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原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-2 10:35 發表

Not exactly........... after the night of romance with Tung, she always lingers in my mind. I have put her to the first position.

HL, of course, is still a very interesting place to go, esp ...
Have you tried other girls at Fat Lei?

I agree Tung Tung is very nice.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-14 10:44 發表
應該在3樓. 但我未曾試過, cHing可以去馬再寫報告.

另外,早前提及5樓的Suki已搬上6樓03F,即Tung Tung鄰. 可以一試. 一日三轉如何?

近來工作忙,所以很久沒去發利,該處近況如何? 我希望下星期可以去. 當然會先搵Tung Tung, 再去Yuki, 或試露苡莎!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-15 08:49 發表

May I know where is Yuki.......? How to compare Yukiwith Suki? Thanks.
師兄,你衰咗!!! 無做功課!!! 哈哈!!! Yuki 喺同一層4D.

Suki好笑容及笑聲, 肯做 (剩一樓一), 開工到十時. 同Yuki身高相近, 但身材仍是Yuki 佔優. 而技巧上Yuki亦較佳; 且Yuki亦可以做按摩. 但我未試過, 因的只用銅銅做按摩 (亦試過豆豆嘅按摩).  樣貌亦是Yuki較靚.

但同時,銅銅身高較Yuki 及 Suki高, 而身材則銅銅和Yuki相近.

雖然如此, 個人覺得Suki仍可一試, 因為她的表現除銅銅和Yuki以外,仍較發利其他囡囡略優.


[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2007-11-18 15:16 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 功課


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-19 08:31 發表

Which rank higher, yuki or suki.....?
當然係Yuki 強過Suki啦!

另外, 最近試了一些發利囡囡, 茲按本人喜好排列如下:

Angle (大波波越南囡, 樣唔錯)
Co Co
Yo Yo


[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2007-11-21 00:41 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-21 10:52 發表

But Yuki is on M-leave bor.........

Is Angel really pretty? How to compare with Tung Tung and Yuki?
Angel's looking is good, you can recognize her that she is not a Chinese. And her skin color is white.

If compare with Tung Tung, since they are different person, it's hard to compare, each person has his own standard. For me, certainly Tung Tung is better. Angel is nice and sweet in service attitude, but in many minor areas, you can have the judgement; Tung Tung is far more better. Concerning body shape, obviously Tung Tung is more attractive; however, if you like large ball, Angel will be your choice.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-22 20:23 發表

Have u tried Angel?
Please make report.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-22 20:23 發表

Have u tried Angel?
Please make report.

Besides, since you have tried other girls at Fat Lei, please also give us your valuable reports.


原帖由 copperman 於 2007-11-28 00:04 發表
I tried 銅銅 last week.  Her dup skill is quite excellent.  I will try her more for this.

For ML, that's ok, I can say, it is enjoyable.  Although not my most favrite type, but she is quite sexy ...
Strongly agree that Tung Tung is good in service.
Other than Tung Tung, I just receive telephone call last day from Wendy for promotion her friend who would replace her during coming few days at time of her menstruation.

6樓04C - Wendy 來電,因月經不便, 由老友Yuki代替三天. 很少有囡這樣好介紹,姑且代為轉介給各兄弟.
據Wendy所言, Yuki原職夜總會,特意幫Wendy手. Wendy表示Yuki為 陀地囡囡,身材嬌小,但服務態度好,樣正; 由於並未做過一樓一,所以樣樣新鮮,應該對很多兄弟會有很大吸引力. 兄弟們可以試試 04C及D兩個Yuki. 當然, 我會建議可在一兩日內兼試銅銅及Suki.

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2007-11-28 01:05 編輯 ]


原帖由 copperman 於 2007-11-28 11:10 發表

好似係昨天. 所以我哋等緊你嘅報告!

我今日致電銅銅,以為可以約佢互相按摩吓,點知原來佢左手因舊患扭傷而需要請假.就算明天可以上班,亦只做part 2. 不過,我都無所謂,因為一直最喜歡嘅都係同佢一齊happy啲感覺. 等佢好番再做按摩啦!


既然佳人表示手仍有少許疼痛,眼見銅銅楚楚可憐的嗲人樣,自然對佢呵護有加! 銅銅及後笑語,原來已好了很多,星期六日休息後,下星期可能已可以再按摩. 當然若剩做更沒問題. 當場溫馨一番後,我絕對相信所言非假.

被銅銅八爪魚一般抱著,豐乳盛臀,白滑肌膚加上迷人體香,箇中享受簡直難以形容! 此外,可能今天不用費力按摩,銅銅竟然在叫床時一反平日較含蓄的做法,而是放鬆表達,吸引程度更進一步. 我的背及手臂亦被銅銅肉緊地弄瘀了!!!



原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-12-3 08:50 發表

You are really a die hard fans for Tung Tung......... and she is so lucky to have you as the supporter.
其實要討我們男士歡心話難不難,話易不易! 以一眾發利囡囡為例,Iching師兄笑語我是銅銅的終極粉絲,我實在不敢當,亦無法當! 只因我並非只銅銅不去馬,亦由於自己心㽼大,常好四處試新囡! 但無可否認,銅銅及發利的一班囡囡亦能夠吸引我番吃.

以曾試的發利囡囡掛列, 先後次序如下:
替工Yuki (仍未有定房間,但據聞正著手搵六樓空房)
Angle (大波波越南囡, 樣唔錯)
Co Co
Yo Yo

其中首五名囡囡均各有千秋. 銅銅及Yuki均可以按摩或剩一樓一,而小喬,Suki及替工Yuki只做一樓一.五人在待客方面均很著力.

按摩功夫明顯銅銅較佳 (最近曾扭傷但已復原).

做愛部份五人均屬佳品.由於身材均勻,樣貌正,胸型吸引,只是眼看已經嗒糖! 而五人由於腰身長而幼,所以做時特別柔軟.而因為小妹妹仍緊湊,所以對我們的小兄弟特別提供超正感受.


Yuki在五人中最主動,最多制服,喜歡熱女郎應視首選! 但略嫌暫時仍缺乏個人深度.

而銅銅一直令我欣賞的地方除了樣靚,身材好,波大而挺,西毛濃密而小妹妹緊湊多水,而動情後叫床聲含蓄迷人(可惜小鯉魚的吸力始終及不上佐敦阿May)(但亦試過很激地弄瘀我雙臂),再加上按摩手骨功夫正宗夠力! 但最吸引我的反而是她的個人修養素質:bird:,很多話題均能和我有深度的溝通.且有耐性聽我說話,令人如沐春風之餘,更能得到支持或開解.

一如Iching兄所言,銅銅這類極品囡囡很易令人沉船. 幸好我心太花,亦早有心理準備,所以只是有作粉絲的心態,亦可作偶爾的護花使者!

各位兄弟,你哋喺發利嘅經驗,經歷又如何? 誠徵各位加入發表意見. 當然,更歡迎多些人加入成為<發利之友>

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2007-12-4 02:02 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-12-4 08:43 發表
Have you tried Angel? I have lost her address. Please let me have it if possible. Thanks.
Sorry I also forget the address. If I'm correct, Agnel is at 3/F., the first room at right hand side after leaving the lift. You can recognize her easily from her outlook. Besides, she had Vietnam magazines in her room.

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2007-12-4 23:41 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-12-5 08:47 發表

OIC.................. thanx.

I'll ry my luck this Saturday for her.
To visit Tung Tung then Angel, or the other opposit?


Brothers, Yuki had changed new uniforms. Even you did not ask, Yuki will change cloths in dance before you under soft and sexy music! However, most attractive one seems being unclothed!

Tung Tung had recovered. May be because she had taken some rest at time when she hurt her left arm, she looks more attractive and sexy. Really enjoying by spending 90 min. there. While having time for massage and oil pushing, I enjoy more for having a time "with a lover"!:bird:  WOH!!! Simply talking and laughing is already bewitching. The sweet period for ML will be the sweetmeat.

Finding time to be there for girls, particularly for Tung Tung, next week before Christmas holidays!

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 pollacksydney 於 2007-12-11 18:07 發表
The contents about Fat Lee on this thread are amazing. I tried to visit Tung Tung (Room 603D) today but she was always busy. I really wish to try her bone skill and BM, though I am not interested i ...
Sorry! No naked Tung Tung at Winter for massage. Tung Tung does not allow kissing!  However, she still deserve waiting.

According to my understanding, Yo Yo's one skill is not that good, but for those who like large breast can try Yo Yo.


原帖由 pollacksydney 於 2007-12-13 01:43 發表
Thank you buddy JohnnyJohnny. You are most helpful.

In case I am unlucky to meet Tung Tung and Yo Yo, Angel will be my next target - I am a big tits lover.

Does she do BM? Does any Brother kn ...
Sorry brother, I had visited Tung Tung this afternoon, but forget to check Angel's place for you. I guess she is at the first room at right hand corner after you leave the lift.


原帖由 lsjay911 於 2007-12-17 00:15 發表
I will be in HK during Xmas. Johnny sir, would you please PM me Tung tung's contact number? Scheduling in advance seems much better than test my luck. Otherwise, I will stop by and hope I get luck. ...
As I'd mentioned before, Tung Tung preferred to give the tel. no. by herself. Sorry I cannot give that to you!

Do go there and contact her.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-12-17 11:46 發表
I tried a newbie last week. She was called "Kitty" in Rm 1D, 3/F. A very fresh girl at early 20. Entirely new to the business. She used to ne a fashion sales lady. Verry shining and big e ...
iChing師兄好嘢! 又有好嘢介紹! 我一定搵日去試吓!  當然會再同時搵埋銅銅!


原帖由 colorman 於 2007-12-18 21:24 發表
請問銅銅係咪放假, 連續兩日打電話去都係飛去留言.
好彩! 我星期二黃昏致電銅銅,成功約咗佢喺星期三七時見. 放工後立刻渡江見佳人!

近日年尾趕工,成身疲憊不堪,要求佢輕手一啲,經靚女按摩一番,終於輕鬆自在. 之後自然有大把心情同銅銅雙擁輕撫 ...

由於昨夜收工已遲,加上在銅銅那兒已經鞠躬盡瘁,所以未有如常再試其他囡囡,特別是其他兄弟新介紹正點. 希望下星期放假前再訪銅銅時再試!

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2007-12-20 07:41 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-12-24 13:11 發表

Brother Johnny,

It seems you are not as active as b4 bor.......! May we know why?
Just like other brothers, I'm busy at year end! All works pile up, and customers call for service nearly one after the other!

I'm almost one size smaller than usual (fortunately not "that" part!).  Really I cannot imagine in what way can I find time to visit girls at Fat Lei! May be I will go there at the year end!

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2007-12-24 23:40 編輯 ]


Tung Tung on leave


Finally I've time to "wi wet", but when I call Tung Tung during week end, she said she would be on leave until January 7 at 2008.

Well, may be I can try contact other girls at Fat Lei. Did any brothers have any suggstions?


Oh! I guess she might already on her way for vacation!

Brother, may be we can find her next year! Fortunately  it's already 31st December 2007!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-1-2 08:30 發表
There are still five days to go before we can see her again!
I'd made booking with Tung Tung already. Probably she made taken good rest after holiday, she sound attractive on phone; I missed her very much!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-1-7 11:32 發表

I have sent a SMS to her to see if she still remembers me.........!
You must be joking. I think she must remember you as you are her fan and "friend".

I'd visited her today, she looked more pretty and attractive by adding a little bit fat. Probably because I had not seen her for some time, I spent  time talking with her instead of taking massage nor having sex with her. I enjoy her laughter and also the sweet feeling by holding her waist.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-1-8 08:30 發表

It is so strange when with Tung Tung........ I also had the experience of just talking with her and enjoying her tender smile. No need to have massage or ml and already i was totally satisfied!
Fortunately in most cases, I can enjoy the pleasure of ML with Tung Tung. Actually today I have a good time with her in the afternoon.




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