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 32 12

[上樓骨] 我想造訪的USB

I have tried a USB 麗X in Sheungshui last week.
When I arrived, I saw a big living room with 12-15 sofa for food massage and a few rooms, I guess 4-5 rooms, some open and some close, and a toilet and a kitchen.  Three BLs(lady, not girl) were there.  Not sure if they were all they had or there were some in rooms.  Anyway, one short lady looks okay, 30+ but still NMCOT and another two...
The better one had something to do, then I got one I guess close to 40 BL.  I decided to have a session without push oil.  Dup skills was so-so.  
If accidentially like this time I was in sheung shui, I will try another one nearby and see what happen.  There were a few there and one called 足X情, not sure if it is good and the BGs are stable...


If 7H3 and Dau dau are there, I will move to there too.


回復 984# 的帖子

wow, property market up becase of USB, that must be an explosive news!!


I finally tried Yuki last week and had a very pleasant time.
Once I got in, a young lady said Hello to both of me (big and small me), she looked nice but her eyes told me she was not young, I think she was probably 30+
and then I went into the toilet and took a quick shower but she insisted to have it with me together.
Again, I enjoyed Part 1 a lot since her dup skill was great, definitely better than 7H3 (but I still missed her sooooo much... as Ching said, GF feel)  Because of time constraint, Yuki moved very fast but details.  She was talkative, in btw a Ching was outside, she opened the door and said hello to him and came back immediately and said sorry and sorry, very polite.

After push oil, she gave me a BM, with a small cup, not really good but with heart with RPP.

After my journy to Mars, we had another quick shower together again, which made me no time to hee but in fact, since the first minute I stepped in, it was already 90 minutes.  In general, it was a pleasant time in the Year of Rat!!


Visit 7H3 today and found she a little bit looks like a mix of 陳雅倫 & 黃紀瑩but more beautiful.


回復 1186# 的帖子

Thanks for your report.  How old is she?  Seems you'd got a HJ, no BM?


Wish all the best to 7H3!!


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