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[桑拿浴室] 東方水匯桑拿(The Sauna and Spa)

原帖由 SCWK 於 2009-12-24 12:24 發表
merry x'mas to all ching, hope you all get to meet your BG of your life time this holiday
Thanks, and same to you.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


today holiday, only a few of clients..not much choice of bg


回復 177# 的帖子

Dear bro WK,
Merry Christmas too
(!, !)@, # all left
finally tried **, same as your comments, fun but NMCOT
need to explore more after holiday


Tried this sauna again a week or so ago…. Carman is still here, so as some waitress, other than these, all new faces to me, I believe the staff turnover rate of this sauna is a bit fast, so as the BGs.

I did see some improvement was made by this sauna in these couples of weeks, like got better choices in shampoo…. Also, I think the towels are changed, the previous one is not so 吸水, 2 or more towels must be used to dry your body after shower, I got better experience during my latest visit.

Food in this sauna had lots of room to improve in taste and numbers of choices (beside main dishes). I hope it will get better soon! SS is doing a better job in this part.

Just back to my recent visits, after shower, I was leaded by a waitress to a seat. Some snacks and drinks ordered, as I was a bit tired that day, so I just lay down and watching News on the TV after finish my food and drinks. 20 minutes gone and none of the manager come to serve me…. Then, I told a waitress that to arrange上房 for me ….. another 5-10 minutes past, nothing happen, so I talk to the same waitress again for the arrangement! This time I got an immediate feedback, I saw Carman walking down to my direction and she apologize for the delay, she told me that the waitress forget to report my number to them and they think 我已經做完按摩 section.

I don’t feel too angry on this as I am that kind of “順德人”, but I think a better job should be done for the class of this sauna, there are not too much customers at the sitting area on that night (less than 10) and this kind of mistake is simply unacceptable.

Other than this mix up, I had a pleasant journey at this sauna, the BG arranged by Carman is good in massage skill, I had a good sleep back home after 2 hours section. I really forget the number of the BG, may be !%, may be not….

I will back to this sauna again, if they kept offer the discounted price after 10 and 12. total damage to this trip: $4XX+$200 tips to BG +$20tips to locker.


原帖由 高射炮 於 2009-12-28 16:38 發表
Tried this sauna again a week or so ago…. Carman is still here, so as some waitress, other than these, all new faces to me, I believe the staff turnover rate of this sauna is a bit fast, so as the BG ...
Welcome back to this thread.

Yes, I agree towels have somewhat improved, maybe there have been replacements
or the towels had simply become stiffer due to repeated washing for more than two months.

I would say the food at SS (Silver Spring) has always been not fresh enough, though varied.
It is pre-cooked and reheated in microwave oven upon cutosmer order, apart from perhaps the night congee which is cooked on request.

I hope that chief  Ka Ling has noted even as recently as last week when you lasted visited,
the same kind of problems with waitress persisted.  She had been aware of them for quite
some time up to last week.

I heard that Cherry was fired. Was she held accountable to the problems or for other things?
Anway, I think that the key to service quality does not lie in giving sombody the sack, but in
a thorough review and a determination to improve.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


回復 180# 的帖子

i think the PR or the waitress are so green or maybe no enough experience to serve clients....Another worry is not much clients to support the business.


hope they will learn from mistakes.... ,as a sauna target medium to high end customers, this must be quick!


回復 182# 的帖子

Again, had bad experience with their booking, rather call the BG directly to book. Hope they can get on track asap.


原帖由 super123123 於 2009-12-29 23:49 發表
Again, had bad experience with their booking, rather call the BG directly to book. Hope they can get on track asap.
唔係掛, 又搞錯booking?
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


其實佢地, 除左硬件一流外, 軟件方面真係需要再改善.

有時, 個別員工真係有D遊魂, 除左上次講果D, 又試個叫左安排上房, 成15分鐘都無反應, (依間野暫時都應該唔會無房), 最後再叫安排, 好快入房, 入到去見條BG都未搞好張床, 好明顯剛剛黎到, 真係唔知係無安排OR無曬女???

抄野方面, 我認為太早收啦! 有時放工7:30先到, 蒸下沖下涼都成8:00先去到大堂, 上得房做完都OVER9:30 LA, 出到黎飽肚的只有NOODLE食, 其他小食好多時都無貨…. 抄粉麵飯選擇夠多, 其他野真係一般多,種類太少, 比得正價, 緊係想食完飯先走啦, 但只係有一次9:30分前出到房….真慘!

送果張假日卷, 對我黎講, 真係無MUD用!


thanks for sharing


spend couples of hrs yesterday w/my fan.  Took dinner there..... the apicy & salty spare ribs so good.. fried noodles in Singapre style also hot .. the drunken chicken wing a little bit salty....... Served by !!! the bone skill OK , midium force w/soft.. but look like recoginzed in other place... maybe the old ** in my home court.  Seems no 10% discount anymore.


same as before, not much business. We sit for 30-45 mins , not over 10 clients


hello everybody,
i went to  東方水匯 around 10pm last night. seem like there were more customers, especially more female customers. i tried BG**, she is under 30, quite tall, and likes to chat. i recommand her to ppl who like to chat during massage.


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原帖由 extensive123 於 2010-1-15 14:51 發表
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


wrong post deleted

[ 本帖最後由 super123123 於 2010-1-15 18:19 編輯 ]


回復 192# 的帖子

Please delete, wrong post!!!






xczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz


睇見d coment 咁都係遲d先去visit 下


visted there for two consecutive days
nice place with good service, especially the attendants in the locker and pool areas
nice shower and steaming facilities
rest area is quite comfortable. maybe due to I am a very new customer I was not particularly well treated, even though the manager and PR were quite courteous.
served by *^ who is my old acquaintance somewhere else. very hearty service, medium force and and her overall skill was good. she is also quite nice looking with a charming smile.


回復 198# 的帖子

is she from another upstair bone place? name starts with Y?
haha... if thats the case, she finally arrived here


回復 199# 的帖子

tried to mark !@! again but everytime i called she was on leave
i guess she might quit here again... not easy to survive




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