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[原創] 现在是什么教育

原帖由 adadada 於 2007-6-30 22:33 發表
Absolutely right, I've a son who's going to 7, I'm single mum and have to work 'til Mon to Fri, he has a maid to be with, but mostly I'd rather have conversation to my kid in order to know him more, or what he did in school.  The point is just spend time on your kid and let'em know they've a strong back up behind, don't forget parents're the key person they mostly trust.


[ 本帖最後由 kathywonder 於 2007-7-2 09:30 編輯 ]


Hi!! There!!

It's me but I'm not gonna make sounds annoying here, but a.....the fact is, the thing what we did for our child, they'll do all the same thing after now.  For me, I know how hard to be a single parent but frankly don't mind to be, that's not what I can handle.  I have to work like you all, but I know my son growin' up day by day, he'll walk far away from me day by day.  That's why I do not mind payin' more effort on him. Plus, kids depend on what the parents do........My point is.......if you do somethin' right now, you'l pay no regret when the day your child leave independenct.....

Just wanna share my point and does anyone here help me translate, thks alot!!



One more thing, the parents and the teacher, both sides, it doesn't help if conflict for each other, we can't put all the burden on the teacher, and we need havin' more conversation to the teacher of ur kid.  Remember, the teacher in school monitors ur kids all day long, and he has no right keepin' the eyes on him after school.  School has a regulation but not at hm,....let's ur kids know.....school's a place for human relationship buildin' up, and get knowledge, home is a place where the child can be with their parents.

[ 本帖最後由 kathywonder 於 2007-7-3 10:22 編輯 ]


原帖由 peihu 於 2007-6-29 02:41 發表
家长是该教  都让家长教那学校留着去搞那些作奸犯科的事啊  那些老师是用来干什么的?引导犯罪还是干什么 ?再说在家教育家长每天陪孩 ...
U said totally rubbish!!  You unless wanna ur kids being a street boys or even gangster, and won't drop a point like this otherwise!!  I'm a woman in work like you, but I do enjoy the times with my kid. And you!?  If you care 'bout ur kid, just bring your pure heart and doin' somethin', btu not leave lines here to complain, complain and complain.  On and off, I don't mind you leave me message to ask me for.  Maybe I'm not a gd mother, but I'm learnin' to be and don't mind sendin' you help.



原帖由 adoresex 於 2007-7-3 13:50 發表
This's sort of constructional problum and 's not what we can improve in aday.


呢方面, 我比較幸運一點, 我係大學時係Major Mass Communication, 做記者,同Anchor man係我係High school 時既目標, 我 parents冇反對我take 什麼faculty, 不過可唔可以學以致用, 就很視乎外在因素....我曾經係報館做過.....估唔到可以做到兩年, (因為好辛苦!) 但可以講I did no regret coz I really did what I learned.  有時我會問仔仔, "你大個想做什麼呢!?" 仔仔會話,"我唔知道呀, Mama!!  Right! 佢唔知道係好正常 所以我永遠都係個句"You can do whatever you want, just be a good man, don't do anything wrong, and you're my good son ever and ever!! 我父母點教我, 我咪用返正確觀念教仔仔囉!!




Thought seems hard to prepare the summer schedual for kids, Me too. But first of all, we have to please with the way things by kids at hm fall out, coz they've been out of school and normally just doin' little work at hm. Plus, summer's a great time to relax, they'll get screw loose if we keep put more burden on them. (English summer course, Math course, Painting.....etc.)  Why, they're kids not the slave.  My point is, they of course have to keep studyin' but appropriated, and let them try somethin' new, or even weird such as if your kid doesn't know what grass hopper is, just bring'em out to wood and show what grass hopper is.  Remember, why not let our child be abnormal.  The point I wanna bring out is "Kid needs break!!"

[ 本帖最後由 kathywonder 於 2007-7-4 22:23 編輯 ]


原帖由 johnkarry 於 2007-7-4 19:10 發表

其實她只是性需要可能較多, 但並不影響她做好母親的責任.
Hi!!  Just give me abit respect and I don't wanna say any words related sex here, thks alot!!  In a words, as a mother I did the best I can. So,...pls!! ^^



原帖由 peihu 於 2007-7-4 15:21 發表
教育方法有问题,教育者收的教育有问题 ,社会环境却是最有问题,不是想改就能改的
有几人能不向钱看?在当今没有钱生存是& ...
其實你可唔可以講下你既背景, 例如兒女幾多歲, 讀幾多年級, 或者你的學歷背景, well, 相信你都係為人家長, 我都係, 可以的話大家可以相量!! 提點!!  冇錯....錢真係很重要, 但灌輸什麼觀念對小孩同樣重要的, 希望你明白!!



原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-7-4 23:14 發表
In fact, the economy is ever changing, I think people keep chasing on the subject that make money in future is not a problem. This is also one of the aim for education, which is to contribute to th ...
Ummm.....on the other way, the situation HK's gonna been changed, what as metropolis in Asia, the core financial city in China, it's just a fairy tale.  See the HK economy nowaday's only relied on the Mainland China, and it'd be a dead duck like without support from China.  They don't look for the globle market, on and off it'd be a dead end.  plus, the ex-HK leader 董建華 pushed out the policy of "Mother langurage", we couldn't see any good react, but the only thing we suffer is, heavy burden on teacher, and they couldn't have any time to up-grade more, coz lack of time and passionate.  (See how horrible of politic!!) That's why I do appreciated what Arthur Lee brought off a merge of CU and 教院.  If we can't find any top being a teacher, what U expect our next generation can be the top like!!  Right!?

[ 本帖最後由 kathywonder 於 2007-7-4 23:53 編輯 ]


傻啦!  我唔會比太多program比我仔仔既, 話哂放summer, 佢喜歡游水, so he takes twice a week, 同兒童攀石班, 你地知細路仔幾energetic 謚!! (佢成日同我bf一齊玩既) 反而平日d中英數, 都係每日做半個鐘頭, 純粹比佢keep住disiipline, weekend, 同 Sunday朝早會陪佢整駼reakfest.  等佢試儱s東西!!


原帖由 johnkarry 於 2007-7-7 08:29 發表

我個仔都叫ok, 只要佢有興趣, 唔駛叫佢都會學. 好似佢鍾意日文, 病都話要返學. 但學琴就興趣不大, 間中都有話放棄. 依家佢讀書都唔駛點擔心, 佢有佢嘅方法讀, 係中文字就衰小小. 上學期全級十五, 佢話今 ...
Hi!! Stress,....其實大部份是家長對子女過份的期望, as a matter of a fact, 因為大多數家長本著"羊群心態", 人家的孩子全班考頭三名, 我們亦要兒子努力.....etc.......我仔仔係DBS度讀, 佢今年P1讀完, 考15名, 我仲同佢講"幾好撾!" 特別係英文w, 中文就要努力點! 知唔知!! ^^ 點解我咁講呢! I'm not kinda top in class, 但學生時期我比較喜歡運動, 例如我曾經孩係校隊田徑隊成員. 我清楚我唔可以變成一副讀書機器,我以前全班成績都係考15名之內, 所以...我點解而家要逼我仔仔呢!!  只要佢enjoy in study, 咁已經okay 啦!

相關搜索目錄: 運動 日文


還有,, 今年佢考15名, 即係證明小朋友仲有進步空間啦!!  而且還有給他知道他需要improve的地方在那裡, 從而引導小朋友從錯處出發. Remember, no one, and nothing's perfect!!


原帖由 meme1980 於 2007-7-7 11:39 發表
大家好, 我都是一名家長, 小朋友升小學三年級了. 之前都有在其他网站留言, 但這次我在此留言區發現, 原來在成人討論區留言的, 都可以在此討論區開題討論, 本人並不是要向人說教, 或向其他网友背後說"不是&qu ...
多謝提點!! 雖然我並唔係一個好既妻子, (因為我曾divorce!) 但我在仔仔眼中一定是個好媽媽, 而在這個chat room所認識的"朋友", 佢地雖然"蛻", 但在Kathy心裡面, 佢地都係好爸爸, 在男友心中, 佢地forever keep her loyalty. 我沒有你那麼幸福, 有丈夫疼愛, 有兒女疼錫!! 相信你一定是一位好媽媽, 但Kathy亦一樣. 可能我比較怪"我鍾意真小人, 多過d偽君子!!" 希望你唔好誤會, 我並沒有對你懷有惡意!!  只是想說出my point of view!! Thks!!



Nice photos!!

Thks and nice photos!!  Oh......u just had a blog site beneath of ur post, so a....just check it out......nice photos anyway....


原帖由 meme1980 於 2007-7-9 08:21 發表
多謝各位留言, 對於本人之前對Kathy小姐的言論其實只是有感而發, 並沒有包含任何敵意, 而我對Kathy小姐教導兒子的方法亦頗欣賞, at least她有對香港現時的教學制度有所提出, 及批評, 而對小孩子亦有她教導的方法, ...
Hi!!  Meme, how're u doing??  I wanna say thks first of all, and I appreciated you're kinda good mother which's I can't be.  不要誤會, 因為之前你所提出的論點, 正是發生在Kathy身上, it means in words "身不由己", 女人角度, 很羨慕你有一夥 Pure heart, and a religion support you behind, kathy is nothing but she's still try hard to be a good mother like you, We live in a two worlds, 正如你擁有一個美好家庭, a full house family!! 我亦有很多教育子女的問題, 希望大家有機會Discuss.

Love your day!!



Hi!! Meme thks your words, how's it going!?

Hi!!  Meme!!

Thks your words first of all, I'm doin' fine and dun expect you drop me line quite early, (You.....early birdie!!...Just kidding!! Kathy's a woman in weird...)  So....a how's it going!?  I wanna say KAthy's just a kinda mother like you, we gotta worry 'bout will our child go somewhere wrong, but thankfully you have a great husband he who can give u great support, and frankly, I did never ever think less of myself, coz I have to stand strong in order to make a gd "vision in mirror" for my kids.  So...a...ur kid's going to gd 4, right!? Mine just goin' to gd 2 and still have a long walk home.....haa..........anyway, nice to meet you here, and hope hearin' u soon!!

Love your day!!


P.S. Pls say hi to ur child!!  


Anyway!!  Tks ur words and I know you all just wanna tell a truth here, thought Meme's not kinda person with bad-hearted, on the other way, maybe what I say, we met for each other by misunderstanding, but now we both find the way to sort out the problem for child, I can say....she's a gd mother like me, You know what....I'm feelin' great being the one in xocat, and met alot person who's weird, I don't mind they leave their opinion opposite me.  In a heart of matter, no parents dislike their kids.  
Hey! Mark+Gor, thks ur message and just keep in touch here!!

Bye then!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mark+gor 於 2007-7-19 22:51 發表

Nice to meet you here and congratulations.
Bringing up a kid is not easy, especially for your case of a single mother. Also, love to here that your kid gets on well with your 'husband'. I think  ...
Hi! think you name Mark, right!? So call you Mark; Mark, I grew up in a full-house family with parents and my sis. The day I divorced to my ex-husband's not what I expected for, touch wood sayin', whoelse wanna get seperate, right!? Unfortunately, it happened on me but I know that it's hard to get over it, but I got no way to go. I just remember what my parents said:"What the parents do and the child'll take the copy on." I even thoght get crackin' in work quite often, I'd take more than 2 hrs aday for informal talk to my son, such as what you did in school, don't you make any new friends there, etc.......We had a house helper at hm, but she just helps him what he can't do.  Sometimes when I read a magazine related fashion, he'll give me some idea in weird.  I don't mind to hit his little hand once, since he made a mistake, at least I have to let him know what's wrong he did and he won't do it twice!!  I'm not kinda perfect mum, but Kathy inherits what her parents did.  So, Mark, Meme's the religious one and I totallly understand her situation is, frankly she mailed me couple times to share what problems she has.  Moreover, I did never think less of myself, that's why I keep think positive all the times. At last, if you have something you wanna ask for, related kid of course, just drop me lines here and we can talk!!

Must go now and love ur day!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




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