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Old PICs (Japan and UK)

原帖由 av8s 於 2011-1-4 13:47 發表
I got involved a project of image recognitionsoftware development and marketing with a MOD contractor ...

Me and my wife once stayed in a hotel in Russell Square when we took a tour around West Europe in 1983. As far as I’d remember, Russell Square is a place where there are only hotels and expensive apartments, British Museum is just around the corner and it’s only about 30 minutes’ walk from Chinatown.

Since you’d afford to live in that expensive area during your stay in England, I do believe that you must have earned loads of money from your business, isn’t it?

Being a contractor of Ministry of Defence (MoD), you must be a leading and reputable firm in that field and had been security checked and screened by MI5 already. That said, you’d afford to get early retire and are able to chat with me online right now, even though its daytime of a weekday, isn’t it?
筆懵懂  字敦厚  不以人廢言  不為世俗而避諱  當非董狐  惟學董筆  時扮小丑以娛人娛己  偶亦撰嘻笑怒駡怪論以玩世


回復 51# 的帖子

Dear Pen Hing: Yes! you are right with very good memory, Russell Square at that time was quite expensive. There are many hotels and residence flats and my accommodation was included in the project, no worry. The house price was quite low in 1996, many friends there suggest me to buy, they were right since by now it is almost 3 folds or more. You should know it well, it looked earned a lot but actually also invested so much, happily gained some years income. The security measure was very tight, because it involved with their government although the year was before 1997, everything you mentioned was performed openly and secretly. I still have 7-8 years to retire that was planned unless anything changed. Since on line is a must so I can surf Internet anytime I like. No problem at all! Cheers!


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