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單打, 即ban. Instead: concrete suggestions pls. (updated on Aug 16)

單打, 即ban. Instead: concrete suggestions pls. (updated on Aug 16)

With regard to about 10 users being banned, as they attack xocat in a lot of ways without giving concrete suggestions.  And this has been for over 6 months... Robin and I keep our eyes on it for long... I've been silent for a long time... many many users support me banning them but I intend to wait to see if they can give us any good suggestions... instead, they just keep 單打 and 單打... this is not a healthy atmosphere...

I'm sad about this.  if you have any suggestions, just PM me.  I'm glad to resopnd.  but if any one continue to reply and 單打... I will ban him at once.  and my dear friend, Alfred, agree with my decision.

I accept suggestions, especially concrete suggestions, but not 單打.   Crticizing is very easy.  I saw an article complaing superman's clothes... it is easy for you to complain batman's clothes as well.  I can easily write such articles also... wearing red underwear... ugly?!  but what's your point?  What is your suggestion?  My suggestion is: give us concrete suggestions, but not 單打.

I have already given a very big notice that I hope all of you can discuss stuff peacefully.  Over 1 month.

The reason why I ban loksiu is that he speculate/guess someone doing something without concrete evidence.  And the fact is: loksiu say/speculate something without concrete evidence support.  Guessing (yes really guessing) that someone collects money for illegal behaviours.  He just 取笑.   Court did need concrete evidence.  I did need concrete evidence.  Until now, I still don't have this evidence.   I did know the law of any big country.  At least I do understand them.  That is 誹謗.  He is crazy.  If I suddenly laughed at you that I think you have collected money for writing an article in the forum, but without evidence, what do you think. 己所不欲,勿施於人.
  • golden_baby 體力 -3 一口歪理 2007-8-15 00:59
  • golden_baby 威望 -3 一口歪理 2007-8-15 00:59
  • cdlover 體力 -20 For many, this is the beginning of th .. 2007-8-15 00:54
  • cdlover 威望 -20 For many, this is the beginning of th .. 2007-8-15 00:54


I've already mentioned in the topic.  

1.  attack without concrete suggestions.  Ban...

2. negative emotion attack, even with suggestions, I will also ban.

3. My concrete suggestion is: be polite and voice out your opinions.  I'm open minded to listen.  Otherwise, if you shout and shout, even if you shout the right thing, I will shut it down.


You might not know how sad I'm killing a lot of my friends.  But some clever user has already understood why I did that.     I don't mind to have lower hitrate or what.  But we don't want to have any more troubles and bad atmosphere and war like atsmophere...

The happy side on this mass killing is that I see your responeses become more concrete and someone know how to present their thinking using articles instead of some very short sentences shouting and shouting... I'm now trying to digest your opinions so as to improve our forum.

I can't have perfect information.  So, pls try to make it easy to understand and concrete.  Thanks.

If anyone want to resume your account, PM me to apologize or state your polite ideas.  Though I reserve the final right about it.


stay calm every body.  Do you know why I ban many of the users involved in "that thread".  If you have involved in "that thread", you should know about it.  I'm not sure who make this thing big, but for sure , crazybb is the one... and others might follow, the things become big... and this wasted a lot of resources and time to deal with that, you also wasted the money of we tax payers... what do you think you're doing?  I know that I might have killed someone who are innocent.  I'm sorry.  But over 80% of those users involved in that thread keep on 單打 and stay on the side of crazybb.  If you insist that you're not on the side of crazybb or loksiu, you're innocent.


原帖由 貝蒂 於 2007-8-15 22:51 發表

請明示我邊句說話 or post 有單打成分而令閣下禁我言呢?
again, if you want me to take any action, pls PM me.  I will talk about it privately.


原帖由 潮爆阿叔 於 2007-8-15 23:17 發表

我諗你誤會, 我地大家都唔係太在意個網名.

過去呢一班人有邊個唔係對你恭恭敬敬?? 有邊個公開反過你??
但大家都有眼睇, 呢半年薯身耖orum好多問題. 我地起初好言相勸, 但你一係就一意孤行, 一係就充耳不聞.

Please please.  Examples please... EXAMPLES.

但係另一方面, 你對pm你鴾p人就言聽計從. 我地一班從不打小報告鴾H, 堅持事無不可對人言鴾葴A, 繼續鰝帛悼X聲.
但你一直都冇認真咁去同我地好好咁討論過, 我唔明白點解你主持一個forum會咁倡議玩pm!?? 你有你鴭魚u, 難度我地冇咩??

I'm sorry about this.  This is the bad nature of forum.  There are thousands of articles in the forum.  I can't read one by one.  But again, you didn't give me examples of the ones I neglect.  PM is better for technical/admin reasons because you can digest all of it for me.  So, it doesn't hurt you to use PM and posting forum at the same time.  

今次死19個會員, 我諗有好多網友比你梗加唔開心, 唔係因為佢地冇鱄蚨籉W, 而係因為經過鼲搌灡伅鼢虧, 勸告, 反抗, 指責, "單打"之後, 你最終徹底走向極端, 將所有責任推得一乾二淨而痛心.

I think you didn't know the ultimate reason why I ban many of them.   Read read the previous posts la.  

道歉唔係難事, 我第一個同你講聲"sorry"(關於我措辭鵀y酸刻薄), 但我依然認為你一直都係做錯, 而你亦欠呢一班曾經用心用力幫過你嚘穭秅@個解釋同道歉.

要番生鼢N全部一齊, 一個都不能少!!

but if you're on the side of loksiu/crazybb, I will surely ban you at once.   Dare to tell me?
this is an example of an article without concrete evidence.  Pls see above.  Though I will try to communicate more.  Thanks.


原帖由 惡少 於 2007-8-15 23:29 發表

點講? 佢ban我ban出癮喎.
I'm sorry, I hate you.  I'm seldom on the emotional side.  But you have made the things big.  So, you're right.  I'm addicted to banning you.   This is a forum.  If you don't like me, just leave.  If I don't like you, I have any reasons to ban you.  

Though I see what you have contributed in the past.  I appreciate that.  

I'm happy to see who are on the side of loksiu/crazybb.  I'm also happy to ban them at once.  Especially those who won't talk to me for concrete suggestions.   

Pls.  Though I said I hate you.  I have very strong reasons behind.  The reason is: you can't maintain a peaceful atsmophere of discussion.  And you broke the peace.


原帖由 潮爆阿叔 於 2007-8-15 23:52 發表
我諗你誤會, 我地大家都唔係太在意個網名.

過去呢一班人有邊個唔係對你恭恭敬敬?? 有邊個公開反過你??
但大家都有眼睇, 呢半年薯身耖orum好多問題. 我地起初好言相勸, 但你一係就一意孤行, 一係就充耳不聞.

Please please.  Examples please... EXAMPLES.

wan1事件, 濫批版主事件, 閱讀權限255事件, 多不勝數....

xocat: Chi seen.  solved already la.  
xocat: 濫批版主事件.  Thanks.  I will be more careful about this.

但係另一方面, 你對pm你鴾p人就言聽計從. 我地一班從不打小報告鴾H, 堅持事無不可對人言鴾葴A, 繼續鰝帛悼X聲.
但你一直都冇認真咁去同我地好好咁討論過, 我唔明白點解你主持一個forum會咁倡議玩pm!?? 你有你鴭魚u, 難度我地冇咩??

I'm sorry about this.  This is the bad nature of forum.  There are thousands of articles in the forum.  I can't read one by one.  But again, you didn't give me examples of the ones I neglect.  PM is better for technical/admin reasons because you can digest all of it for me.  So, it doesn't hurt you to use PM and posting forum at the same time.  

鰝帛掄翰Y俾大家參與討論, pm只係小圈子意見, 不能取之以用.

今次死19個會員, 我諗有好多網友比你梗加唔開心, 唔係因為佢地冇鱄蚨籉W, 而係因為經過鼲搌灡伅鼢虧, 勸告, 反抗, 指責, "單打"之後, 你最終徹底走向極端, 將所有責任推得一乾二淨而痛心.

I think you didn't know the ultimate reason why I ban many of them.   Read read the previous posts la.  

我諗你想人明白你之前, 麻煩先客觀地聽取反對嬼n音.

道歉唔係難事, 我第一個同你講聲"sorry"(關於我措辭鵀y酸刻薄), 但我依然認為你一直都係做錯, 而你亦欠呢一班曾經用心用力幫過你嚘穭秅@個解釋同道歉.

要番生鼢N全部一齊, 一個都不能少!!

but if you're on the side of loksiu/crazybb, I will surely ban you at once.   Dare to tell me?

我係同意佢地曚貌k!! 你可以話麙黂hread冇問題??


anakin is supportive here.  Thanks.
I support his ideas and suggestions.  I'm now talking to him more.


原帖由 惡少 於 2007-8-16 00:07 發表

Hate? You must have too much emotion to release. Being young is good.... I don't even hate my previous boss who still owe me 40k salary.
Hey, life is a game.  I might not hate you tomorrow.  Though I'm not sure.  He he...
  • ridden 體力 +20 life is a game <-------agree 2007-8-16 12:47


also, no need to be very serious about game.


放鬆 D 啦,香港人.
As I said, the reason I ban is 有人 take all the stuff too seriously.  Pls just relax here.  This is a place for relax and discuss things.  Not attacking.  If you want to attack, use other place.  

We're a tiny little man/girl in this world.  We only live on earth not over 120 years.  So be friend and shake hand and pass away... don't be enemy to anyone.  Don't make war.  If you initate a war.  I'm sorry, you're out of here.  I will try my best to peacefully make you out of here.  You're not our kind.  I'm a peaceful guy.  This is a place of peace.  

Try to listen to the song of "Imagine".


原帖由 信差 於 2007-8-16 00:32 發表
xocatII 先生: 看到閣下的所有回覆,似乎你已不是之前的batman了!

我絕對不認同你的管理手法! 相信在這裡有很多會員在現實社會上擔當著管理階層,也不會認同你的處理方式! 對! 這裡是你管轄的,你鐘意點就可 ...
PM me pls.




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