Originally posted by kathywonder at 2007-8-9 22:24
Yep!! Just bought almost a year ('round $20.00) and hopefully can reach upto $40.00 before 09, but $100.00 before 2009......well......pretty risky I think. Dunno just wht woman sence.......^ ...
Can over $40 before the end of this year.
Life insurance only has 2% market in China so far, still have a lot of spaces to growth times X times next several yrs; and 2628 has been taking over 40% sales in this sector.
PE from last year 80 dropped to 42 now, and expect 20 or below next yr.
That why Citibank setted the target price at 68 2 weeks ago. I don't think they are crazy to say without any evidence to support the statement.
Therefore, $100 in 2009, I am still confident on it.
Buy enough shares and waiti for reward later