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[上樓骨] 我想造訪的USB

OB road #2 A1 婷婷

婷婷 at 7:30pm on last Sat.
firstly wanted to try Tungtung at FL but no phone no, so can't make booking. as it was Sat night, don't want to waste time.
so call
婷婷 at 7pm, no one answer. call again at 7:20pm, she answered and told she was leaving...................
i told her i was in TST and REALLY wanted to try her service. finally she went back to A1....................
part 0: bathing with me, as good as previous bro said
part 1: impressive skill
part 2: rpp is not as good as i expected, BM is ok, ML good as i expected.
I think she is 28-32 yrs-old

definitly will visit again!


wanted to try 7H3 as well..........................but my wife & her friend sometimes visit the Chinese Doctor at 13/F
so no guts to take risk................poor me!


re-visited OB A1 Tingting last Fri night at 10:30pm. I saw that the previous cu was a US/Australia man. He worn suit with back-pack.................................


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-11-4 04:22 發表

師兄, 點解只關注你之前個鬼佬客唔寫寫試婷婷的心得?
i gave report for the first try already!
as this was re-visit & similar to last visit, so..............................

OB, A1 Tingting: Dup+BM+ML : about 60 min charges is HK$600.
her 1st part is GREAT!!!


anyone know that when will OB A1 tingting come back from holiday?


thanks for telling me!




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