原帖由 scott299 於 2011-10-22 16:33 發表 
哈哈, NAD唔係話唔好, 但Marantz有呢個USB port, 插隻手指落去就有得玩, 真係爽到爆.
Yes .......................ready & going to CAS ..........................
just like me , using PS3 as a interface .............for USB finger and PCM-M10 ,............just one USB cable .....
easy for music ...............................cheapy & easy ...............
Scott299 , glad to hear your good news for your last CD player ........真係last 啦 ......2012 啦.........仲 CD .....ha ha ....
我聽到你 buy Marantz CD6004 消息很高興 , 3xxx HK$ 值得 buy la ................play for now and ready for future ..............
支持你 be a 白老鼠 ,

如果 good /唔錯 .( 我估應該唔太差 ).............................let me consider ..............specially I got an iPhone .............
Scott299 , after you got Marantz , later 考牌 la .............................
I will take my ◆帝國打飛機航空建設省◆潮吹 1 號 to your home ..................
Hotpot & 4425 , they will take this ...◆海軍省◆中出派遣軍潛水艇 to your home .................
本帖最後由 MakiGoto. 於 2011-10-22 22:18 編輯 ]