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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ kcpw0n ©ó 2008-10-20 11:37 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤ò²y ©ó 2008-10-18 02:15 µoªí

(©ú³ø)10¤ë17¤é ¬P´Á¤­ 23:25

Ä~³sÂ궰¹ÎU-Right¤W©P³Q²M½L«á¡A¦³62¦~¾ú¥vªº®õªLµL½u¹q¦æ¦bª÷¿Ä®ü¼S¤U¤µ¤é¥þ½uµ²·~¡A¼vÅT260¦W­û¤u ...
I seriously doubt if anyone employed by Tai Lum was being paid the minimum wage.
Min wage is a two blade sword, if there are less employment or less establishment, rent will eventually trickles downwards ( painful process ) to a point where new business can start again.
If competitiveness is build solely by suppressing one side ( wages of the less fortunate )  and not the broader side ( land use, rent ), sooner or later, something bad will happen.
Intervene is sometimes a necessary evil.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Rubber ©ó 2008-10-20 13:37 ½s¿è ]
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
¥H»É¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H¥¿¦ç«a¡A¥H¥v¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥Hª¾¿³´À¡A¥H¤H¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H©ú±o¥¢ - ­ð¤Ó©v


­ì©«¥Ñ Rubber ©ó 2008-10-20 12:07 PM µoªí

I seriously doubt if anyone employed by Tai Lum was being paid the minimum wage.
Min wage is a two blade sword, if there are less employment or less establishment, rent will eventually trickles d ...
®õªL¦P³Ì§C¤u¸ê·íµMÉNÃö«Y, Ê\¥u«Y¸gÀÙ¤£´º®ð¥[ºÞ²z¤£µ½ªºÀY¤@§åÄ묹ªÌ.

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In my book, it might be not the right time to activate this ordinance because of recent financial tsunami.  I believe this act would make the enterprise in low margin going belly up.  As a result, this act would intensify the devastating of recent financial turmoil, unemployment rate would soar.


­ì©«¥Ñ µL¯«½×¨g®{ ©ó 2008-10-20 19:43 µoªí
In my book, it might be not the right time to activate this ordinance because of recent financial tsunami.  I believe this act would make the enterprise in low margin going belly up.  As a result, thi ...
§A¦ô d ¬F´Ò­ÌªÖ­øªÖ ¡H



­ì©«¥Ñ ¤ò²y ©ó 2008-10-20 19:12 µoªí

®õªL¦P³Ì§C¤u¸ê·íµMÉNÃö«Y, Ê\¥u«Y¸gÀÙ¤£´º®ð¥[ºÞ²z¤£µ½ªºÀY¤@§åÄ묹ªÌ.

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The high land price is a form of " pre-paid " TAX, in which every citizen have to paid it back eventually ( in rent which in turn as higher cost in dinner / goods ) to the land tycoons and govt.  No body can escape from this TAX.  I think HK Govt should try to lower the land cost.

There are always a significant amount of under-educated people in Hong Kong.
The govt should plan a way to absorb this work force and turn them into valuable assets.
Manufacturing is the way out to utilized this resources and create jobs.
It is very sad to see from 1997 onwards, the HKSAR govt did nothing to help small manufacturers in HONG KONG.
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
¥H»É¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H¥¿¦ç«a¡A¥H¥v¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥Hª¾¿³´À¡A¥H¤H¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H©ú±o¥¢ - ­ð¤Ó©v


Exactly right!  What we need right now is conscientious politician.  Noday, there is too many politicians aiming to make big bucks on their position, ripping apart  a big chunk from us - tax payer.  I dislike such politicians who treated the people's livelihood as a means to gain profit .
I understand applause is equal to survival in this "industry".  They cannot exist without public acknowledgement.  Nevetheless, some of them have lost the balance.


­ì©«¥Ñ Rubber ©ó 2008-10-21 10:47 AM µoªí

The high land price is a form of " pre-paid " TAX, in which every citizen have to paid it back eventually ( in rent which in turn as higher cost in dinner / goods ) to the land tycoons and govt.   ...
Apart from lowering the land cost, to avoid directly interfering the property market, Government can also introduce a kind of tax system which can draw the income from the property developer according to different rates to discourage the unhealthy market.  Tax collected then can be used for the benefits of the entire society, e.g. extra support to the SME and re-training of low-skill workers to upgrade their value.  It should not be solely the responsibility of the HKG Government if our Legco members have never given same kind of positive suggestion properly but just opposing the Government for everything.  Our Chief Executive Tung was blamed for the serious decline of the property market after he proposed the ¡§85,000¡¨ scheme (which should be a way to help the poor), but in fact it¡¦s just because of the coincidence of the financial crisis.  I think the Government was too weak to deal with these politicians after 1997 as whatever policy there will be the drawbacks and the politicians are just attacking with different arguments and it¡¦s becoming the trend in HKG.


­ì©«¥Ñ Rubber ©ó 2008-10-21 10:47 µoªí

The high land price is a form of " pre-paid " TAX, in which every citizen have to paid it back eventually ( in rent which in turn as higher cost in dinner / goods ) to the land tycoons and govt.   ...
¦n¤ß§A°Õ, ¤S¦Ñ½Õ­«¼u
·í®É¥þ´ä¥«¥Á¥Í¬¡¦³´X©¯ºÖ§r ?
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½â¦a»ù, ½â¼Ó»ù´N©¯ºÖ ?

¦a»ù¼Ó»ùÃöÊ\¦aÉA¨Æ§r ?
ÂI¼Ë¤H¤H¨«­ø¥Ï­n¥æÅÜ¬Û "" pre-paid  TAX" ªk ?


­ì©«¥Ñ ­¸¤ò»L ©ó 2008-10-21 13:28 µoªí

¦n¤ß§A°Õ, ¤S¦Ñ½Õ­«¼u
·í®É¥þ´ä¥«¥Á¥Í¬¡¦³´X©¯ºÖ§r ?
¤@¬P´Á¥H¤º¹j¤é¥²¦³¤H¸õ¼Ó, ¿N¬´
½â¦a»ù, ½â¼Ó»ù´N©¯ºÖ ?  ...
You never understands.
The cost of rent is always the fixed cost.
The cost pay for the land will finally be absorbed by ALL citizens.
So in a sense it is a TAX collected by land tycoons for the GOVT from the citizen (pre-paid).
It is a mis-concept that Hong Kong TAX rate is low in this sense.
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
¥H»É¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H¥¿¦ç«a¡A¥H¥v¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥Hª¾¿³´À¡A¥H¤H¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H©ú±o¥¢ - ­ð¤Ó©v


­ì©«¥Ñ Rubber ©ó 2008-10-21 15:11 µoªí

You never understands.
The cost of rent is always the fixed cost.
The cost pay for the land will finally be absorbed by ALL citizens.
¦³¤H¶R¤J¤@³æ¦ì¦Û¦í¤]¦n, ¥X¯²¤]¦n
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­ì©«¥Ñ ­¸¤ò»L ©ó 2008-10-21 17:29 µoªí

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«n¤X®q, ªø¬w¦a¥­¯²¥­°Õ
¸Ì­±¤h¦hÂø³fçE½æ¤@¤ç¦Ì´X ...
Of course I don't care about residential building.
I am focusing on land use that can create jobs.

In the TVB series about 1 year or half an year ago, documenting livelihood of elders in Hong Kong.
One episode is about people living in Kwun Tong.
There are shops in Kwun Tong that can manage to sell bread / buns at around $1 each, just because their rent is low.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¥X¯²
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
¥H»É¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H¥¿¦ç«a¡A¥H¥v¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥Hª¾¿³´À¡A¥H¤H¬°Ãè¡A¥i¥H©ú±o¥¢ - ­ð¤Ó©v


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§Ú­ø«Yª©¥D, µLÅv¶ÃÁ¿³¥, Á¿¿ù¤À¤ÀÄÁ­Ú¤Hban


­ì©«¥Ñ FXO ©ó 2008-10-22 10:07 µoªí
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¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ³ø¯È


­ì©«¥Ñ Rubber ©ó 2008-10-21 19:56 µoªí

Of course I don't care about residential building.
I am focusing on land use that can create jobs.

In the TVB series about 1 year or half an year ago, documenting livelihood of elders in Hong  ...
¯S°Ï¬F©²¨C¦~½æ¦a¦¬¤J¦í¦v¥Î¦a¦ûÁ`½æ¦a¦¬¤J´X¦h§Aª¾­øª¾ ?
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­ì©«¥Ñ ­¸¤ò»L ©ó 2008-10-22 13:38 µoªí

7-11 ­n¥æ¯²
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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ FXO ©ó 2008-10-22 15:57 ½s¿è ]

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­ì©«¥Ñ ¦Ü´L»¨®x9 ©ó 2008-10-23 22:07 µoªí

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­ì©«¥Ñ ¦Ü´L»¨®x9 ©ó 2008-10-23 22:07 µoªí

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Please mind your words here.


­ì©«¥Ñ xocatII ©ó 2008-10-30 16:37 µoªí

Please mind your words here.




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