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[檔案] "精" 盟會 - 老太監醫院遊記 (Welcome any 醫院 report here)

Still don't know what is the overall quality of this batch... really need to check by a morning visit... then I could have more time to explore the first 2 shift's mm..


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-12 08:50 發表

It seems there are new good choices in the Hospital.............. I dare say men go there will not leave empty-handed.
But also with empty-wallet and empty-spring-bag!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-12 09:13 發表
But also with empty-wallet and empty-spring-bag!!
hard to believe your wallent can be empty!


I feel really sick after reading your report. I know I must go to see the doctor and  of course, the nurses in hospital. Please PM your known good hospital details. Tks.


Update on 18/9/2008

Since it is 老太監's big date... I super squeeze the work time and have a morning visit to the hospital...

Dr L congratz me for the big-date... and she bring alone all the new staff for me to check and ask me if I could give some comment to her afterward...

All new staff really new... those staffs have been registered no longer than 2 weeks...
As a objective report, I have to say, the quality really drop a bit... but for those that could catch my eyes... their quality is actually better than before...

What I am talking about?  My meaning is, the number of pork chop increase, but for those top quality MM, they are even better than before... so... to all brothers... patient and luck is the key to find you target one...

*(! is the number this time... I won't talk about the routine as it is all the same, just share to all about some highlight:

1) No need to wait for the room as I arrived at 1130
2) Number of Pork Chop increase, but the top quality MM's quality improved (strange) (I have Dr L what's that happen, she explained that the source is different from time to time)(standard answer)
3) *(! is new register for less than 2 weeks, who is from 廣西
4) Slim figure, small boots, short pussy (yes, you heard it right, short, my thing could hit to the end)(I am not a big guy, but it really feel good to hit the end)
5) So good serving attitude with lots of communication
6) Will suck you up very hard and deep... (is it the new trainer told them to suck so deep inside... my recent experience in the Hospital are both serious sucker) (yes, you heard it right again, hospital got a new trainer, only know that she used to be a staff but not anymore, don't ask, that's all I know too)
7) Surprising she is willing to "車" and she is a serious "Driver"
8) Give you a gf feel and those feel and touch are excellent for this MM
9) Must try to attact her with her dress on...!!!!!!!

I also mark down some staff to try later on...


回復 55# 的帖子

OH ! Bro. Retav , your report turn me on, even an old bird like me want to go to ICU now.


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-19 10:13 發表
Update on 18/9/2008

Since it is 老太監's big date... I super squeeze the work time and have a morning visit to the hospital...

Dr L congratz me for the big-date... and she bring alone all the ne ...
死太監................. 又話唔得閒要改期, 点知靜靜鳼鼠上 去食好嘢, 令到蛙仔 "留港守齋"....... anyway, happy b-day!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-19 10:13 發表
Update on 18/9/2008

Since it is 老太監's big date... I super squeeze the work time and have a morning visit to the hospital...

Dr L congratz me for the big-date... and she bring alone all the ne ...
So good!!!
Generally speaking, the std in the hospital should not be disappointed.
You turn me back to CP rather than CA this week!!


To 7-siu... don't play me lah... you got 4 妃嬪 to serve you... but yes... I could comment that for my recent experience... the service qualtiy improve in the Hospital... but the MM quality is a undenable fact...

To WaWa... sorry... I have to squeeze my work and I just know at the early yesterday morning that I could go... so so so so sorry...

B-day is not a big deal... from one of the brother... b-day means the count down start to our last shotable day...  (so we have to shot as much as possible before I can't shot again)


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-19 10:49 發表
To 7-siu... don't play me lah... you got 4 妃嬪 to serve you... but yes... I could comment that for my recent experience... the service qualtiy improve in the Hospital... but the MM quality is a unden ...
I think we JM brothers should hold a mini party for Retav for his belated b-day celebration!


回復 60# 的帖子

Can I join the party ? He He !


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-19 10:54 發表
Can I join the party ? He He !
Why not..............? But it probably be a "ma-nut" party held locally. Still interested to join?


回復 62# 的帖子

Why not ? If so, please keep it a weekday happy hour party.

Let's call it a " Ma-nut Blow water" party ?


HK? it is good.. no need to ON then I don't need to apply permit... good... when?

No need to celebrate my b-day... just a gathering is also good... haha

And 7-siu.. it is my honour if you could join!!


回復 64# 的帖子

I am going to CA this afternoon with Dai Hoi for the weekend.

You name it and PM me, I can check the PM while I am in Humen and CA.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-19 12:04 發表
I am going to CA this afternoon with Dai Hoi for the weekend.

You name it and PM me, I can check the PM while I am in Humen and CA.
I propose Retav to be the organiser............. and let us have the "ma-nut water blowing evening" the soonest, OK?


回復 66# 的帖子

I am now in Humen now, waiting for you guys PM. I am going to Chap An tonight.


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-19 10:51 發表

I think we JM brothers should hold a mini party for Retav for his belated b-day celebration!
Good suggestion.  In fact, I held a private party in British Army to celebrate retav's b-day although there were only me and a lady enjoying.

Let's have a party for no matter reason and in no matter place.


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-19 14:11 發表

I propose Retav to be the organiser............. and let us have the "ma-nut water blowing evening" the soonest, OK?
Great! Let's just have a ma-nut blowing happy hour gathering locally.  After all, we don't have to meet each other only when we are having fun in mainland!!


Guys ~~~ Please count me in !
I have a lot of things to learn from you .... especially 7-siu ! The K-King !
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-9-19 20:48 發表
Guys ~~~ Please count me in !
I have a lot of things to learn from you .... especially 7-siu ! The K-King !
.............including the correct attitude in having fun!


回復 71# 的帖子

不要有講無做,太空隧道了!快點安排"Ma-nut happy hour party".

I shall release my " weekend report" later this evening.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-22 13:31 發表
不要有講無做,太空隧道了!快點安排"Ma-nut happy hour party".

I shall release my " weekend report" later this evening.
Where did you go recently?


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-22 13:31 發表
不要有講無做,太空隧道了!快點安排"Ma-nut happy hour party".

I shall release my " weekend report" later this evening.

快 d 行动啦! 連七少都感到不耐煩 la!


回復 73# 的帖子

I went to "Chap On" on last Friday, and "Chang An Hotel" on Saturday.




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