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原帖由 Orange+Fai 於 2007-8-17 17:44 發表

我唔知邊忽得罪你喎, 阿 lu 小姐, 做咩咁中意周圍點火?
我的立場大家都有眼睇, 我係呢度一個人都唔識, 亦未見過呢度任何一個人, 唔似得你咁中意玩乜野拉關係.

personal attack!  no evidence provided!

i do request a proper apology for allure, cos Orange Fai is suggesting allure is having relationship with others.
that's an extremely serious 抹黑 & Organge Fai obviously hasn't got any evidence to support what he said.
having or making relationships.. is very negative statement... and his saying did make allure feel being insulted & he's not speaking in a polite manner for sure!


放鬆啲啦香港人... I agree...

Also, no matter who is right or wrong, (I'm sorry that I don't have time to understand all the inside history)... I strongly suggest men should be polite to ladies here... I'm a man as well.  And pls 讓下女仔.   

The most useful phrase is : "I'm sorry".  That is easy to say and very useful even for the head of the USA to apologize to China.

I repeat, pls be polite.   We men have the absolute responsiblities to be polite to ladies here...


as demonstrated, a phrase, a word, can have many many meanings...

like the word: "relationship"

if you're saying "relationship" and make it connect with ladies, this is evidently not polite.  Pls apologize.




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