±À¤¶:| ­^»y½Òµ{ | Causeway Bay order food | ¾·~­^»y | ¤Æ§©½Òµ{ | Wedding Photography | ¤Ñµ¡¨÷¥¬§ó´«ºû­× |


©Ê, ·R, ÂIºw

­ì©«¥Ñ peterluk ©ó 2010-3-9 19:43 µoªí

Nothin' but 'em......just made angry for the friend of mine, but I did just carelessly.  But have no idea how to handle it well.
Well......thx you tellin' me what happened, unless u wanna lose that friend, or let this friendship be faded.  Just tell him/her a truth and yu know.....the point is 'open-heart'......you just build up a wall, or a barrier in between you and ur friend u mentioned.  I can't tell you more but thought you should know how to handle it better.   Pete, do it now !!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ peterluk ©ó 2010-3-10 13:06 µoªí
Good morning, §Úªº¤k¯«......¤Ñ®ð­á§r, ­ø¦n­á¿Ë§r.  
¦­±á§r......¤µ¤é¦n¼éÀã, ¦n­øµÎªA!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ mmr.ren ©ó 2010-3-9 23:16 µoªí

take care!
§Ú·|¬[³â........¤µ¤é¦n¼éÀã, ¦n­øµÎªA!!   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ silo ©ó 2010-3-12 22:00 µoªí

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-17 11:38 µoªí
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ mmr.ren ©ó 2010-3-18 11:36 µoªí

­ø.....§A¦²¦².....¦¨¤é¼º¤H¥´¥æ, ­ø.....­n»@»@......¥´§A¤âªO.  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....



­ì¨Ó, ¦³¨Ç¹µ¥D¥i¥H¨{º¡¸zªÎ¦a, ³ºµM¥i¥H»¡¥X¤@¨Ç²DÁ¡µL¨}ªº»¡¸Ü. $20.00    ¨s³º¥i¥H«ç¼Ë¥Í¬¡??  §Ú­Ì¤ñ¸û´I¨¬ªº¤@¸s¤@©w¤£ª¾¹L¤¤µh­W, ¦ý³o¦ì±i X ¤Hij­û, ¤µ¤Ñ§A§¤¾Ö§Aªº°s¼Ó¶°¹Î, ¥X¤H¦W¨®»¨¦v, ¦ý§A¦³¨S¦³·Q·Q, ¬°§A¤u§@ªº­û¤u, ¤S¬O¤£¬O¥¿§Ô¨ü§Aªº­é«d©O!!??  ¬Û«H­»´ä¥«¥Á·|Â÷±ó§Aªº......¦]¬°§Aªº¤@°Æ©CÁy, ¤v¦¨¬°­»´äªº I-con ¤F!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ªo¤C¨Ð ©ó 2010-3-21 08:44 µoªí
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ peterluk ©ó 2010-3-22 10:56 µoªí

Oh! ±i¦tX¹À! §Úª¾吖, ¥¿¤²µó¤@¦W. º~Ä_°s¼Ó¹À, d嘢¤S¶Q¤S­ø¦n­¹. §Ú¬Û«H©O¶¡°s¼Ó¿ð¦­°õ²Á°Õ. Á¿±o¦n, kat©j, ªGµM¦³guts. §Ú¹ê¼µ§A! :givemefive ...
Thx, Peter. I just say what I think, and how can we suffer $20.00/hr, shouldn't be happenned in HK nowaday?? God bless I'm livin' in wealthy now, but think 'bout close to 2 million in HK livin' below standard.  BTW, thks ur support !!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Plus, I'm not workin' for the rich, but standin' with the poor........always!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


º~®c¤u¼é ¢w¡X ¸T¨î¥O¸T¤£¤F¤u¤Hªº¨M¤ß






¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ³Ò¤u³B
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-22 15:47 µoªí

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ mmr.ren ©ó 2010-3-23 00:01 µoªí

³Á°O«Y«}®t­ø¦h©O­Ó»ù? ¨ä¹ê­n¦³¤@­Ó¦³¿ú¤H, ³£­øª¾­n¦º´X¦h­Ó½a¤H¥ýÕi
Yep!  World goes crazy, but what we can do.........  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-23 14:13 µoªí

©O啲¥s¥@¨ÆµL±`.........BB ¤k¦Ó®a¦n¦nª±, ¤£¹L¦¨¤é°ã¤â«ü.........  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-24 10:00 µoªí

«¢! ¥i¯à¦ü§AËݦ²³£­ø©w.  §Ú¦ô§A¤pªB¤Í³£®t¤£¦h 2 ·³.  ¦Ó§Ú¤k¤k´N¦n energetic, ¦¨¤é¸}¼µ¼µ.......   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-25 15:51 µoªí
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


¦Ï«§«e´X¤éªð咗嚟, Ëݧڱð«Y­n°µÊ\嘅"®ã¥i¤Ò"¥h¾÷³õ±µÊ\°Õ.  喺¾÷³õ¨£¨ìÊ\嘞.....¥ò­Ú咗¹L Big Hug žw......ªð¨ì«Î¥ø, ­¹§¹¶º, settle 咗啲¤pªB¤Í瞓ı; then, it's our time for our funny game.  ¦Ï«§¦P§Ú³£¦¨­Ó week ÉN°µ......Ê\¨R§¹¨R¤§«á¨£Ê\±ø Boxer ¦n¦ü­Ó boy scout camp Ëݬð¥X嚟, «¢!!  ³£«Y­n¦Ï¤ÓÀ°Ê\±Ï¤õÅo.  ¤£¹L¦Ï«§¤Ó¾à«C嘞, §Ú³sºÎ³T³£¥¼°£Ê\¤x±N§Ú"´N¦a¥¿ªk".  ¦ý§Ú¦PÊ\ kiss 嗰°}, §Ú»D¨ìÊ\­Ó¤f¦³'®û'°s¨ý......"®D! °I¤H, §A¦lÃu, ¥´­Tªi¶¼¹L°s.  (Ê\¶¼§¹°s¤§«á°µ, ·|°µ¦n­@¬[.....)  ¬ðµMÅ¥¨ì BB ³Û, §Úçܳ£ÉNçÜ´N¨«¥h BB ©Ð, ­ì¨Ó¤Sµo¹Ú©M´«¤ù......´«§¹¤§«áµoı'²D®û®û'嘅, ¦º嘞, ¤Ó¤ß«æ³s¿Ç³£¥¼µÛ, (¥u«Y攞咗¦Ï«§¥óºÎ¦ç top 嚟µÛ...) ­ü!!  ¦Ï«§¥ò°µ咗§Ú¥ó³TÚ» BB.  ÅÍÕi BB «á, §Ú¥ò¯ºÊ\ "Wow....how sexy you are, I mean.....my pajama just right on you, quite....sexy..."  Ê\³£ÉN²z§Ú, ­ü!! ¤S­n¦A¼@¾Ô.....³Ñ«Yª¾¨ì°µ§¹¤§«á¦¨®t­ø¦h 3 ÂI.  °µ§¹¤§«á, Kathy ¦¨­Ó......´²«{.
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-29 15:46 µoªí
Yep!! "ll keep post my photos 'til you're not around.......Ah!!  Dun worry, I'll delete all my photos less than a day..... Kakaka.......
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-29 15:48 µoªí
¥ò¦³¡A§A¦Ï«§³£­n¶¼Ïs¨Ó¼W¥[«ù¤[¤O°Õ kekeke
«Y§r!! Ê\¶¼¥ª¤õ°s§r......¤U¦¸§Ú¤S¶¼ d, ¿N®I§A......  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ peterluk ©ó 2010-3-29 11:09 µoªí
¾j°ü¾à¦Ï......«¢! Good morning, kathy.
¥´!! ¯º§Ú§r­þ.....
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ peterluk ©ó 2010-3-29 11:09 µoªí
¾j°ü¾à¦Ï......«¢! Good morning, kathy.
   ¥´!! ¯º§Ú¤X­þ!!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ mmr.ren ©ó 2010-3-25 19:59 µoªí

Kinda ....... fluffy.......Oh!! Poor dear!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-30 21:37 µoªí
Slim ¹Lkelly chan «Y¦]¬°ªG±i¬Û¯u«Ykelly chan ¨Ó¬[¶Ü....
¦n§r!! ¤£¹Lµ¥§A­ø«Y«×¥ý Post ¬Û....   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


4 yrs ago at Maldives ....

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ kathywonder ©ó 2010-4-1 11:08 ½s¿è ]
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-31 10:10 µoªí

¦n¦ü¥H«epost ¹L¬[Ø{¡I


¦³«§?? ËÝ©O±i??
ªþ¥ó: ±z©Ò¦bªº¥Î¤á²ÕµLªk¤U¸ü©Î¬d¬Ýªþ¥ó, ½Ð¹Á¸Õ¦h¶K¤å³¹Àò¨ú¿n¤À¡A¿n¤À¶W¹L 120 ©Î¯S©w¥Î¤á²Õ¤è¥i¬d¬Ý.
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




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