原帖由 Orange+Fai 於 2007-8-17 17:44 發表
我唔知邊忽得罪你喎, 阿 lu 小姐, 做咩咁中意周圍點火?
我的立場大家都有眼睇, 我係呢度一個人都唔識, 亦未見過呢度任何一個人, 唔似得你咁中意玩乜野拉關係.
原帖由 xocatII 於 2007-8-18 12:15 發表
personal attack! no evidence provided!
i do request a proper apology for allure, cos Orange Fai is suggesting allure is having relationship with others.
that's an extremely serious 抹黑 & Organge Fai obviously hasn't got any evidence to support what he said.
having or making relationships.. is very negative statement... and his saying did make allure feel being insulted & he's not speaking in a polite manner for sure!
xocatII, I think your statement is personal attack instead of mine.
You charge me with Personal attack because you deduce I suggest allure is having relationship with others from「唔好成日以為撻什麼高層就可以講到自己岩晒」or「唔似得你咁中意玩乜野拉關係」???
Is it your logic and thinking skill ?
If you find my statement is 'personal attack', then I am also suffering personal attack from allure.
I said 「唔好成日以為撻什麼高層就可以講到自己岩晒」, as allure say「佢唔係好清楚唔可以得罪你架...
求下你放過佢喇...唔該晒喎 」, from your logical thinking, she is also suggesting me(Orange+Fai) is having relationship with 「高層」
I can tell you it is an extremely serious 抹黑 & allure obviously hasn't got any evidence to support what she said.
having or making relationships.. is very negative statement... and her saying did make me feel absolutely being insulted & she never,
never! speaking in a polite manner for sure!!!!
本帖最後由 Orange+Fai 於 2007-8-18 16:40 編輯 ]