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QT 147 場

原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-13 15:15 發表 够抵玩。。D 女都可以。。我会再去。。这里还有大厅, 38 低消。。同卡座, 180 低消。。一个人去都得。。
aiya, you finally lost your virgin in this 147 place. did the girls wear proper dresses? Last time, I got a girl wihtout make-up and wore sandals.  so funny.. but she is fresh...  and responsive...  

you buy dinner bcos you are the golden gun man ar..  haha..

did tea tea finally get someone he liked? He did not get any last time wor...


原帖由 BB鬥士 於 2009-8-13 15:31 發表 呢間K係咪 QT HF ??


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-13 15:54 發表 Tea tea - Yes la...one 高瘦平 ma....his favourite....The MMs wear proper dresses..the one tall Anhui no make up at all..rather good and responsive..Mami told me already no service..ut okay for m ...
Anhui girls.. I love them!! Dai Hoi gor always eat good food. Next time, I should sit beside you and 漏D女女 to me.

相關搜索目錄: Make up


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-8-13 16:53 發表 茶餐廳咩!!。。坐卡位!
convenient for 搞野啊。。。in fact, when I visited last time, not many customers sitting at this area...



原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-13 16:38 發表 听完演唱会返工就很远。。今朝六点半就要起身。。。
ha, hai gor, do you still have time to have your morning exercise?  More expensive as well as the driver will charge 200-220 instead of 160 for CA....


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-13 17:18 發表 Alarm clock set at 6.00 am..morning exercise..then slept again for about 20 minutes..The car asked for 200 to take me to huanggang..the driver is Mami's brother...
i could not follow your timeline.  woke up at 6am, morning exercise for a while (??), stil have time to sleep for 20 min? and leave at 630am?  Do you mean that the exercise only took 10 min!?  another record? Sometimes, I could not even finish my morning exerise bcos of too little sleep and alcohol effect.  Hai Gor, you are super!!


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-13 17:29 發表 Frankly speaking..no much fun for the morning Q..only that it is too expansive to do only 1 Q... 。。usually I do only 1 Q if i have to leave early in the morning.....the MM also no feel on  ...
if I am not in a hurry, I quite enjoy the morning Q.   Some of my friends enjoy it (may be to lower the $/Q ratio) so much that he had 1 Q b4 bfast, and 1Q after.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-8-13 17:51 發表 You can have an easy and no hurry morning Q this Saturday la, as you are going to apply for a 1/2 day leave.
heard your great plan for this Fri/Sat outing.. 得个恨字。。。 好惨啊。没得去。。。


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-8-15 12:40 發表 Bro simonkok, Aaron KTV provided Hourly Guess Room at $70 per visit.  Bro Den's friend use the room over 90 minutes for 2 shoots at all !!
in fact,  2 of them.. 1 havng this excellent experience and the other having a girl with strong salty fish smell. he finished it finally ,with pain...haha..




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