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Just updated.


thank you c hing


Day 2 in Shanghai

The second day, I was stay in hotel room most of time to prepare meeting material, but I contacted the agent who recommended by brother Doer, unfortunately, Tony was not in the town but he asked his partner Ms. Zhou to call me back, she told me the price would be $1600 onwards for stay overnight, and I told her what kind of girl I’m looking for, after few rounds of communication, she manage to arrange an university student at cost of $2000, and the service time would be 9pm to 9am. She told me that if I don’t satisfy with the student, just let her go and call her back to arrange another one, even no need to pay her transportation.

After the arrangement done with Ms. Zhou, I called a Shanghai local girl that I met 3 years ago (I did post the experience for that trip 3 years ago in the old version of Xocat forum, not sure any brother seen it before), I keep in contact with her for the past 3 years via MSN and met her few times when I visiting SH, but have no chance go to the bed with her again due to the tight schedule. Since the university student will be hotel 9pm, so I dated the local girl for dinner to fulfill the empty section, I told her that I need to work in hotel room whole afternoon and there is business appointment at 9pm, so ask her come to my hotel room first after she gone off from the work, then we decide where to have our dinner, ha ha, you know I mean …..

BTW, this girl just get married last year, I think she knows why I date her in hotel room not lobby. She came around 6:15pm, we chatted awhile then of course go to the bed at the last, after we done, I suggest we have dinner downstairs Japanese restaurant since I have business appointment 9pm in hotel lobby, she has no objection. During the dinner, the agent communicated with me via SMS to confirm the timing for the student. The dinner was nice and ends around 8:45pm, after that the local girl heading home alone and I back to the hotel room waiting for the student.

Immediately, I back to my room less than 5 minutes, someone knocks my door, a slim girl around 22 years old came in, but her breasts looks like “airport” and not pretty at all, definitely not my cup of tea, so I chatted with her simply and say sorry to her, I give her $100 as compensation for transportation, but she dare to say $100 not enough for the transport, so I told her: “Ms. Zhou says don’t need to pay you transportation.” She then pick the $100 and left without a word. I called Ms. Zhou ask for another girl, she says will arrange and let me know later, so I went to the lobby bar have a drink wait for Ms. Zhou’s arrangement, also try my luck whether can get something good from there.

It is time to home now, te be continue ....


New Kid Question and update

Brothers,  I am new here.  Quick question:
园园 has two numbers.. xxxxxx331 and xxxxxxx332
What is the different?

I tried 兰兰 last week, she is good and fun to talk to.  I will not say she is an absolute beauty, but good enough for a few hours of relax time.  Massage skill was nice, and hj was ok.  Didn't complaint about touching different parts of her, but I didn't go all the way.  Afterall it was a good experience.  I give 7 out of 10.

How to know 豆豆 availability?


must go try with my friends this weekend


打飞机啊 没啥意思 要就要玩到底




贵 还是场子里好 价格透明公道


Different type different feel... personal preference lah, pal.
Call-in has a lot of flexibility.  Up to you lah.  Have fun!


there are couple real good massage joint around gui bei area that either give half servce or full service, great looking gals and around 300/2 hours massage and 800 for full service.


Day 2 in Shanghai

The second day, I was stay in hotel room most of time to prepare meeting material, but I contacted the agent who recommended by brother Doer, unfortunately, Tony was not in the town but he asked his partner Ms. Zhou to call me back, she told me the price would be $1600 onwards for stay overnight, and I told her what kind of girl I’m looking for, after few rounds of communication, she manage to arrange an university student at cost of $2000, and the service time would be 9pm to 9am. She told me that if I don’t satisfy with the student, just let her go and call her back to arrange another one, even no need to pay her transportation.

After the arrangement done with Ms. Zhou, I called a Shanghai local girl that I met 3 years ago (I did post the experience for that trip 3 years ago in the old version of Xocat forum, not sure any brother seen it before), I keep in contact with her for the past 3 years via MSN and met her few times when I visiting SH, but have no chance go to the bed with her again due to the tight schedule. Since the university student will be hotel 9pm, so I dated the local girl for dinner to fulfill the empty section, I told her that I need to work in hotel room whole afternoon and there is business appointment at 9pm, so ask her come to my hotel room first after she gone off from the work, then we decide where to have our dinner, ha ha, you know I mean …..

BTW, this girl just get married last year, I think she knows why I date her in hotel room not lobby. She came around 6:15pm, we chatted awhile then of course go to the bed at the last, after we done, I suggest we have dinner downstairs Japanese restaurant since I have business appointment 9pm in hotel lobby, she has no objection. During the dinner, the agent communicated with me via SMS to confirm the timing for the student. The dinner was nice and ends around 8:45pm, after that the local girl heading home alone and I back to the hotel room waiting for the student.

Immediately, I back to my room less than 5 minutes, someone knocks my door, a slim girl around 22 years old came in, but her breasts looks like “airport” and not pretty at all, definitely not my cup of tea, so I chatted with her simply and say sorry to her, I give her $100 as compensation for transportation, but she dare to say $100 not enough for the transport, so I told her: “Ms. Zhou says don’t need to pay you transportation.” She then pick the $100 and left without a word. I called Ms. Zhou ask for another girl, she says will arrange and let me know later, so I went to the lobby bar have a drink wait for Ms. Zhou’s arrangement, also try my luck whether can get something good from there.

There is Filipino life band performing in the bar, only two customers – me and the other western guy, I think the business just so so, that’s why they charge 80RMB for 1 Gin Tonic. Waited till 11:45pm, the agent of Ms. Zhou messaged me says she can arrange another university student at RMB2000 for overnight, if I agree, the girl could be arrived 30 minutes later, I then message her to arrange the girl come tomorrow 9pm since it is quite late already, she says the girl may not available tomorrow, I told her then forget about this girl and get another one for me tomorrow, she finally message me the girl is okay tomorrow.

I then return to hotel room and thinking to call An-An to send a girl to hotel as last night, but I suddenly remember brother 老江湖 recommended another agent call 小婉, and the girls posted in their website looks not bad, so I called 小婉 and she says will call me back. The phone rang after awhile, I thought it is 小婉, so I said: “I would like #x in your website or someone else similar.”
“I don’t know who’s #x but 小婉 asked me go to your hotel.” The girl answered.
“Oh, I thought you are 小婉, but I have not told her what kind of girl I like, how come she assigned you for me? You hold on first.”
I called 小婉 immediately, she said sorry to me that she forgot to confirm with me, but she emphasis the girl is pretty, so I deicide to take a try.

About 15 minutes later, someone knocking my door and I open it, the girl about 5” tall in front of me, I invited her coming, she had a pair of big eyes but just average looking, I’m thinking what Chinese says “Good is one meal and bad also one meal”, so I asked her stay.


Brothers, any suggestion for call-in in GuangZhou?


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-14 15:42 發表
Day 2 in Shanghai

The second day, I was stay in hotel room most of time to prepare meeting material, but I contacted the agent who recommended by brother Doer, unfortunately, Tony was not in the ...
had been waiting for your updating report for days, pal~




oh it's so good !


thank you for your report



日前在滬  經小婉安排一江蘇mm  全新人  我竟是她下海的第一位客人  樣貌娟秀身材平庸  服務生疏但態度可人 並需本人多方教導  感覺亦頗特殊有趣  事後發工資  mm竟開口:

"可不可以多給我一些? 我想捐錢給災區 但是剛出來當技師 錢又很少..."

雖然本人早就透過宣明會捐了不少給緬甸和四川災民 但難得見這mm有這想法  就多給5百  讓bg也能參與為善


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-5-18 17:35 發表

had been waiting for your updating report for days, pal~
Sorry to keep you waiting, here it is.

Day 2 in Shanghai

The second day, I was stay in hotel room most of time to prepare meeting material, but I contacted the agent who recommended by brother Doer, unfortunately, Tony was not in the town but he asked his partner Ms. Zhou to call me back, she told me the price would be $1600 onwards for stay overnight, and I told her what kind of girl I’m looking for, after few rounds of communication, she manage to arrange an university student at cost of $2000, and the service time would be 9pm to 9am. She told me that if I don’t satisfy with the student, just let her go and call her back to arrange another one, even no need to pay her transportation.

After the arrangement done with Ms. Zhou, I called a Shanghai local girl that I met 3 years ago (I did post the experience for that trip 3 years ago in the old version of Xocat forum, not sure any brother seen it before), I keep in contact with her for the past 3 years via MSN and met her few times when I visiting SH, but have no chance go to the bed with her again due to the tight schedule. Since the university student will be hotel 9pm, so I dated the local girl for dinner to fulfill the empty section, I told her that I need to work in hotel room whole afternoon and there is business appointment at 9pm, so ask her come to my hotel room first after she gone off from the work, then we decide where to have our dinner, ha ha, you know I mean …..

BTW, this girl just get married last year, I think she knows why I date her in hotel room not lobby. She came around 6:15pm, we chatted awhile then of course go to the bed at the last, after we done, I suggest we have dinner downstairs Japanese restaurant since I have business appointment 9pm in hotel lobby, she has no objection. During the dinner, the agent communicated with me via SMS to confirm the timing for the student. The dinner was nice and ends around 8:45pm, after that the local girl heading home alone and I back to the hotel room waiting for the student.

Immediately, I back to my room less than 5 minutes, someone knocks my door, a slim girl around 22 years old came in, but her breasts looks like “airport” and not pretty at all, definitely not my cup of tea, so I chatted with her simply and say sorry to her, I give her $100 as compensation for transportation, but she dare to say $100 not enough for the transport, so I told her: “Ms. Zhou says don’t need to pay you transportation.” She then pick the $100 and left without a word. I called Ms. Zhou ask for another girl, she says will arrange and let me know later, so I went to the lobby bar have a drink wait for Ms. Zhou’s arrangement, also try my luck whether can get something good from there.

There is Filipino life band performing in the bar, only two customers – me and the other western guy, I think the business just so so, that’s why they charge 80RMB for 1 Gin Tonic. Waited till 11:45pm, the agent of Ms. Zhou messaged me says she can arrange another university student at RMB2000 for overnight, if I agree, the girl could be arrived 30 minutes later, I then message her to arrange the girl come tomorrow 9pm since it is quite late already, she says the girl may not available tomorrow, I told her then forget about this girl and get another one for me tomorrow, she finally message me the girl is okay tomorrow.

I then return to hotel room and thinking to call An-An to send a girl to hotel as last night, but I suddenly remember brother 老江湖 recommended another agent call 小婉, and the girls posted in their website looks not bad, so I called 小婉 and she says will call me back. The phone rang after awhile, I thought it is 小婉, so I said: “I would like #x in your website or someone else similar.”
“I don’t know who’s #x but 小婉 asked me go to your hotel.” The girl answered.
“Oh, I thought you are 小婉, but I have not told her what kind of girl I like, how come she assigned you for me? You hold on first.”
I called 小婉 immediately, she said sorry to me that she forgot to confirm with me, but she emphasis the girl is pretty, so I deicide to take a try.

About 15 minutes later, someone knocking my door and I open it, the girl about 5” tall in front of me, I invited her coming, she had a pair of big eyes but just average looking, I’m thinking what Chinese says “Good is one meal and bad also one meal”, so I asked her stay.

The girl introduced herself call Xiao Xue (small snow), she then went into bathroom after she get confirmation from me, when she came out from bathroom, she was wearing black stocking with long T-shirt cover till her knees, and explain to me that’s her working uniform.

Xiao Xue is a cheery and talkative girl, we chatted a lot during she massage for me, “Where are you come from?” She asked.
“Hong Kong” I replied.
“I don’t believe.”
“The people from HK speak terrible Mandarin, but you speak Mandarin even better than me.” She says.
For certain reason, I can speak very well Mandarin, so when I meet girls in China, they all don’t believe I’m from HK. I then speak with her in Cantonese: “Lots of Hong Kong people can speak good Mandarin.”
“You thought I will believe you when you speak Cantonese? Show me your IC.” She says.
“No, I wouldn’t show you, up to you to believe or not.” I said.
After awhile, I rubbing on her leg and asked her “Can you take off the stocking, I don’t like it.”
“No problem” She replied and took off the stocking immediately.
“I believe you are from HK now.” She says.
“I saw your mobile phone charger has a 3-pins plug.” She says, “The people in HK are using that kind of plug.” (My charger was on the side table near to the bed.)
“You are so clever!” I said.

Her massage skill just so so, but it is not the purpose I call her here, I keep “drawing water” from her, and I feel something inside her panties, “What’s that?” I asked her although I knew.
“My aunty visiting me.” She replies.
“Oh, that’s bad.” I said.
“It make no difference, since I don’t provide sex service.” She said.
“Really?” I got a bit disappointed.

Finally, the last part came, she was sitting far away when she rubbing my little brother, I can only touching her thighs, so I asked her sit closer to me, she did it but she refuse take off the bra, only allow me touching her breasts underneath of the bra, her breast is real and soft, not big but just for a palm size, I guess it is around 33C.

She worked for about half an hour but I still not yet done, then she asking me: “Have you got sex today?”
“No.” I said, although I ML with my sex partner few hours ago, but technically it was yesterday, since the time already past midnight.
“You always last for so long?” She asked.
“It depends.” I replied. “If you let me touch you little sister, it may come fast.”
“You can dream of it only” She said.

Finally I’m done. She clean up for me and then asked me: “Do you want me accompany you? Pay me $600 I will stay with you till morning.”
“But no ML.” She added.
“Then what service you can provide for the extra $300 I paid?” I asked.
“No, you pay only $200 extra, you exceed 90 minutes so have to pay $100 for extra time, plus transport, the total cost you have to pay $400. If I stay back, you can have HJ again if you wished.” She said.
I didn’t realize we have exceeded 90 minutes of standard time, on the other hand, I quite like the feel with her like a GF, so I told her: “You got the deal.”

She went for shower and back to the bed quickly, but she still wearing the bra. We hugged and chatting. “When you leaving SH?” She asked.
“The day after tomorrow.” I replied.
“Then I come here tomorrow night to accompany you.” She suggested.
“No, I have business dinner tomorrow and have entertainment follows, so will back hotel very late.” I replied. In fact, I’m expecting the university student from MS. Zhou tomorrow night.
She sounds disappointed. She then asked me: “Have you married?”
“Yes, I got seven wives.” I replied.
“So many ah, can I be your 8th?” She says.
“Seven just nice for no repeat for a week, but 8….. It is a bit troublesome… anyway, I will consider” I laugh to her.
“You dream la.” She beat at me.
BTW, I successfully took off her bra when we chatting on the bed. I told her I need to wake up early tomorrow, so I call the front desk to arrange morning call at 8am.

Although we slept almost 4am, but I still wake up around 7:30am before the morning call. I tried to undress her panties, but she alerted and stops me, so there is not thing happened at the morning. We hold the hand like a pair of BF and GF, and walk out from hotel to look for traditional Shanghainess food, luckily, we found a small store nearby, it selling the Shen Jian Bao – one of my favorite, the foods was delicious, she then pay for the breakfast and take a cab home, I walk back to hotel wait for the driver to pick me up.

P.S. Xiao Xue is wearing a necklace made of crystal (looks like Swarovski item) and she told me that’s the gift from one of her HK customer, so it may from one of brother reading this forum.

That’s all for the day two activities, if the brothers here interest to know my day three activities, I will continue it, otherwise I would like to stop here.


Very nice report. Even though you did not manage to ML with 小雪, you did enjoy your night very much. It is a very readable report. Thanks.


Very detailed report..
Wonder why Brother Lamborghini dont venture out to the ks and pick up a MM for overnight or a short.. for 2000 you can definitely get a good Mm for ON in SH, plus some k chargers of course..
Some Ks in SH is not too expansive and quite nice actaully..even if you go by yourself..

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2008-5-19 18:02 編輯 ]


very good report, continue please.

It seems Mrs Zhou did not have many good mm, but the price is not cheap.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-19 09:49 發表
Very nice report. Even though you did not manage to ML with 小雪, you did enjoy your night very much. It is a very readable report. Thanks.
I just want to share my experience with brothers who read this forum, hope you guys enjoy it. Not to surprise you, I dated 小雪 again on the day I leaving SH, will include it to the next part of my report ….


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-20 01:33 發表

I just want to share my experience with brothers who read this forum, hope you guys enjoy it. Not to surprise you, I dated 小雪 again on the day I leaving SH, will include it to the next part ...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-19 10:00 發表
Very detailed report..
Wonder why Brother Lamborghini dont venture out to the ks and pick up a MM for overnight or a short.. for 2000 you can definitely get a good Mm for ON in SH, plus some k cha ...
Yes, you are right, $2000 may get a quality girl from Ks, but I only stay SH 2 days and lazy go to Ks, another reason is I like to try the MM who are not working in entertainment industry, let’s say university student ….


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-5-19 17:36 發表

MSNing with her now ....




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