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[上樓骨] 我想造訪的USB

原帖由 qwaqwa 於 2008-10-8 09:30 發表

Hello lm99917,

Ting Ting went to 2-4 Observatory Road, TST, 1 floor A1 room. I visited her a couple of weeks ago. Still the same good service TEO all the way. Can you please give me the 7H3 num ...
TEO for BM plan or only for full package plan? How about the skill for part 1 and how long it take? Her photo in 14X are so attractive.


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-10-15 16:18 發表

That's why我叫華豐7H3不好再叫婷婷, 就叫7H3!


眾人懷念已嫁做人婦的是前發利604D婷婷, 可叫THE婷婷


1A婷婷 - 即前發利604B婷婷即我上周六試 ...
How about "ting ting" in room E? Her photo in web also as attractive as 1A


Ok, both "Ting Ting" added to my list now. Must try.

Thanks very much for Matt and 99


原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-10-21 12:59 發表

OB 婷婷聽說有機會 move to Fuji!
Do you know when? I want to try her. I believe she will increase the price when she move to Fuji.


I also read a report about her few months ago, I remember the c-hing said her out look is good, other things is average. But her ball is fake and hard.

I remember this report because I want to try her when I saw her ad in 1x1


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-10-23 21:27 發表
太子有位淇淇, 體態優雅撩人, 有無師兄試過?

The ching who write this report has a high reputation in this forum. Hope it will useful for you. I try to make appointment with her several times but the line cannot get through.


I tried 7H3, and I need to thanks Jimsi c-hing for the contact no.

Except part 1, everything is good.

For part 1, I give her 6/10. Just above average. Even she done it by her heart, but the problem is her skill not good enough. And it can not be improved by time. She need to learn it from other people.

Anyway, I tried BM and feel worth for this price. Her working attitude and part 2 can compensate the marks lost in part 1.

Next targets are Yuki and Coco. Dear Jimsi, can you give me Yuki's contact also?


原帖由 阿寬 於 2008-11-11 17:02 發表


爽身粉BM? Seems funny and worth to try. Thanks for you report.

Other threads mentioned that her ball is fake. Can madinhj comment this?

We got 3 stars in WF now.
Yuki = Mum Ka Wai
Apple = Lai Gi
Ah Yin = Tse On Ki


回復 561# 的帖子

Turn black face when you ordered HJ I only know girl in sauna would give such respond even you order BM.

Thanks for your report. I can save money 'cause I don't like fake bone.


原帖由 Im99917 於 2008-11-18 20:24 發表

jimsi兄, 一d都唔奇怪, 如果你身家有500億, 而家縮水成100億, 有乜影響?
冇, 係唔係? 你可以照叫開價一千八百的酒店囡囡.
對我呢d打工仔, 而家分分鐘今日無知聽日仲有冇工開, 點敢大使呀!
扎炮又辛苦, 兼夾骨 ...
I found one. 90 mins, BM at 300, in YMT LaiKei Building.

I didn't tried before, any ching have her report?


相關搜索目錄: 酒店


Yesterday I went to On Lok (TST) and find a lady just moving in 11A1. Her look is average but just good, Little bit "black". When I check the 14X site and know that she was the one who working at Wah Fung 7H1. The room is quite spacious for USB standard.

All girl in 11/F were all engaged except A8. Since she is not my target so I went to Jordan. Same things happen, all my desire girl are engaged. I believe 5-6:00 pm is peak hour for them.

But I never give up and try again at around 3:30 today at Jordon. Same things happen. So I take a risk to try a new one . Hereunder is my report:

Address : Jordan FL building 12D5
Name : Yoyo
Age : 3x
Face : very attractive for me, seductive look.
Figure : Quite good, white & smooth skin, medium ball, pink and good size nipple.

Part one : 8/10, her look like a girl who don;t know message but suprisingly her skill is quite good for me. She said she used to work in Noble and Oriental. She will provide hot towel to wipe your back. But time is little bit short. around 50 mins.

Part 2 : rpp is good but short. And she told me to go to bed 'casue I chose BM. She said her blow job skill is very good and ask me to change the plan to ML during BM me. I accpeted and do what normally should do. Since her face and figure is quite attractive for me. I give 9/10 to this part.

I don't whether she will turn black face if I chose HJ or BM plan. Also time is quite rush may be she want to let me out at 5:00 (I get in at 3:50, and her door written "JOKE" "CHUNG"). But part 1 skill is good even little bit short and the girl is quite polite and good attitude. Room is big and tidy.  Standard offer 3,4,5



HB B   7H1

One ching introduce a USB call "E E" at above address to me. Today I visited her and found she no longer work there. Instead is another girl call "Lily. Since he write on the door "no full package(in Chinese) " and quote me 300 dup+Hj, so I deal.

Face : Average
Bone Skill : below average, no push oil, no force
Part 2 : below average, no rpp, but can touch her ball inside the dress
Time : Entrance 16:00, Exit 17:05

She said she just arrive Hong Kong few weeks and no work to do. Her friend introduce her this job. I wonder is it the reason that many girl can't find a job in this economic situation and work as USB even have no bone skill. And pretended a professional BG by written "no full package"

[ 本帖最後由 titslover 於 2009-3-7 00:29 編輯 ]


One more thing I need to mention. She is work in this unit as part time and this unit belong to her friend. It means she may appear in other place.

I agree EMS's opinion, some USB should learn some basic skill before. And become 'professional' at work as time goes by.

But from my experience, this lady should never learn any bone skill before. She just simply cheating us.

[ 本帖最後由 titslover 於 2009-3-7 10:58 編輯 ]


原帖由 Im99917 於 2009-3-6 21:06 發表

即係話而家連寫"全套免問"的囡囡都未必係識dup骨, 悲!
very 悲 for me indeed, I visit her during my office hour. She waste my valuable time.


原帖由 Im99917 於 2009-3-6 21:06 發表

即係話而家連寫"全套免問"的囡囡都未必係識dup骨, 悲!
very 悲 for me indeed, I visit her during my office hour. She waste my valuable time.


原帖由 jimsi 於 2009-3-7 01:07 發表

treat or cheat?
Thanks Jimsi, I edited.


I see the ad in 14X and found some USB in that building are $280 for 90mins.

35 mins is totally unacceptable la. But I found the girls in 4/F seems OK. Any Ching tried?


原帖由 kellet 於 2009-4-7 22:10 發表
ken Hing

Thanks for your highlight. I have visited Elaine today.  The result was exactly what you have written.  I respect her truly contribution.  Without BM would definitely a huge loss because o ...
Is her booms have 34C like her ad said? Age 40+ is no problem for me and I really want to try after read your report. Her photo shows she have a good figure and look bigger than 34C. Was she undress during part 2 or you need to put your hand inside her dress to touch the ball?


原帖由 cityhunter2008 於 2009-5-3 01:05 發表




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