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同志們~今天~~ “精” 英同盟會 ! 正式成立啦 !!!

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-11 12:28 發表
i think mat mat does not mean to visit these places in one-go.  He refers to his (and many brothers) "piu" experience.. 1st action usually started in HK, then Macau, then China and other places... .

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-4-11 12:34 編輯 ]


原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-11 12:44 發表
登..登...登精” 英同盟會開發地圖

e. CP is co close to 我鄉下. 我鄉下係 purple 嗰個 Woodenhead. ...........I need to go often 鄉下!


Calling 蛙蛙 ~~~ Whe ...
It is a good motivation to learn Chinese geography...   

Woodenhead is a good place to explore, the only problem is that there are many HK retirees and you may bump into your uncles/aunties (your home boss's uncles/aunties).


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-15 13:25 發表
兄弟們 !!! 定o的來 !!
唔好慌 !!!
來 !! 我地理性o的再去整理下要注意既事項:

人民幣呀... coupon 呀...火車票呀... 卡片呀... 電話記錄呀唔洗我講... 你地都知點做啦 !!!!  全部無得留低 !!!!!!!!香港討論區
just in case if you are not aware,

1) the ring tone is different when you are in China.  For those who have not subsribed the "HK" ring tone, pls take care.
2) the voicebox is not functioning. if you are in china and someone calls you and you do not pick up the phone, the call will not be forwarded to your voicebox.  You have to pay extra for this service.
3) if your outgoing call has not been disabled with "no display", then your receiver will know that you are calling from China or overseas.
4) if you apply for annual leave to steal eat, remember that your tiger may call to your office.   Remember to tell your assistant/secretary what should be said instead...  

Ladies' 6th sense is strong.   Always take extra caution. In fact, many brothers would have 200% preparation in their 1st 2-3 steal eat, but get a bit relaxed afterwards.  Always treat every "eat" with care..  Accidents happen when you are not careful...  ENJOY....


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 13:54 發表
Bro Denny2000 should be our leader as he's shared a lot with us.  icheng shot his first cum in DL is due to denny2000's inspiration!!
thanks but I have semi-retired, only steal eat once in a while.  There are many experts here that are more advanced than me, like hkzhou, sigma, etc..  I am only a primary school kid compared to them!!

I want to share with brothers on safety to ensure that they play safe. No one want to get hurt by being discovered.....

Enjoy your trip to CP and other places and the formation of 同盟會!!


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-4-16 11:08 發表

I do use different phones, i always carry four phones ...and actually I need five and I need to switch one card..
there is now the dual card phone by Samsung, 888 sold at 2,500!   Check it out.. you could reduce your phone to 2!!

相關搜索目錄: Switch


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-17 22:01 發表
Somewhere in CP also.  I think you can refer to Matt Matt's posting related to the map of CP!
厚街 is not near CP, it is near CA but a bit further...

For normal massage, yo ucoudl go to gwan yuet ground floor.  It is the same/next building to 4/F abnormal massage place..

For your next trip, DL is better since it is only 15 min away from CP and if you go in group, sharing a taxi at 30rmb is only 7.5RMB!!  But again, not many girls if you go there noon time wor..  Better ask icheng to call to check when the 1st shift reports to duty (2nd shift at 7pm).  



原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-18 11:23 發表
Thanks, that's my typing mistake.  That should be somewhere in DG, instead of CP.
your head is now filled up with CP!! haha   Think about an excuse what CP stands for just in case you sleeptalked CP. Your tiger will grill you to death what it means!!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-4-18 14:13 發表
Ocean Eleven !!!

正式誕生 !!!!!

o拿... 為求完整.....

calling:  alb 師兄... 同 peninsula 師兄....
個個都要有... !!!

限時明日中午提交 !!!

難得有齊 11 個 !!!
I also recommend you guys to sign with blood that whoever being spot/found out by tigers, you could not disclose anything about the other guys and anything about this website.    If you watch the movie " 大丈夫日 记", “九哥”is the man!!

Also watch ouf for ”狗仔队“. You know Next magazine, etc have done this before...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-21 16:16 發表
Syd is to try the K or SN but served with AU, Jap, Korea, Taiwan or HK MM... right... you heard it right... and most of them are real Uni Student... of course... price is not cheap... but really worth a try...
how much would that be (K. fee and go-out fee) and are there a mix of goldfish and woodenfish?


原帖由 on77 於 2008-4-21 19:30 發表
哈哈..岡看到c兄們說起澳洲, 幾得8年前小弟去Mel.工作, 一個人冇人帶路, 夜晚摸去那些topless bar,
比小費叫女女坐大痺跳艷舞, 眼看手不准動, 真笨七
I also went to one of those topless bar in melbourne. I did not ask for private lap dance since I tried it in USA and thought not worth it.

If you just go for a drink and enjoy the topless girls dancing, it is quite cheap (A$6) for 1 hr (provided that you do not drink the beer so fast..)

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-5-8 15:41 發表

Don't expect there are many choices for the software........... and this is the major setback!
i read some of the reports about this luncheon meat factory.

i recalled that the best time to visit is after 4pm. However, if I go at around 2pm, can I still get some not-so-bad luncheon meat?   I have to leave this place b4 430pm the latest...


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-5-8 16:47 發表

Sometimes it all depends on your luck....... no harm to go ahead and try as convenient to you. Nothing venture, nothing gain!
yes, i will..  I had many failures story as well. At one time, I visted a ZH sna at 12pm, jumping out from a leisure trip with friends (HM in CP opened at 11am in the old days).  However, there was nothing until 1pm..


With the help of brother retrav and many other's big brother reports, I finally made a trip to eat 澳地利午餐肉廠.  The whole ordeal is similar to those as described by reports.  However, I did see 3 models but no 山口, no wong yee man..   I finally ended up having a 6XX category hunan girl, said to have started working (here) the 5th day..  

She looked amateur and had some funny moments with her... The only thing that I had not tried before was tearing the stockings apart...  It was my first time and realized that it was not easy!!

Thanks again for all broher's help..


原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-5-14 13:10 發表
講咁多不如行動把啦. 心動,不如身動. Go~Go~Go, 而家唔怕羞既有老太監,娃娃同細佬我. 怕怕地既有豆腐佬同蜘蛛仔. 最好就搵到間三連房, 三個係房, 三個係廳. 掂哂. 咁咪叫八條女, 有兩個接力又好,攪事又好... 快快 ...
I have PM icheng about a recommendation. Pls check with him...




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