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[原創] Poseidon vs Nataree

原帖由 hkc217217 於 2008-5-26 21:25 發表
nataree is better
younger 18 to 20
but room too old
Incidentally I went to both places when visiting Bangkok in February.  And these are the only two sauna I ever visited in Thailand!
I must say both places were outdated, badly maintained and unpleasant.  This should be quite an objective view if compared to most sauna in DG area!
Then come to the girls and services.  I might be subjective in this case because again I found them both inferior to DG.  First of all, the girls are generally older.....ranging from early 20's to late 20's.  Some may even past 30!  Whether they are gorgeous is very personal and I could not really comment.....however I found that they generally look better when viewing from a distance.  Once going into the room, you may find that the skin is not as fine.......again, maybe the ones I chosen were older than our country girls back in DG!
Overall, I would not re-visit!  
I love Bangkok and I would bring my girlfriend for holiday!




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