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Thanks to LJW CHing, I have tried a lot of in room service in Shanghai in the past few months, including service at 3/5/8.
I just came back from Shanghai a few days ago and this time I tried An Hui of An An. Her message skill is the best among those I tried and her attitude is the best too. She is a bit mature in look and I was too tired, so I just got the basic service at 260 & taxi fare of 90.
The other one I tried a few months ago was a part time from Siu Ting who only provided basic service. Her massage, body and face were all acceptable (= girl next door). After meeting her a few times, she allowed me to take off all her clothes (really all) and do whatever I want except putting my little brother in. Actually, she spent at least 2.5 hours with me and I always gave her 500.
I got another good experience with Siu Ting's girls for full service. Her massage is terrible. Her face is 8/10, breast 9/10. However, she got a big belly and looks a bit tired always.
I don't want to name the above two as they don't want me to talk about them. You maybe able to find the names mentioned by LJW CHing some times ago in this forum.
In my opinion, you can not find a very very beautiful girl from this kind of in house service. However, they are all average or average above look. The best of all is you can choose to have FS or not after seeing clearly by yourself. And then you can have a very good rest immediately after the massage and the exercise (if any).
Do remember to report back. I have no chance to try Jiang Lee this time. Help me to explore more.