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InDesign 使用心得分享

I'm using Indesign CS version, and I think it's quite user friendly if u are a good Illustrator user, because the interface is quite the same, but I still think the picture cropping interface is not as good as QuarkX'press.....Quark is the best in cropping pictures in layout,


I don't mean hard to crop, I just mean it's more easy and reasonable in cropping picture in Quark than Indesign......Actually Indesign is quite a good publishing software already, especially exporting PDF files...so quick!!!!


oh....compare to Photoshop CS2....indesign really doesn't eat u much RAM already.......


CS version still need to install plug-in (like "in-chinese") to support Chinese fonts, but CS2 version is fully support Chinese already.


原帖由 kygel 於 2006-9-4 05:31 AM 發表

where can Download "in-chinese"?
& is this a freeware?
oh...it is not a freeware....it is software which developed by taiwanese....u have to buy it. and there are quite a lot of bugs, so better use CS2 version (not need to install any plug-in).


原帖由 167169 於 2006-9-13 08:07 AM 發表
請問新的iMac(intel core)行Indesign CS2 中文是否OK.
如要用Indesign做普通文件(字多圖小),PC 好d定Mac?????
I heard that most of the Adobe software working quite slow in the Intel Core Mac (especially Photoshop and Illustrator)...I think we have to wait until the new unverisal version of adobe software come out if we want to use the intel core mac......




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