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Wine lovers! pls come in!!

原帖由 barton 於 2007-9-24 11:20 AM 發表
Dejavu, have you checked the price at wine-searcher? It could give you an overview picture whether it's expansive compare to other place.
where's the link?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


the website is:


it is a good reference for price checking, but reference only.  i have checked the price for 2000 & 2001, they are selling at less than A$100, but i think A$155 for 2001 is still a good deal.  for the 1995, i am interested in that certainly, pls bring one for me if you have capacity, thanks

too bad to know Giaconda Chardonnay is unreachable in your friend's place, please help asking Dan Murphy whether they have some (or at least one).  thank you so much

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-9-24 04:06 PM 發表
the website is:


it is a good reference for price checking, but reference only.  i have checked the price for 2000 & 2001, they are selling at less than A$100, but i thin ...
OK, I'll buy 6 1995 Wendouree or 5 plus 1 Giaconda from Dan Murphy tomorrow.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-9-24 04:06 PM 發表
the website is:


it is a good reference for price checking, but reference only.  i have checked the price for 2000 & 2001, they are selling at less than A$100, but i thin ...
There's only 1 bottle of 2001 left but then it's under $300 and I can't get tax refund.  I might defer it to next time (Nov) as I have 6 from Dan Murphy to bring.   I might add a Torbreck Les Amis which is reasonably priced at $170 for next time.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 18:21 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-9-24 04:06 PM 發表
the website is:

please help asking Dan Murphy whether they have some (or at least one).   
What do you think is the reasonable price of a Giaconda?  Forget about wine-search.com as I think the price is not realistic any more.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


thank you so much, brother dejavu, the price for Giaconda Nantua Les Deux is not a problem as it is for a special function, but as far as i know, it should be normally ranged between A$50-100 in general

Torbreck Les Amis @A$170 seems a nice deal, but didnt u said you will collect Run Rig/ The Factor?

For the Wendouree 1995, i really look forward to her arrival!!!  Thanks again.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-24 20:44 發表

OK, I'll buy 6 1995 Wendouree or 5 plus 1 Giaconda from Dan Murphy tomorrow.
and remember to buy the 2001 also!


I think $162 for 95 Wendouree is a very reasonable price. Even with wine-searcher, the cheapest one is $140 but who knows whether it's true! I believe if it's found in HK, it will be at least $1500.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


one more thing, are you sure wine can have tax refund? In Japan, Wine & Fruit is excluded from tax refund policy.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 barton 於 2007-9-24 23:27 發表
one more thing, are you sure wine can have tax refund? In Japan, Wine & Fruit is excluded from tax refund policy.
he did it many times, no problem.
he will try his best, even cannot refund, don;t worry la.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-9-24 09:54 PM 發表
thank you so much, brother dejavu, the price for Giaconda Nantua Les Deux is not a problem as it is for a special function, but as far as i know, it should be normally ranged between A$50-100 in ge ...
I think Les Amis is a better deal than the Factor as Torbreck's deal with Les Amis is off and there won't be any.  This will be for collection (don't ask me to take it to the dinner).  I found the Factor very cheap though at Dan Murphy at $120.  I might also buy a Run Rig + Giaconda + 4 Wendouree 1995 from Dan Murphy.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 18:08 編輯 ]


原帖由 barton 於 2007-9-24 11:27 PM 發表
one more thing, are you sure wine can have tax refund? In Japan, Wine & Fruit is excluded from tax refund policy.
I have done it about 20 times so far in the last few years.  That is, when I could bring the bottles with me to show to customs at the air side.  I haven't done it under the new rule when 100 ml liquid max. is alllowed on board.

Not only there's a GST refund (1/11th or 9% on the invoice price), there's also a Wet Tax refund of 14.3%, and after the charges, etc., my experience is that I usually get 22.5% back.

Before I knew this, I once brought 3 bottles of Grange without asking for a refund.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 barton 於 2007-9-24 11:23 PM 發表
I think $XX for 95 Wendouree is a very reasonable price. Even with wine-searcher, the cheapest one is $XX but who knows whether it's true! I believe if it's found in HK, it will be at least $XX.
Did wine-searcher tell who sells at this price in Australia?  The general consensus is that you can't get cheaper than Dan Murphy.  If anyone advertise for less, Dan Murphy will give you a refund.

Actually Dan Murphy's price for a single bottle is $XX.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 18:19 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


It shows Ultimo Wine Center sells at $139.9, they said stock on hand: 7. (http://www.ultimowinecentre.com.au/Product.aspx?id=360)

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Good Morning Everybody !!

BxR is having a bin end sale of 2003 Run Rig at HK$1700.


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2007-9-25 09:37 AM 發表
Good Morning Everybody !!

BxR is having a bin end sale of 2003 Run Rig at HK$1700.

I just saw the Run Rig 2003 @ Dan Murphy around @ $220.


原帖由 barton 於 2007-9-25 09:08 AM 發表
It shows Ultimo Wine Center sells at $, they said stock on hand: 7. (http://www.ultimowinecentre.com.au/Product.aspx?id=360)
I just bought at Dan Murphy @ $XX

Here's my today's trolley -

At D.M. -

1 X Giaconda Chardonnay  $ 237.50
4 X 95 Wendouree Shiraz  $ XX
1 X 94 Wendouree Shiraz  $ XX

From my friend's bottle shop -

1 X 2001 Wendouree Shiraz  $ XX
1 X Torbreck Les Amis $ 175

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 18:10 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 barton 於 2007-9-25 09:08 AM 發表
It shows Ultimo Wine Center sells at $XX, they said stock on hand: 7. (http://www.ultimowinecentre.com.au/Product.aspx?id=360)
I should have checked your mail earlier before I went to D.M.  I had bought at Ultimo before and they do stock a lot of fine French and Aussie wines.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 18:12 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


oh bro dejavu

thank you so much, really want to give you a big hug and kiss
which vintage is the Giaconda?

to show my gratitude for your help, i will open a bottle of Bass Philips Premium Pinot Noir in the next gathering


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-9-25 02:49 PM 發表
oh bro dejavu

thank you so much, really want to give you a big hug and kiss
which vintage is the Giaconda?

to show my gratitude for your help, i will open a bottle of Bass Philips Pr ...
Big hug and kiss - I'd rather you get outside help to show your gratitude.

Vintage 2001.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 14:42 發表

I should have checked your mail earlier before I went to D.M.  I had bought at Ultimo before and they do stock a lot of fine French and Aussie wines.
no problem, i think the current price is still a nice one
the wine is definitely worth for investment

相關搜索目錄: Investment Wine


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-9-25 02:55 PM 發表

no problem, i think the current price is still a nice one
the wine is definitely worth for investment
Sometimes I wonder how current is the website of Ultimo.  It is the general belief that Dan Murphy is the cheapest.  I also compared others like Run Rig and DM is much cheaper.

相關搜索目錄: Investment Wine


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 14:51 發表

Big hug and kiss - I'd rather you get outside help to show your gratitude.

Vintage 2001.
what kind of outside help you would prefer

>> Do you know customs people knows the price of Giaconda?

actually you dont need to say anything, just bring all bottles and show them, they will check and tell you the price on their list.  They will automatically not count the most expensive one for tax.  except the Torbeck, i do not think the HK Customs has the reference price of the wine

相關搜索目錄: Wine


[quote]原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-9-25 03:01 PM 發表

what kind of outside help you would prefer


[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 18:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-9-25 15:38 發表

The Torbreck, that's what I feared.  So, for your sake, I am not bringing the Torbreck this time, for fear that customs will know the prices of two - Torbreck and Giaconda.  I will bring the  ...
thank you for your kind arrangement

for the trick, we better




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