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good sharing.. will be my shanghai guide next trip.


回復 970# 的帖子

How about the price and service?


原帖由 老江湖 於 2009-4-18 01:10 發表

Dear  老江湖兄,

How about the price and service, and gals?


原帖由 老江湖 於 2009-6-3 01:47 發表

非也, 400行情是胸推, 肯以這價格做bj的技師只是少數

[ 本帖最後由 docomo520 於 2009-6-4 23:12 編輯 ]


原帖由 docomo520 於 2009-6-4 23:08 發表

聽了你的話,我實在是不知道是該為我自己是上海人占了便宜而開心還是該為將來你們可能的由於你們的大手大腳帶來的上海買春業的通貨膨脹率高企而感到擔憂.大概由於你們不是上海人吧,據我和我的幾個同好一起去,400是能 ...


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回復 1085# 的帖子

Ann Hui was good, except she did not shave her arm pit cleanly.


回復 1132# 的帖子

I have similar experience after calling one of Xiao Ting's girls, not disclose the name here as she already left the business. She asked me for taxi fee in day time and still complained me of giving so little and said she just earned very few from our guys. I called (not sms) Xiao Ting right after and complained about this girl's attitude. Xiao Ting kept apology to me and offered a half price massage for next time I come to SH. However, I told her I was not asking for compensation or benefit but this totally ruined my mood and left unhappy memory for my trip. So far I do not call Xiao Ting again later.



Do you have any update on out call massage service in BEIJING?

Last time try the Sunny Massage you recommand and got a old lady with so so service. (May be I'm bad luck)

Is there any better supplier or BG names?

Thanks in advance!


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回復 10# 的帖子

Thanks to LJW CHing, I have tried a lot of in room service in Shanghai in the past few months, including service at 3/5/8.

I just came back from Shanghai a few days ago and this time I tried An Hui of An An.  Her message skill is the best among those I tried and her attitude is the best too.  She is a bit mature in look and I was too tired, so I just got the basic service at 260 & taxi fare of 90.

The other one I tried a few months ago was a part time from Siu Ting who only provided basic service.  Her massage, body and face were all acceptable (= girl next door).  After meeting her a few times, she allowed me to take off all her clothes (really all) and do whatever I want except putting my little brother in.  Actually, she spent at least 2.5 hours with me and I always gave her 500.

I got another good experience with Siu Ting's girls for full service.  Her massage is terrible.  Her face is 8/10, breast 9/10.  However, she got a big belly and looks a bit tired always.

I don't want to name the above two as they don't want me to talk about them. You maybe able to find the names mentioned by LJW CHing some times ago in this forum.

In my opinion, you can not find a very very beautiful girl from this kind of in house service.  However, they are all average or average above look.  The best of all is you can choose to have FS or not after seeing clearly by yourself.  And then you can have a very good rest immediately after the massage and the exercise (if any).

Do remember to report back.  I have no chance to try Jiang Lee this time.  Help me to explore more.


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原帖由 shiraz 於 2009-6-12 23:09 發表

As i am quite new, when I call up An An or Xiao Ting, etc.....do I need to express what service do in want from the girl? e.g.FS or BM. Or all their girls can provide any upon request?
just tell xiao ting & anan what you want, pal~


hi LJW ching. no more beijing updates? i searched this thread but most of the recent information were abt Shanghai. please do give us some help!


回復 265# 的帖子

dear LJW
the Shau-Shi you mean is the sister of SuSu?


原帖由 老貓 於 2009-6-13 21:31 發表
dear LJW
the Shau-Shi you mean is the sister of SuSu?
xiao xue starts work as part-timer again. but no more 260 service. now 400 service(massage, bm, bj) or probably further ones. call her directly at 134727***5 & tell her it's my recommendation.

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2009-6-14 01:40 編輯 ]
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tried susu

LJH ching,
tried susu last week finally. outlook 6/10, a bit chubby. However attitude was very good. bj and lick c eye was wonderful, 15 mins +. ML reaction was good.  We took shower together afterwards, she carefully washed my body throughly. I prepared to pay 800 + taxi, but she said if i was recommended by LJH C hing, it could be 600, finally i paid 700. overall enjoyable and may do her again or her sis xiao xue


原帖由 hokeung 於 2009-6-15 14:02 發表
LJH ching,
tried susu last week finally. outlook 6/10, a bit chubby. However attitude was very good. bj and lick c eye was wonderful, 15 mins +. ML reaction was good.  We took shower together afterwa ...
sounds great, ching. planned to do susu again yesterday but she is in her period. called anan for an hui immediately & she rushed over in 15 mins. wonderful bj as well. did her twice without massage and paid her 1K. will try xiao ting's 嬌嬌 tonight.


回復 1143# 的帖子

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i hve not see this forum for long time, alot of new info.  Ths for all Ching, good job........


回復 1145# 的帖子

LJW ching, how's the experience with 嬌嬌? I am going to SH tmr. Worth to try??


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