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[上樓骨] 水の戀

回復 848# 的帖子

I think Daisy is better. She is a young local gal.


Pure local? How old is she?


回復 852# 的帖子

Should be and probably not more than 22.


原帖由 史密斯1972 於 2011-11-4 21:05 發表
Pure local? How old is she?
She is not a pure local, she's from Fujien, but come to HK for a long time.


Thanks aero and HR chings for detailed infos, will try later


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原帖由 Happy_1973 於 2011-11-4 14:10 發表 週二晚試左青青,無論樣貌身材服務態度絕對是近期首選,可惜只做兼職,各師兄要試請早,誠意推介。

相關搜索目錄: 兼職


回復 857# 的帖子

Aero ching, thank you very much for your clarification!


回復 856# 的帖子

You are almost found in every USB in TST. What a SPA/massage enthusiast!

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 aero169169 於 2011-11-5 08:26 發表

I am afraid Teresa is not that young woh!!


回復 860# 的帖子

I saw her once before. She's quite OK!


原帖由 Happy_1973 於 2011-11-5 16:39 發表

To be honest Ching Ching is much much better than Daisy in terms of service and attitude.  Daisy is not bad though. But everyone's preference is different right? I am waiting for her now at Ada's  ...
Ching, please report afterwards.  Seems that Ching Ching is a good choice.


原帖由 史密斯1972 於 2011-11-5 12:42 發表
Thanks aero and HR chings for detailed infos, will try later
Try to find her, she worth to try~
and difficult to tell you her feeling, which i believe most of the ching will agree~~~


Finally tried this place. To be honest, the hardware of this place is not up to standard. The girls maybe of higher quality and the price slightly cheaper ... but this place not for me.

I tried Karen, who used to work at "Man Mei" at Prince Edward/MK. She is quite good, but I only tried hre because Ada bad time management and after I shower tell me Daisy cannot make it back on time. I guess not regular customer I get bad service gwa


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原帖由 bigdog173 於 2011-11-7 12:40 發表
Finally tried this place. To be honest, the hardware of this place is not up to standard. The girls maybe of higher quality and the price slightly cheaper ... but this place not for me.

I tried Kar ...
Managing young Bg is a very very difficult task so I don't think it was the fault of Ada, instead I believed your case was caused by the lateness of BG.


I think Ada is doing okay on doing the schedule but a lot of time is the BG which making trouble.  A couple of time, Ada has to call me to do re-arrangement.  Managing BG is not easy.  Some of them thought that they are getting so poplar and can do anything they want, or even don't come back to work or late.  I can see Ada's difficulty.


原帖由 bigdog173 於 2011-11-7 12:40 發表
Finally tried this place. To be honest, the hardware of this place is not up to standard. The girls maybe of higher quality and the price slightly cheaper ... but this place not for me.

I tried Karen, who used to work at "Man Mei" at Prince Edward/MK....
The bg you tried is called Kary
Daisy is very busy as she has to take massage lesson before coming back to work

[ 本帖最後由 aero169169 於 2011-11-8 09:44 編輯 ]


Do u know her name in MMC?
原帖由 aero169169 於 2011-11-8 09:42 發表

The bg you tried is called Kary
Daisy is very busy as she has to take massage lesson before coming back to work


Oh, yes ... Kary .. not Karen.

The time management issue is not fatal for me to be honest, but the hardware is. Those small rooms in particular extremely uncomfortable to be in. Anyways, I guess Ada must be doing a great job judging from the fans clarifying things for her


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原帖由 bigdog173 於 2011-11-8 11:01 發表
Oh, yes ... Kary .. not Karen.

The time management issue is not fatal for me to be honest, but the hardware is. Those small rooms in particular extremely uncomfortable to be in. Anyways, I guess Ad ...
try to request the spa room and you will have another feel on it~~~

相關搜索目錄: SPA


daisy looks ok. i would give her 7/10. massage skill is getting better and can be quite wild.
pls advise other good looking girls there


原帖由 bigdog173 於 2011-11-8 12:01 發表
Oh, yes ... Kary .. not Karen.

The time management issue is not fatal for me to be honest, but the hardware is. Those small rooms in particular extremely uncomfortable to be in. Anyways, I guess Ad ...
If you try the spa pakage.  Your feel will be very different.

相關搜索目錄: SPA




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