岩講完電話, 佢都有講 "很希噓" -- 關於個女o既撫養權, 佢其實係比爸爸d遺產害, 佢果個鬼佬老公睇到億億聲(雖然係台幣)就開始計劃同佢分一半cash. 又一比錢害o既案例.
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If it is a real new beginning, I suggest you quit drinking the whole bottle in one night. We create our own future. If you want it goes down, it goes down.  Can't say anymore to enlighten someone becasue the consequence is all up to the decision.

[ 本帖最後由 keibeast 於 2007-5-20 17:48 編輯 ]
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呢度政府成日 promote "drink and drive don't mix"
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Here is morning 8:30am
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原帖由 renzo 於 2007-5-27 03:11 AM 發表

hahaa.... i think i prefer the first one.... of course, i will drink with friends... no more alone drinking.
good on you.
I'll be back!


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-5-28 03:01 AM 發表
Anyone have or know where to download
" canon in d " rock version guitar ??
please do let me know... tks. tks..
A friend sent me JerryC's month ago. Its still in my yahoo mail box. It is in  PSP Mp4 format.
I'll be back!


Cane was invented by British, but it was banned after Queen Elizabeth II was crowned. This kind of punishment was to execute mostly against rapist. The original cane used to have spikes on it. Shortly after completed the sentenced strokes, the medical staff would apply the dyed disinfectant on the wounds for healing and marking purposes. The marks of this punishment would leave the unforgetable and unforgivable marks. At last, this punishment could not be applied to female convicts, because Queen Victoria did not believed no female could ever rape another.

[ 本帖最後由 keibeast 於 2007-7-11 00:08 編輯 ]
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原帖由 kkwong7606 於 2007-7-18 06:54 PM 發表

大陸D食物品質問題, 實在太多

大頭奶粉, 頭髮豉油, 毒魚死豬, 到近期既"北京紙皮熳頭", 簡直係失控
所以我上親大陸都帶好多食物, 有時甚至走私凍肉上去食. 試過幾次過關比檢疫收左.
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"Fake News" + "Fake Buns" + "Olympics" really are the best combination.
空月來風, 未必無因
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level 4

have capital lock on to type bird == BIRD
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I cannot get thru level 5.
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thankx did i typed it incorrectly? good luck!
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