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[­ì³Ð] ªF²ð¨â¤é¤@©]¹C(°ª©f¼Ö¶éª©) UPDATED¥ª ¥þ½g§¹

­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-16 09:41 µoªí

haha, §Ú©M§ÚªºªB¤Í©M¢¶¢û¢ñ¢ý©M¢á§g¡A¡@¢µ˜ò¦h¨ì¡C¡@¨ä¤¤¤@组¢õ¢é¢õ¢ñ¡]¼ô¢û¢ñ¢õ¢÷¢öªº¡^带§Ú们¢³ŸÄ¥ý¨ì¦o组¤k¤k开‰N¦a¤è¥ý¬Ý¡C¡C¡C¡@¡@«z¡A³£¦³¢²¢¯¡Ð¢³¢¯¦h ...
Bro Denny, what's comment of your friend V ?


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-16 14:55 µoªí

NO more S§g la !!  He's ¿ð¨Óªº¬K¤Ñ by now (hehe) !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-16 15:15 µoªí

Please continue it ASAP !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-16 18:03 µoªí

«Y.°Ú...©Ò¥H§Ú¥ý¸ÜÊ\ .Navie.....

AH ?  May be Anhwei !!


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-16 18:53 µoªí

i am not worried since Stephy did not have much feel on me...  
It's because, she has a in-house Wolf-Dog !!

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dog


­ì©«¥Ñ Butt ©ó 2009-3-17 12:35 µoªí

¬Æ¦Ü¶ÉºÉ®a°]¡A¬°ªº¤£¹L¬O·i¬õÃC¤@¯º¡C¡C¡C¹ê¦b¬O·P¨ì¸U¤À®D¼N¡I h:" />
Bro Butt, why you know I spent ALL my money on MMs ?


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-17 12:51 µoªí

At this moment, many peoples need to RUN around the Hills la !!


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-19 11:57 µoªí

I used to be very handsome when I was 20.
You're handsome by now at all BUT your body is two FIT la !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-20 10:55 µoªí

He's NO time to dealing with this la !!  He'd to solve the problem with HK girl-friend and China MM at this moment !


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-20 19:17 µoªí

I think A.A. should learn the experience from Dr. Tea, the way and hurt Dr. Tea got from sinking with LL is very deep and bleeding all over, it lst for 2 months, and even still hurting now. However, h ...
I told LL that I'd celebrated her birthday since Nov 2008 so that I saw her last Wed.  I also missing her too much !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-24 22:46 µoªí


I'm picky but it also benefits to you la Bro Simonkok ?!


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-25 01:39 µoªí

Simonkok takes your left over ?
I picked the DH's MM for him and he'd 3Q within 6 hrs.  He picked the DH's MM for me and she's in period, so that, I release her.


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-25 01:48 µoªí

Well you knew you was in period when you pick her, as you can see the red pin in front of her chest. You knew that.!
On that day, my period was gone with the Wind.  I reserved the energy for CA Angel only but it also gone with the Wind too !!


­ì©«¥Ñ metalazo ©ó 2009-3-25 21:48 µoªí

gone with the Wind!
What's gone with the Wind ?  Your Ice or your money ?!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-29 07:45 µoªí

«YÅo..³£·QÅ¥Dr. Tea¦³ÃöCA..Angel..0¬J³¥..¤£¹LÊ\¤@ª½³£¦n¤ÖÁ¿...
CA Angel ?  She also gone with the Wind too !!  NO need to talk about her la !


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-31 09:38 µoªí

I also have many new target remain not yetcheck ! Time is scarcity ! And girls are plentiful !h:" />
However, the lovely MMs are limited for me lor !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-4-1 01:37 µoªí

I'm not sure I'd picked a MM in Dream House too !!


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-4-1 03:01 µoªí

But you did not only 1 ut 2, the 1st one re-cheuk too. She still dial your phone no. and tell you she dream of you ?
Bro 7-siu, I haven't re-cheuk any Dream House MM by now !!




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