hello ...
tonight not too busy ....................but ...............................
2 of the guests , they took set dinner with wine ...............................
afterward .........................they invite me to their table and talk for few minutes .....................
ha ha ......................I can not believe ......................
哩 2 位 guests 係 English from London .....................( 依家住係 4000 蚊一晚既 5 stars hotel )
佢地 話 , 我地 d food ............同英國 米芝蓮2星 餐廳 " waterside inn " 同班同級 ......
OMG .......................Waterside Inn 保持,米芝蓮2星 for 10 yrs ..............
真係 real Hi-end restaurant in Euro ..........................
oh ..............I'm so happy tonight .......................We cook French food in HK .....
and now ...........2 English said " great food here like Michelin 2 stars " ................
我依家仲 dreaming 緊 ......................笑
well .......................講真 , me and my team ...........真係拎個 heart 出黎 ......................
we never think too much for 米芝蓮 star 榮譽.......................
we only 3 yrs for 米芝蓮推薦榮譽 .................still long long way to walk to star ......................
anyways ..................依家覺得好 Happy .........
佢地仲羅左小弟既咭片 .............話 " when go back to London , 會去 Waterside Inn 介紹小弟 ......"
OMG x 2
我 ............................非常 happy la !!!!
tonight ......實在是不可思議的事 ..............................but real happen .................