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[原創] 现在是什么教育

這個不應該是家長教的嗎?  為什麼要依賴學校教做人的道理?  家長也有責任呀, 要生就要教.


家長教做人, 老師教常識.  這才是理所當然吧.


那裡來的邏輯....  你生的孩子又不是政府強迫你生的, 何來要反強迫政府負起教你孩子做人的責任?  都怪在其他人身上, 要政府教家教的小孩不如直接給政府養好了.  只會付米飯錢的家長還有什麼用?


原帖由 adoresex 於 2007-7-3 13:50 發表


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-7-3 16:17 發表
I would say the worst stuff in Hong Kong is the atmosphere of the whole city, people are result oriented (examination) and people are money oriented, people act and speak in two completely differen ...
the problem isn't only in Hong Kong, albeit Hong Kong suffers from this problem more than many other cities due to it's short limited history and the rapidity the large immigrant population has to adapt to the surroundings.  people in Hong Kong are blind followers of the alpha male, mass media.

with consideration of the types of discussion that goes on in the Politics forum, i seriously suggest government provide mandatory parenting courses prior to a couple's first birth.  i've recently heard of yet another person, a teenage girl, who until 2 weeks prior to giving birth, did not realize she was pregnant.  (and according to the logic of the OP, it's the school system to blame.  )


i don't see a problem with teaching in the "mother tongue" as much as the politicians who want to push it fast.  Chinese should learn Chinese as first priority(and by Chinese i don't mean Mandarin or Simpleton Chinese).  Mixed language teaching is bad for children, and leading to the famous "Trainee become 青衣" quote from that airport recording.  I strongly believe in people being able to speak at least 1 language properly, instead of a mix of blurred languages (and this indirectly targets Singaporeans in general).

the main problem of this thread, is still that some people believe all the burdens of teaching, from general education like languages, math, and science, to morality, social, and even sexual education, should be on the teacher.  that's a pathetic excuse by irresponsible parents.  people need to learn to take responsibility if they decide to have children.  maybe then, the teachers will have less family problems to deal with and be able to teach properly.


原帖由 成熟溫柔男士 於 2007-7-7 13:29 發表

好簡單一個問題, 作為父母一定要經過 性行為 才有下一代, 咁點解同佢地解釋佢地點會出生時又要咿咿哦哦諸多比喻呢?
點解香港人仲係接受唔到性教育, 仲要逃避正視 "性" 呢?
如果要以身作則難道要禁慾 ...
非常對.  老一派教育經常利用恐嚇防範,用體罰處理學生,但一到有關性的問題就當冇聽到, 如果當有聽到就如同偷扼拐騙來罰.  最明顯例子就係美國同日本.  家庭教育上一個暴力開放另一個近代性開放.  一個校園槍殺事件多不勝數, 一個犯罪率對人口比例算世界之少.  國內同台灣口講說不和引起打架更是日常便飯.  有些比較白目就將暴力問題推到同性有關.  難道對家長來說,做愛比打架壞嗎?


原帖由 meme1980 於 2007-7-9 08:21 發表
多謝各位留言, 對於本人之前對Kathy小姐的言論其實只是有感而發, 並沒有包含任何敵意, 而我對Kathy小姐教導兒子的方法亦頗欣賞, at least她有對香港現時的教學制度有所提出, 及批評, 而對小孩子亦有她教導的方法, ...
在你自己眼中比較好吧.  為什麼要不斷強調她在成人版之事?  為什麼一直不說你是否也有入成人版才知道她有在成人版寫文章之事?  我不像"成熟"兄有文才, 寫得比較直接.  但我覺得要對人說教最重要是有說服力.

到現在都沒有一個所謂傳統教育的人能說出"暴力沒有性壞"的理由.  是宗教的問題吧.  有看 "達文西密碼"(小說) 都應該明白到的.

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