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[檔案] "精" 盟會 - 老太監醫院遊記 (Welcome any 醫院 report here)

"精" 盟會 - 老太監醫院遊記 (Welcome any 醫院 report here)

In order not to spoil the forum by all Hospital message... I would like to suggest a thread for Hospital only

Time: Someday in September
Army: 老太監, Spider and his friend - CountryMan
Event Log:::::
- booked for 1430, but rec'd call by the DR L on 1400
- chase if we could make it on 1400, but our army force could only arrive 1445 due to missed the transportation (bad feeling already)
- arrived on 1445, new consultation room was all occupied, but DR L reserved 3 old consultation room for us even there is a queue there.
- wait at the consultation, DR L first introduce 4 new registered staff to us, all registered within 1 month
- for 老太監, DR L specially reserved one of the red label due to his serious sickness, and the Red Label is so acceptable by 老太監 immediately
- unfortunately, the 4 new registered FRESH staff is not Spiderman or CountryMan's.  
- And since DR L honestly tell us that all of the good staff are working in progress right now, and she doesn't want to bring out some poor staff to us, Spiderman and CountryMan decided to go for other hospital for further consultation
- back to 老太監, after he is being welcome in the consultation room, he start to take a real look at the Red lable, long leg, nice figure, big eyes, great smile and white skin... it is pretty much more than enough for 老太監... the downside: A cup only...

There is not much to tell in detail for those routine but there is several hightlights:
1) Since she is a red label, the dancing skill is really a good one and enjoyable (normally 老太監 will just skip this part)
2) 老太監 is not capable for 4 shot in 2 hours, but this time... this time... this time... um... he got 3.... actually... 2.5... 1 for starter...then 1 mouth shot (no domdom) (super excellent enjoyable BJ skill... suck to the end of little 老太監)... then 1 last shot for finishing...
3) DR L told me afterward, many ppls would like to visit the Hospital as a big group (7-8ppls) on 1430... don't know why and don't know where they come from as they are not regular customer... so... for c hing if they would like to go alone, don't wanna wait and want to have a quaranteed quality and quantity of STAFF... please... please arrive no later than 1415...
4) Also from DR L... many new staff registered, and some old number have been reused (those number used to have a practice like phone number, have a few month cooling period) (but this time, since many new staff arrive, old number need to be re-use)
5) e.g. ()^ is a ex-staff to serve 老太監 before, but have been changed to a new staff already, and 老太監 know that ()^ has just resigned for less than 3 weeks

That's all for this time... stay tune for more update later on!!

And please feel free to ask, to report and to share any hospital here!!!!!
(But please do some old thread for well know question, such as... Where is the Hospital?)


我好小氣o家! 以後唔理你的post!

[ 本帖最後由 hongkonger 於 2008-9-5 12:53 編輯 ]


Har? Don't play me lah!! You are not new here... you should know that it is not my style for picture... and I respect the rule of the Hospital...

BTW, for all c hing, please kindly use the coding of Hospital in this thread... I don't mind you use the real name in other thread... but in this thread... please use HOSPITAL, Doctor, STAFF and etc...only... Thanks!!!


I hope the red label is NOT the little sec.............


我好小氣o家! 以後唔理你的post!

[ 本帖最後由 hongkonger 於 2008-9-5 12:53 編輯 ]


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-9-5 12:23 發表

馬要跑路、人要進步, right?
日本有名攝影師荒木經惟講過:  "「不斷地按快門」就如「不斷地射精」"



It is not the little sec... tell you what... little sec doesn't fall into the categories of Red Label...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-5 12:30 發表
It is not the little sec... tell you what... little sec doesn't fall into the categories of Red Label...
Don't care.......... as long as she is not tortured by you rudely, that's OK for me next week!


我好小氣o家! 以後唔理你的post!

[ 本帖最後由 hongkonger 於 2008-9-5 12:53 編輯 ]


Please... this thread is for Hospital only... please post your picture on other area!!!



原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-9-5 12:40 發表

好啦, 你咁欣賞, 我post 幾張大師作品

透過我的眼睛觀看他的寫真, ...

借問他出的影集, 在港可以買得到嗎 ?


Read a lot of post about the HOSPITAL and you guys' EROTIC adventure, I really want to visit this place to see how good their Doctor / Nurse / Staff are !!! Please PM me the address & ctc no. as well..Thanks a lot.


PM you... enjoy...


RETAV...Got it thanks...I made a mistake, I thought this HOSPITAL is in CA !!!

I used to be a regular Patient of this Hospital before and I did meet the "Legend Twins Nurse" (Thanks to JM brother's post) and it was memorable.......Now my next target is the "Little Sec." !!!
I feel very sick now and I must go to the hospital on early next week.


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-5 12:01 發表
Army: 老太監, Spider and his friend - CountryMan  Lo ...
I like it. Much better for me if in English!


Where were they going then? 又港樂.
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


By the way, who is the "Country Man"..........? Another new JM brother?


Mac... 港樂 is the main battlefield for Spiderman...  for me, my main battlefield is the hospital... coz I am serious ill... and only uniform staff could heal me...

Froggie... Countryman is a friend of Spiderman... another super hero with lot of experience dealing with differnet kind of monster...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 11:17 發表
Mac... 港樂 is the main battlefield for Spiderman...  for me, my main battlefield is the hospital... coz I am serious ill... and only uniform staff could heal me...

Froggie... Countryman is a frien ...

BTW, do you feel well.............? Any need for hospital visit?


definitely need the hospital visit again soon... as got some new number to try... hehe...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 11:49 發表
definitely need the hospital visit again soon... as got some new number to try... hehe...
New numbers to try again.............? Ah Yee is really too good to you la.


You jealous...?

Btw... I didn't tell Dr L about your fantasy to her... I guess you better tell her yourself directly...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 11:17 發表
Mac... 港樂 is the main battlefield for Spiderman...  for me, my main battlefield is the hospital... coz I am serious ill... and only uniform staff could heal me...

Froggie... Countryman is a frien ...
Why you use the word " Monster" ?
精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 11:49 發表
definitely need the hospital visit again soon... as got some new number to try... hehe...
Perhaps, you need to tell Ah Yee to reserve an ICU for you!!!!!!!!!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 12:13 發表
You jealous...?

Btw... I didn't tell Dr L about your fantasy to her... I guess you better tell her yourself directly...
Yes, I am jealous by 100%! haha!

Anyway, I know your status in the hospital is not replaceable! And your position in ah yee's heart is non-replaceable, too.


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