原帖由 scott299 於 2011-10-9 21:58 發表 
好似都幾唔惦 x 2
yes .................their
Presenation is a bit toooo simple ( & ugly ) .............
add some more Sakura cress / Daikon cress for 裝飾 will be better and even feel fresh .....
we use the following cress , twins a week from 荷蘭 or 澳洲 .....................................
Chef is not just cook the food and also know how to make it nice and feel fresh .......
Chef = 食物造型師 , I always said ........
well ..............cheapest way for 食物美化 .....................一片片嫩菠菜 baby spainch is nice enough ....or Rocket salad also cheap ...

幾蚊( cost )代價 ............都唔識用 ..........................有咩辦法唔等摺
荷蘭 d 櫻花
水芹 sakura cress 係貴 d d ....................不過 so nice , so fresh .............even good to eat ....

本帖最後由 MakiGoto. 於 2011-10-10 16:06 編輯 ]