推介:| 英語課程 | 職業英語 | English course | English learning | Toeic | Bulats |




36. 我发觉他总爱管闲事真让人受不了。
I have always found her unbearably nosey.
37. 对石油的需求已经骤减。
Demand for oil had nosedived.
38. 星期六观看比赛的人相当多。
There was quite a respectable crowd at the match on Saturday.
39. 他脱帽, 以示敬意。
Out of respect, he took off his hat.
40. 你认为在哪一方面失之偏颇。
In what respect do you think the film is biased?
41. 关于你的询问, 兹附上有关说明自来哦。
With respect to your enquiry, I enclosed an explanatory leaflet.
42. 我们唯一的办法就是向警方报案。
Our only resort is to inform the police.
43. 在这个体育场举行过很多精彩的足球赛。
This stadium has seen many thrilling football matches.
44. 我送你回家好吗?
May I see you home?
45. 经理只能接待你5分钟。
The manager can only see you for five minutes.
46. 政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业。
The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries.
47. 他可不是正派人, 你不应该结识他。   
He is not at all a proper person for you to know.
48. 船员们抵达岸边时境况已十分悲惨。
The crew were in a sorry plight by the time they reached the shore.
49. 你需要纸的话,有的是。
There is plenty more paper if you need it.
50. 大街对诸多的计划变动均感厌烦。
Everybody is pissed off with all the changes of plan.




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