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tk fo te saring of this goos story.


teihosing, i was in Beijing this week and i can read this forum using the following url.


喂喂喂!!! M字頭嘅想到都有幾個喎!


Thanks for sharing of information


原帖由 camoutiger 於 2008-4-11 15:44 發表
teihosing, i was in Beijing this week and i can read this forum using the following url.
thanks, will try this next next week when I stay in SZ for a week.


Just tried that beauty from Yuen Yuen as suggested here. Personally I agree that she was one of the most beautiful gal I seen from those call in service. However, I will say her attitude is just so so, not as good as expected for 400 service.

Besides, also tried Anan again, and agree that her service and attitude keep a very good level.


I think these are favorite girls from AnAn: 燕子, 思祺, 婷婷

Anyone tried AnAn's agency recently and have any recommendation? Thanks


原帖由 smoothoperator 於 2008-4-18 14:31 發表
I think these are favorite girls from AnAn: 燕子, 思祺, 婷婷

Anyone tried AnAn's agency recently and have any recommendation? Thanks
these are what anan recommends:

小甜: 皮膚白,大眼睛,長頭髮。21歲,身高165,身材好,胸頗大,手法專業,服務態度也很佳,說話溫柔,挺漂亮。屬于清純溫柔,鄰家女孩的感覺。在公司沒有被客戶退過鐘,至於開不開放,她會盡量配合客戶,目前還沒有一個說不好的

蘭蘭: 22歲,身高164左右,偏瘦型,胸部配合身材算均勻,福建人。手法嫻熟,個性活潑,熱情開朗,膚色一般。中長髮,長的不算很漂亮,但是超級活潑,古靈精怪,很能逗客戶開心的,應該開放

金金: 身高160左右,大眼睛,皮膚白,身材蠻好。手法非常專業(以前是會所做的),中長髮,小巧可愛型。性格一般。可能有點靦腆,是新人,經驗不是很夠,不過反應也蠻好的

pls post report if any bros had tried, ok?

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-4-19 14:58 編輯 ]


原帖由 fatboyboy 於 2008-4-13 20:34 發表
Just tried that beauty from Yuen Yuen as suggested here. Personally I agree that she was one of the most beautiful gal I seen from those call in service. However, I will say her attitude is just so ...
u said "again", which bg u had tried?


Mr. 老江湖:

I will be in BJ soon and stay in Park Plaza , do you have any good recommendation to get the servicel.
thanks in advance.


I've been approached by one of the agent who wants to look at what's on the being talked about in this thread. Obviously the easiest thing is to send her the link with IP address so she can look at it herself.

But what I don't want to see is that they have full access to this and be able to make fake reports or advertisement in this thread. I want to see what you guys think especially 老江湖 as he is the owner of this thread.


short report: just tried yuan yuan. sent me a girl named 小梦。massage skills ok but not the pro type。 she did not bring any oil, but the massage was still ok,especially the way she played with little brother. quite girl friend feel. looks average, boobs large enough but not too big. allows me to play ball while she jerks me off. price: RMB260 plus taxi.

one thing that surprised me, she wore two pairs of stockings!!! of course only HJ in the end, and cannot take off clothes.


回復 #1 老江湖 的帖子

thank you for ching report ..!!!!! Good job!!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-4-19 14:59 發表

u said "again", which bg u had tried?
ho ho, I tried 小甜 that time, I agree she has a good figure and looks attractive, and she's quite good in manner. The only disappointment is that she asked for tips for touching her Mimi! But overall the other is more than satisfactory.


各位c hing, 另一間centre有好野, D相仲post埋上網, 經本人證實, 第3, 4, 6, 7, 10確有其人; 而4, 7同真人冇乜大差別, 我剩係試左7號, 服務幾好, 態度認真, 又溫柔, 開放得黎又有gf feel. 不過各花入各眼, 同埋睇下你同個技師溝通成點, 雙方互冧就好有可能有運行!
可以搵小婉1316@0009@1 QQ64%637487


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原帖由 awanker 於 2008-4-20 12:18 發表
I've been approached by one of the agent who wants to look at what's on the being talked about in this thread. Obviously the easiest thing is to send her the link with IP address so she can look at ...
i prefer not, c hing. don't wanna the girls know much what we've been doing. tks~


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-4-21 18:21 發表
各位c hing, 另一間centre有好野, D相仲post埋上網, 經本人證實, 第3, 4, 6, 7, 10確有其人; 而4, 7同真人冇乜大差別, 我剩係試左7號, 服務幾好, 態度認真, 又溫柔, 開放得黎又有gf feel. 不過各花入各眼, 同埋睇 ...
C-Hing, 咁你同7號仔溝通得好唔好?

你只提3, 4, 6, 7, 10都真有其人,咁係咪其他嘅都係stock photo? 我想試下8號噃! 老兄有冇見過3, 4, 6, 10? 只有4, 7 係同相差唔多? 其他號數誤差大嗎?



Thanks for sharing!!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-4-22 07:50 發表

i prefer not, c hing. don't wanna the girls know much what we've been doing. tks~
you have my respect brother. i won't give them anything and i hope the same goes to all brothers here.

The agents are aware of this forum as many from Hong Kong have used their service after reading this thread. I hope we won't get penetrated by writers.


hate to say this but check this out:

we are penetrated.


原帖由 awanker 於 2008-4-22 23:01 發表
hate to say this but check this out:

we are penetrated.
seems that the spy fled in a flurry

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-4-23 10:54 編輯 ]


原帖由 Challenger 於 2008-4-22 08:53 發表

C-Hing, 咁你同7號仔溝通得好唔好?

你只提3, 4, 6, 7, 10都真有其人,咁係咪其他嘅都係stock photo? 我想試下8號噃! 老兄有冇見過3, 4, 6, 10? 只有4, 7 係同相差唔多? 其他 ...
同7號仔梗係溝通得好啦, 只要有DD誠懇加埋嘴頭, 一般都可以去得盡D; 之前仲有幾次FOC過添, 不過係熟D既技師.
我話確有其人, 係CS俾我响webcam度睇過, 8仔實在點樣, ching你自己撞彩囉~


原帖由 fatboyboy 於 2008-4-13 20:34 發表
Just tried that beauty from Yuen Yuen as suggested here. Personally I agree that she was one of the most beautiful gal I seen from those call in service. However, I will say her attitude is just so ...
that beauty had quitted already. and i don't even have a chance to try yet....


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-4-23 03:11 發表

同7號仔梗係溝通得好啦, 只要有DD誠懇加埋嘴頭, 一般都可以去得盡D; 之前仲有幾次FOC過添, 不過係熟D既技師.
我話確有其人, 係CS俾我响webcam度睇過, 8仔實在點樣, ching你自己撞彩囉~
I am going there tomorrow and see whether I have luck or not...




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