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[原創] 東莞兩日一夜遊(高妹樂園版) UPDATED左 全篇完

All Brothers, sorry that I can only reply so late, as I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. in order to get my hands on computer. As I do not want to leave any cookies and trail on my home's desk top computer, I have to use my own EeePC.

Just like other Brothers, I had a very enjoyable night there on Friday. Thanks for all the Brothers in attenting this party for my farewell. The scene in the K room had been comprehensively described by Simonkok, Tea Tea, Denny, and Jacck-a-lent, etc. I have no intention to elaborate anymore. Let me go directly to the canon room scene.

The girl I had is very different from those other girls in the room which their group was having meeting. She wears a pair of glasses. 1.67 m tall, Skin is fair. A little chubby. She come from Hubei. She was a kindergarten teacher, after teaching for 1 year at home, she came to DG and tells her father that she works as a cosmetic sales girl. As I saw she sms with her father. She was smiling and a bit shy when we walked in the meeting room, she stood back while others were stepping ahead. When I was looking at her before I decided to pick her, she was flushed and look down on the floor. It was this scene makes me pick her.

In the canon room, she had not been up to my standard on service, she refused to bathe together, I showered first and when I finished, she went into the bathroom with towel on. She even closed the door of the bathroom. I then try to open the shower room door in a teasing and playful manner, in order to avoid the hardful atmosphere.

After the shower alone, she came out with the towel on again, and jumped into the bed. Of course, I took her towel away very soon as we were chatting.

I notice that her nipples were like a pairs of grapes. A bit too big for a girl who is only 21 years old. No service at all, don't know she knows nothing or just don't want to provide any service, I just don't want to find it out. Nonetheless, we had a long wet kiss and deep throat though.

When I want working on her, on top, of course, she start to warm up a bit and response me tough. However, the response was very light and gentle. No wilderness at all. The tunnel is narrow and tight tough.

After a few minutes, I unloaded and come back to the K-room and sing and drink again.

After the battle, she started to call me "Lou Kung"  and hugged me close in the K-room. However, I have no interest to re-cheuk her again.

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2009-3-17 18:18 編輯 ]


I remember I lost my virginity when I was 20 in Portsmouth, England to the daughter of my landlord. I was so stupit to wait for her everyday when I finished my college. She went back to her ex-boy friend again after 3 months with me, make love everynight in that 3 months time.


回復 96# 的帖子

I used to be very handsome when I was 20.


回復 109# 的帖子

To seduce girls like what I do is not counting on Handsomeness. Is by touching to their heart.


回復 114# 的帖子

He should be ok la, he said he has make up his mind to break up with both of his girl friends. Breaking up is hard to say, but onse spoken out, is easy to do.

相關搜索目錄: Make up


回復 116# 的帖子

Right, 1 drink solve thousand problems. Like A.A., he is ok after the drunk ?


回復 118# 的帖子

oh! young man ! But this is all we old ghosts gone though years ago. I believe we all had the same experience before. This make us recall the good old days.


回復 123# 的帖子

I think A.A. should learn the experience from Dr. Tea, the way and hurt Dr. Tea got from sinking with LL is very deep and bleeding all over, it lst for 2 months, and even still hurting now. However, he is recovering now, You can see how Tea Tea behave in the last 2 weeks. The best medicine for healing from sinking wounds would be sink again for another girl.

One just need having another girl occupying his heart would forget about the last boat he sunk. The space in a guy's heart is not spaceous. Only enough for 1 boat. Not too many man has a big tummy like me, who can hold 4 wives in my heart.


回復 126# 的帖子

1 girl die, 1 girl up. There are girls plentiful out , what for ?


回復 128# 的帖子

Too many Brothers out there playing so silly without knowing the danger.

i had experience back in 1993, in Sai Heung, luck my friend was a prosecutor at that time, he brought his pistol with him. Otherwise, me and my friend would be in big trouble.


回復 130# 的帖子

yes, may be in 10 years from now, A.A. would also say, he is too silly in 2009.


回復 133# 的帖子

A.A. , You are back, back to the real world la.


回復 138# 的帖子

You really saw her ? Surprise Surprise !! Or only in your dream ? Forget her la ! One day she is in you mind, one day you still cannot free yourself !


回復 143# 的帖子

Simonkok takes your left over ?


回復 145# 的帖子

Well you knew you was in period when you pick her, as you can see the red pin in front of her chest. You knew that.!


回復 156# 的帖子

I also have many new target remain not yetcheck ! Time is scarcity ! And girls are plentiful !


回復 161# 的帖子

But you did not only 1 ut 2, the 1st one re-cheuk too. She still dial your phone no. and tell you she dream of you ?




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