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同志們~今天~~ “精” 英同盟會 ! 正式成立啦 !!!

even icheng used to be a 井底蛙, but i definitely believe he is not far from graduated...

btw... due to some reason... i am using this new account from now on...

Who am i?  I am the one who suggest 井底蛙 to get out of the well and try some new place in MuiLam...

Please don't disclose my another ID if you know who I am... thanks!!


I will have my report ready for CP last Sat... and I will enclose the reason in there why I have to change the ID...


Even I am a 初級會員, could I join the committee?


Party Room are always ready for you in any SN in CP or CA... just book one and call as many MM as you like... but becareful on your energy level... haha...


I have experience in the following place as well: HK(SN only), BKK, GZ, ZH, SZ... and I only go to BIG action, not interest on plane...


No la... Tigers are so clever... when our dick point to right or left, they already know what we are up to...

Just that... those so deepsink c hing's action really help my tiger a lot...

May be that c hing just want to prove to his ship that he didn't go out for SE... but his ship taught my tiger there is still a jungle outside and there is a online tourist guide for my tiger to walk through the jungle...

If I didn't do anything or build the tower before... my tiger could easily smell out my path all the way...

All I could do is build the tower even stronger and use more english wording in my comment and report...

To icheng... I am not "Old Seafood", My Age in the wonderland is not really older than many c hing here... I am pretty much like what you did right now, when I start exploring the wondering few years ago... I just try as many new place when there is chance...

Good luck la


To def_lo,
If that's the case, the CP should be divided to HM, HW, KY, KL... haha... dam... I am getting super confuse...

To icheng,
It just happen that I did something many newbie didn't do nowaday, which is... search the web before taking action...
Many newbie nowaday will just ask...
Also, I started my experience before I got married, and at that time.. gf (who is my tiger now) didn't set up the lock so tight... I could have more free time to explore the wonderland...

Right now... I am just living in the Zoo (it is another wonderland in another angle)... and just sneak out for fun sometimes...


My be his Tiger is so angry (or hungry) recently, so he can't come out...


Right... I build up the tower for Sat action... but i won't use it every Sat... it is too dangerous...

And I don't have to say excuse if I really deciden to have an action in weekday...


"Locker inside changing room.  There are sauna inside changing room as well!"

???? Is there MM inside the Sauna... if yes.. then perfect... haha

For me... my tiger know my job and nature... that's why I have no problem on day time action... but for the same reason, I can't play overnite action...


if his tiger have some beautiful non-married friend, I will stand on his tiger side... haha... (kidding, kidding)


Ha?? You stand on my side? You should stand on the non-married friend's mouth side...


Oh... sorry... i mess up with FastFood in LWEST...

But Matt... will you stand on your wife's non-married friend's side?

Ok... seriously... Matt... even your tiger know all your friends, but how about if you teach your friend to play with you as well... haha... it is like drug... once you try, you never give up...


Right... it is more than enough for you la...

Actually... I am around the same situation as you... but my time schedule is different...

1300 Leave office in Tsuen Wan
1330 Arrive Shatin Station by Car
1400 Arrive LW

1448 Train to CP
1515 Arrive CP
1530 Arrive SN and pick the girl (that is the best part to be regular customer, no need to wait for the room)
1600 Start the action
1730 Should finish the action within 90 mins (My last trip was different finished at 1815)
1800 Already in the CP station waiting for the train
1900 Definitely in SZ

And since my deadline is 2030 arrive home, it is more than enough time for me...


Def_lo... 你想靠害? he will be dead if his tiger pick him up...

Don't ask your tiger to pick you up in the Hunghom station... your body should be full of the smell from SN...

You better walk back home... as the weather is hot, you own smell should come out to cover the SN smell...

Matt...also... reserve at least one train schedule time is better... as any incident may cause you miss the train and have to take the next one...

One small tips... the train will close for gate within 5 mins of the train departure... but I sneak in on the left handside of the gate when no one notice... that gate on the left hand side is open for staff to go to toilet or get water to drink... i just enter and run to the train...


"Don't scare of ten thousand but scare of ten thousand one"

Ma Lam won't wash your body head to toe... SN does... It is lucky my main field change to a lighter smell... the SN in Muilam instead use a pretty strong smell one... (which I actual buy it and use it in my home afterward)...

But the strongest one is in D1 in Macau... you really feel that you are a star in the advertisement... the smell is all over you body...
My male friend who like to gamble instead of SN could smell it out when we meet in Mr. Ho's casino after 30 mins


3) 仲有一樣野 ! 女女個面上有化妝. 有時佢地面上有眼影, 同埋有些金, 銀, 粉之類既野... 好容易會 stick 係你塊面上 !!!!!!

This point is dam right... I once forgot this point... and found out after I go home... I quickly rush to toilet and wash face...

相關搜索目錄: 化妝


icheng... that's the hardest part...

My friend had an experience... after a trip in SN... be requested to do the homework with the tiger... he could still handle... but afterward... his tiger challenge him the density of the liquid is so low (it mean... very clear not that white)

My friend just claims that he is so tired (but dam... tired will decrease the hardest but won't reduce the density... poor lie) his tiger just black face until my friend buy her a ring 5 days later

It is my suggestion to ask him to buy some gift... but it is not a good suggestion as it is similar to admit that he really go to steal eat... haha

One more point - clear all the SMS in your phone, especially those advertising SMS after roaming... it will expose where you have been...


For me... I use some other method to store those number... and with password locked...

And in order to reduce the chance of homework... I actually will ask to go for an outdoor sport with my tiger... yes... definitely really super exhausted... but then... really no homework la... haha


What the hell, i missed a lot... 3 hours in the room? the max i got in ky is 2 1/2... but all due to a long shower time...

macdonlo... if you don't want to buy us bigmac everyday for the next 12 months... you better tell us in detail for what happen in the room?  IN DETAIL...


戰役: 長安, 常平, 澳門, 香港, 泰國, 珠海, 廣州, 深圳

I am in Definsive Midfield (房中), so... always resever the middle of the room for me... you guys could be on the bed, in the toilet, sofa, or anywhere... just resever the middle of room for me... I will be on the carpet...


I used to take a slap and listen to mp3... thinking who is the next lucky lady to die on my sword...


but those 女 will report to us about whether you are quick come...


of course 豆腐佬 provide the 豆漿, and he have to provide as much 豆漿 as possible to serve the ocean 11... see if he turn into 豆皮佬, after squeeze so many 豆漿 out... haha...


搵次一齊去整豆漿... and give it all to MM in any of the SN in CP...


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