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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)

原帖由 CY+Kong 於 2012-3-27 13:45 發表 昨日再做66...咪到我個膊頭呀...., 不過我已變成有膊頭, 有腰骨的男人....
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 林語堂 於 2012-3-30 12:48 發表 直接問一句, 連埋機場稅及撚油付加費, 埋單要幾錢?唔該

但此場形式上是齋場  幾個月前本题有討論過亦曾確立此点
故若有會員去回答此題  寫收費時不應再連上
於其它形式上是齋場的如東方棕泉 東方水匯 皇室水療等。

相關搜索目錄: 水療
  • milook 體力 +3 我很認同 2012-4-2 21:20
  • milook 威望 +3 我很認同 2012-4-2 21:20
  • milook 金錢 +3 我很認同 2012-4-2 21:20
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 danny_partner 於 2012-4-18 19:55 發表 The business is getting tough... BGs told me that there are a number of new game rulesIncreased to 5x to 7x booking orders each monthsThose booking order must be by phone.. otherswise the bookin ...
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-19 15:45 發表 I think one of my replies was just deleted ... the one asking about where Kings is locateddid I break any rules or asking something like this is not allowed ???
I saw that post of yours too.
No idea why it disappeared.
You can simply repost it.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-19 16:13 發表 quick question ... where is King's ? is it in North Point about 1 block away from Windsor ?
I presume that 安全兄 was referring to that joint .
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Regarding cfu teaching underskilled girls,in the past there have been one or two occasions when a veteran cfu was  called upon to teach newly-joined girls on an adhoc basis.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-4-25 16:12 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-26 16:07 發表 You're so right about the market not being fair, nor can it be fair, given the way the sauna scene works in HK.Airport saunas have no tipping system - is that fairer for the BGs ? I'm not sure ...
perhaps it would ease your disappointment
if you alternate between Windsor and another
sauna,say OPS. a diversion.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-26 16:31 發表 I do ... on HK side I'm a regular at Windsor, OPS and Lotto and I can say each establishment have their problems regarding treatment of their BGsI hope that what I've written over the past few ...
The panel of directors at Windsor should
have no problem understanding the English
here so far given their educational attainment .
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-26 16:31 發表 I do ... on HK side I'm a regular at Windsor, OPS and Lotto and I can say each establishment have their problems regarding treatment of their BGsI hope that what I've written over the past few ...
But dont you still patronise GFS from time
to time? Most probably you go to sauna
more than 'twice a week'.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-4-26 16:57 發表 good ... in fact, excellent ... more then excellent !I hope they read with care on what we have written in the past few days ... I hope they understand that we are long time clients and we a ...
I think it is really up to them and they need no reminder on keeping abreast of what is voiced here.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-4-26 17:22 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 carmanlam8888 於 2012-4-30 07:49 發表 Why big brother WhiteKitty is quiet on this subject?
If everyone actively expresses his opinions,I I can at times rest and read on. I wonder whether the ongoing discussion has exhausted itself.It has become somewhat lengthy. And you are
the one who refers to the subject of GFE most.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-4-30 08:07 編輯 ]
  • vibabe 威望 +10 讚! 2012-4-30 14:19
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 SCWT 於 2012-4-30 14:22 發表 there are more younger customers at windsor nowadays, too crowded
So you also go there now,if only occasionally.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 左擁右抱 於 2012-4-30 21:49 發表 做乜鬼用女朋友感覺, 都有問題, 乜有這禁制令如是肯定對這區失望

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-5-2 14:50 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 左擁右抱 於 2012-4-30 22:16 發表 再做乜鬼簡介一个人, 用高矮長短頭髮,都有禁制令, 更對這區失望
你不是新註冊 你看各题都有技師基本簡介啦。
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 observer2012 於 2012-5-2 15:56 發表 Indeed, Windsor is dropping its standards.  Perhaps there just aren't any capable bgs out there to hire anymore?  Any warm body will now do?I'm still not convinced there is a need for Windsor  ...
Regarding your question at the end
you could speak to them directly,
when presumably some of them are reading
you here.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 observer2012 於 2012-5-2 16:19 發表 Speak to them directly in this forum?  I think it would be good if someone from management joined us here!  (Consider that a direct request to Windsor management!)
I mean speak to them face to face over your concerns, not necessarily (getting them) here.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 observer2012 於 2012-5-2 17:01 發表 You mean like a "town meeting"?  Have a bunch of customers show up?  Think they'd be open to that?
I mean simply you (second person singular)
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Just a note : old and new Windsor are under different

God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 SCWT 於 2012-5-3 12:55 發表 airport closed
Would you please elaborate?
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 observer2012 於 2012-5-3 12:48 發表 放鬆, brother!  Carmanlam is an outlier; not your average bloke (although he seems to want everyone to think everyone is like him).  I agree with you that extra services in a veggie sauna should b ...
Of all that is necessary to make a place classy .
I'd like to hightlight one thing,which is that
even though there are at times customers
who can be quite noisy, no staff members should
add to that noise,which would simply positively reinforce
noisiness on the part of customers as if it were
the norm.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Did you guys know that all along these days, there is a thread about Windsor Spa in a Chinese forum on the local best-known night life advertising website (where twiceaweek happens to be the moderator of that forum's English counterpart there) which was initiated by a member there 'carmanlamXXX' (XXX being a variant number that differs from our carmanlam's here). People have been discussing in that thread predominantly in Chinese, including that carmanlamXXX. There carmanlamXXX claims, among other things, that he has managed to search the upper and lower parts of the bodies of bgs, undo bras and secure hj, though without specifying any bg number. He says he has even slipped money into the room for bgs and waited for bgs outside after the massage session for something more, and even seems to suggest, in the late hours of the night,  that he has  'done it' with bgs in the massage room....
I tend not to think that this carmanlamXXX in the other forum is the same person as our carmanlam here, as ours almost always writes in Chinese and I don't think he would ever bother to write so much Chinese anywhere online. Maybe I 'm right or wrong, and I don't accuse people without evidence.
However, one thing interesting is that on two recent occasions when something was said in this thread here, it got mentioned very soon in that other thread by carmanlamXXX. First, it was the management's reiteration of the rule against switching off lights and next, the patrolling of staff in the corridors recently reported here. In both cases, carmanlamXXX or someone else comment that these
actions either hardly work during very late hours or with bgs serving familiar customers.
It follows that  the carmanlamXXX there habitually reads our thread here and is possibly a poster here too. I wonder what his real intentions are with all the graphic detail he portrays. To alert the authorities and to thwart Windsor's plan to open 2/F?  Haha...

相關搜索目錄: SPA
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


smart of you to notice that at the time. And 'carmanlam' in that non-advertising,independent forum did write in English.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-5-4 11:36 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 CY+Kong 於 2012-5-4 12:31 發表 突然多左幾粒跳豆係度亂跳亂撞
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 SPA愛上她 於 2012-5-6 07:29 發表

全新男公關進駐 , 交談經驗豐富 , 曾在維港夜班 , 名字叫澤兄 ...
阿澤本來已轉行, 现在重返了。

相關搜索目錄: SPA
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-5-7 10:14 發表 Didn't expect you'd mention that I'm a moderator of another forum - from what I derived in one of your previous replies to me here ...anyway, with the years some of us have spent in forums I t ...
You shouldn't have been surprised that I incidentally
mention you as the moderator of another forum as you
once mentioned your forum in an exchange with me here .
God's mill grinds slow but sure.




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