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 34 12

[原創] 銀泉芬蘭浴

Tried 78 several days ago. Another young lady who provides good services in both part 1 and 2. Part 1 dup skill on the soft side but is okay for me. Face is okay.

Her cantonese is still on the poor side. No change since my last time several months ago.


原帖由 messenger 於 2008-4-27 19:57 發表

佳訊控股 + 興發鋁業

They are my favorite too.

I tried 興發 yesterday. Sweet and gf feel. On the other hand, I find 佳訊 more lovely. If I must make a selection, I will select 佳訊.


So quiet... no post for more then 24 hours!

When to SS around 8PM and it seem to be quite today. Lost of choices and I picked 12. Another nice bg at SS - I thought it's my first time to try her but she insisted not. Soft to medium force at dup; push oil and the rest is good. The look is wild and sexy - not the most pretty but I like her 泡炸頭.

Her cantonese is not good. That's probably why she's a bit silent (but I think that's okay).


Where are the CHing? So quiet lately.

Any new bg at SS? Maybe I should ask for a new bg to try out next week.


原帖由 messenger 於 2008-5-10 22:37 發表
It's long weekend and some Ching may be out of town.  Drop in the stock market could be a reason as well (e.g. I went there 3 times last week.. but this week, I went there only once).

今日 okay. At 2PM, 有五六個人係 waiting room. 仲有, 見到有個西人唔沖涼就跳落浸池,好似唔係幾好.


Tried 33 today.  Another pretty young girl like 98 and 30.

Compared to 30, her dup skill (by hand) is better. Part 2 is nice.  It you like young girl, you will enjoy the service by 33. The only downside being her voice no as sweet as 30.


原帖由 messenger 於 2008-5-18 22:04 發表

Still not yet decided.
I believe 30 is off for today and tomorrow. Try KMB!


When to SS early in the afternoon today. All popular numbers have been marked. This is my first time to visit SS on a weekday afternoon. I don't realize it's busy in the afternoon.

Of course, I have marked my bg as well.


原帖由 rabbit2000 於 2008-5-20 23:37 發表

Yes. afternoon is busy.  what number you marked?


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