原帖由 peter_gcru 於 2008-5-5 02:06 發表
To denny2000,
算把啦!佢o地只係到過沙灘、407等地方豪d o既如深仔 正保龍、啦c喂+c相信都未去過!更加唔好話到過半山、朱古力等地了
但係dxxxx~ Sorry ~ 我睇唔到佢地有腦會諗到呢點!
Peter headmaster,
I know we could not be angry since we could not do much. Just to share my anger...
in fact, i have also not visited all the places you mentioned. I am interested in 啦c喂+c as I pass this place everytime I go back to my SZ base... Is it a place with model-like goldfishes (and needs $ and time to turn them into woodenfish)?
Dxxxxxx.. there are so many whistle-blowing leaders there. The more trivial the reports, the better responses they will have.
TW guys: Agree with your comments and in fact, many tw guys are more secretive and use secret codes. They were also suffered by those dog dog team and the gochina/baseball trip in hte last few years. However, tw guys (and now some Hk guys) are so proud of their own "experiences" and lose their brains and disclose all detailed info.