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單打, 即ban. Instead: concrete suggestions pls. (updated on Aug 16)

Extremely busy these days, but need to set an alarm clock to login in and give you some easy suggestions for a stupid administrator like you, xocatII.

If you have the following three behavior, nothing will be happened:-

1. Actively respond to enquiries.  You are an administrator, and you ask all questions directing to you.  However, you didn't response in a timely way, or not even drop a note to the members openly that 'you heard their voices, but will reply later'.  You are not a responsbile administrator in this sense.  If you don't response, and the members keep pushing for your reply, and you said they are 單打ing.  What a nonsense proposition!  You asked them to give suggestions, what about you?  Did you give any counter suggestions to their '單打'? No!  All you have done, is ban, ban, ban!

2. Give your comments or reasoning before banning anyone.  If you are going to ban them anyway, why don't you give your reason first, and allow one day for their comments?  This will not lead to more 單打, but only an open discussion, and showing yourself as an respectful person, or your respect other members.  Now, what you're doing is just a dictator.

3. Remember who are really supporting Xocat Forum wholeheartedly.  If we don't care, or they don't care, they won't say anything.  They are not initiating any crisis to push you out of the arena.  And you?  What's your focus now?  Hit rate?  Or any insightful plan for this forum?  I don't think so.  All the members you've banned are members of over three years at least, and now you are relying on a few members, creating different names to 'hit' the forum, giving unrealistic 'attractive' reports, and attracting others to come.  Ha, do you know how short-sighted you are!

You open this thread, and you are just welcoming more criticism from others.  I know I'll be banned anyway, but you better save your energy to press the button, because anyway this forum is so disappointed, and you're pushing quality members out.  Apart from our previous CEO of HKSAR Mr. Tung, you must be the second most stupid person in HK.  Well, do I have evidence that you're really stupid?  Hmmm....this forum and your way of management is the most solid evidence.

Whether you want to change or style or not, I just don't give a fucking damn.  I believe those banned members will be united again, and appear in another forum.  And you, continue to enjoy those 'attractive' reports la.


[ 本帖最後由 bgfantasy 於 2007-8-15 07:52 編輯 ]



Hey, administrator.  See this thread?  You just don't bother to reply?  Or just open a separate thread to 'announce' will do?  Do you know what is 'respect'?



That's another thread, administrator.  See?

Any plan to reply?  I will just wait and see how long you'll make your announcement.



Hey, administrator.  That's another one.  Come on!  You had a nice sauna last night and no time or no energy to reply mei?

My suggestion to you:

1. Reply one by one.  Don't say "too minor to discuss", or just a fucking "DONE".  show some respects to other members.

2. Re-activate their accounts.  Whether they will continue to give opinion, I don't care.  But at least show how you 'open' to public discussion.


原帖由 馬蹄爽 於 2007-8-16 07:55 發表

well, i may be able to help.....


原帖由 炮艇工兵 於 2007-8-16 01:51 發表

Thanks for reinstating my status, though no longer a Moderator but that I don't really care.

Let's talk rationale.

First, I never 單打 you or say anything to you in any vulgar manner. I t ...
Strongly agreed with what you have said.

XocatII, you see, there are so many quality members out there, and do you realize how 'open' is the discussion now?  I believe that's what you're looking for.  However, you should have done this long time ago, otherwise the situation now would not have been turning into this crisis.  If you did this months ago, you don't have to waste time answering lots of enquiry and receive lots of complaints now, and that's what you said 'wasting resources'.

No one has done anything wrong, XocatII.  And absolutely you can retain this forum by 'un-banning' those who were banned.  Ask yourself why will they apologize to you as they have done nothing wrong?  They were being offensive because no one on this earth is listening to them, and the one they care didn't listen to them.  Is it fair?  Don't always say you are young and energetic to do something aggressive, but you're old enough to tell what is fair and what is unfair.




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